amandakay23 Posts: 156
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I had to convince someone at my work today that I eat 5X a day...if not more. I was getting my oatmeal ready and she says.."I am just glad to see you eating!" I said, "I eat all the time, 5 meals a day at least!" and showed her my log, since I was on. She proceeded to make comments, "I just worry about you starving yourself, I really hope you are eating, you are so skinny.." UM...REALLY??? I eat more than anyone I know and I weigh 160 freaking is that SO SKINNY! Some people.....she had gastric bypass surgery and is the same weight as me the last time we talked about it...just frustrating. Thanks for letting me rant. =)


  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    Grrrr! Nosy co workers just need to stay quiet!
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    Just ignore it. You know what's healthy. I get the same at 169 at 5'9" when I say I want to lose 20 more
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    For someone who has had to have gastric bypass, it is probably hard to imagine someone being thin and eating food. Before I lost 25 pounds it was hard for me to imagine too! It took me a while to figure out that there are a lot of foods out there that allow me to eat twice as much as I used to with half the calories.
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    I notice the more weight I lose the more people are on me about this same thing. Especially my 82 year old grandma who tells me that I am just too thin and need to put back on 10 pounds. (I am in the mid range of a healthy BMI) I feel great and to me, that's all that matters....and I'm sure it's the same for you. I have to wonder sometimes if people aren't just jealous?
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I had to convince someone at my work today that I eat 5X a day...if not more. I was getting my oatmeal ready and she says.."I am just glad to see you eating!" I said, "I eat all the time, 5 meals a day at least!" and showed her my log, since I was on. She proceeded to make comments, "I just worry about you starving yourself, I really hope you are eating, you are so skinny.." UM...REALLY??? I eat more than anyone I know and I weigh 160 freaking is that SO SKINNY! Some people.....she had gastric bypass surgery and is the same weight as me the last time we talked about it...just frustrating. Thanks for letting me rant. =)

    You shoulda said, don't worry it's not my lack of eating, it's all the coke I blow on the weekend
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    I had to convince someone at my work today that I eat 5X a day...if not more. I was getting my oatmeal ready and she says.."I am just glad to see you eating!" I said, "I eat all the time, 5 meals a day at least!" and showed her my log, since I was on. She proceeded to make comments, "I just worry about you starving yourself, I really hope you are eating, you are so skinny.." UM...REALLY??? I eat more than anyone I know and I weigh 160 freaking is that SO SKINNY! Some people.....she had gastric bypass surgery and is the same weight as me the last time we talked about it...just frustrating. Thanks for letting me rant. =)

    You shoulda said, don't worry it's not my lack of eating, it's all the coke I blow on the weekend

    That's awesome.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Doesn't sound like a friend to me. Stay away from negative people.

    Who cares if she doesn't believe you. You know what the truth is.
  • 37mom
    37mom Posts: 74
    I had to convince someone at my work today that I eat 5X a day...if not more. I was getting my oatmeal ready and she says.."I am just glad to see you eating!" I said, "I eat all the time, 5 meals a day at least!" and showed her my log, since I was on. She proceeded to make comments, "I just worry about you starving yourself, I really hope you are eating, you are so skinny.." UM...REALLY??? I eat more than anyone I know and I weigh 160 freaking is that SO SKINNY! Some people.....she had gastric bypass surgery and is the same weight as me the last time we talked about it...just frustrating. Thanks for letting me rant. =)

    You shoulda said, don't worry it's not my lack of eating, it's all the coke I blow on the weekend
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My husband keeps telling me the same thing. That I'm wasting away to nothing. I ask him if he honestly thinks that 157 is my ideal weight (I'm 5'5") and he acts like I'm lying about my weight! (who lies about weight more??) But the funny thing is that I am wearing the same size pants, in some cases the exact same pants, as when I was 10 lbs lighter 5 years ago and I swear they feel a little looser.
  • OrganicGal
    OrganicGal Posts: 15
    People are always going to share their opinions. Just look at us all here. LOL She probably wants to try to "help" you, warranted or not. I'm sure you look amazing at 160#. (Some people would be thrilled with 160#.) I weigh the same as you and people are always saying "Look at how skinny you are...You look so good". So I smile, thank them, and go on my way...after having just berated myself that morning on the scale because I'm not 135# (my ultimate goal weight). Those that have underwent gastric bypass can't always relate because of the new restrictions placed on their bodies as the result of their surgery. I eat 5-6x a day...small meals and healthy snacks. I get "You eating again!" all the time. I just laugh and say "'s that time again." Roll with the punches and come up smiling every time!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I notice the more weight I lose the more people are on me about this same thing. Especially my 82 year old grandma who tells me that I am just too thin and need to put back on 10 pounds. (I am in the mid range of a healthy BMI) I feel great and to me, that's all that matters....and I'm sure it's the same for you. I have to wonder sometimes if people aren't just jealous?

    Awe, your grandma is just from a different age, when women were expect to have curves that didn't come from surgery and hips were pretty.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I had to convince someone at my work today that I eat 5X a day...if not more. I was getting my oatmeal ready and she says.."I am just glad to see you eating!" I said, "I eat all the time, 5 meals a day at least!" and showed her my log, since I was on. She proceeded to make comments, "I just worry about you starving yourself, I really hope you are eating, you are so skinny.." UM...REALLY??? I eat more than anyone I know and I weigh 160 freaking is that SO SKINNY! Some people.....she had gastric bypass surgery and is the same weight as me the last time we talked about it...just frustrating. Thanks for letting me rant. =)

    Oh I hear ya.. I weigh 159 and stand at 5'9. Everyone always goes you are SO SKINNY! You need to stop trying to lose weight.. even my trainer said to me last week "Um, are you eating" when I told him that I lost another 5 pounds and made it down to 160.

    Just because we're tall and we don't look that big, doesn't mean that we don't feel/actually are big... I wish people would understand that concept.
  • breskittle
    breskittle Posts: 75 Member
    People at my work say the same thing to me!! It's so frustrating!
    I just want to say, don't try to lecture me on my eating habits when you order out almost every day!!
    I am constantly eating all day, I'm just eating the right things to help me achieve my goals.

    I got a heart rate monitor to track my calories during my workouts and my co-worker had the nerve to tell me I was becoming obsessed. Sorry I want to keep track of my health!!

    Its amazing how passive aggressive and negative people can be towards people actually achieving their goals
    instead of, like most people I work out, whine every day about how chubby they are but never do anything about it.

    They are jealous girl! Don't let them get you down or mess you up! Sounds to me like you're doing great
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    No reason to get mad. Put yourself in her shoes. She had to have surgery and starve herself to get to a healthy weight. It's unfair for her to judge you, but it's also unfair for us to judge her. It's unfortunate that she had to go to extremes, but we don't know her whole story. Obviously, she didn't have the tools and knowledge to get herself healthy. Her comments are probably made out of ignorance and a little bit of envy. I say laugh it off and be happy that you are not in her shoes.

    You've lost 70 pounds the right way. Who cares what anyone thinks. You're awesome.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member

    Oh I hear ya.. I weigh 159 and stand at 5'9. Everyone always goes you are SO SKINNY! You need to stop trying to lose weight.. even my trainer said to me last week "Um, are you eating" when I told him that I lost another 5 pounds and made it down to 160.

    Just because we're tall and we don't look that big, doesn't mean that we don't feel/actually are big... I wish people would understand that concept.

    I totally sympathise with this. I'm 5'8 and 160lbs and everyone keeps saying 'ooo, you can't lose another 20lbs you'll be far too skinny'. I won't! I'm only just in a healthy BMI now! It's nice that people obviously think I weigh less than I do but it is a little irritating when they start being negative about it. I've come down from 225 and I want to get to 140. That would give me a BMI of 21.5ish, which is very healthy. Mine is 24.3 at the moment so I'm hardly skimping. (Oh, and I know what I look like naked and I could definitely stand to lose 20lbs!!!)
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Our culture seems to have embraced bigger bodies, and become totally phobic about eating disorders (as a whole).

    I got a similar comment from my mom - "don't get too skinny" (says the person who used to be 100lbs before she had me - mind you, she's only 5' tall but still). I still have a loooong way to go before I get "too skinny". :s
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    Our culture seems to have embraced bigger bodies, and become totally phobic about eating disorders (as a whole).

    Not exactly. Look at what was considered beautiful 50 years ago and compare it to today. Curves and a little padding were sexy. Today celebrities and models have to be rail thin. They are ridiculed on TV and in the tabloids if they aren't.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Our culture seems to have embraced bigger bodies, and become totally phobic about eating disorders (as a whole).

    Not exactly. Look at what was considered beautiful 50 years ago and compare it to today. Curves and a little padding were sexy. Today celebrities and models have to be rail thin. They are ridiculed on TV and in the tabloids if they aren't.

    And I believe that part of what causes the obesity epidemic. People know they don't want to put for the ridiculous effort it takes to get to that size and think "why bother".
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    Stab her.
  • mosneakers
    mosneakers Posts: 343 Member
    People at my work say the same thing to me!! It's so frustrating!
    I just want to say, don't try to lecture me on my eating habits when you order out almost every day!!
    I am constantly eating all day, I'm just eating the right things to help me achieve my goals.

    I got a heart rate monitor to track my calories during my workouts and my co-worker had the nerve to tell me I was becoming obsessed. Sorry I want to keep track of my health!!

    Its amazing how passive aggressive and negative people can be towards people actually achieving their goals
    instead of, like most people I work out, whine every day about how chubby they are but never do anything about it.

    They are jealous girl! Don't let them get you down or mess you up! Sounds to me like you're doing great

    Yep, I've heard the "you're becoming obsessed" thing too. Uh, no, I'm not obsessed, I'm fat!!! If there's one thing I might be "obsessed" about it's about feeling good about myself. I'm sorry if it takes me a little longer to order at a restaurant now, I'd like to have an idea as to what I'm eating (this is especially tough when a menu is not online).

    You are all doing great - keep it up!
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