This time last year...



  • Syneea
    Syneea Posts: 451 Member
    This time last year I had a 3 month old and was approximately 177 pds (5'8)... I begin gaining weight when the baby was around six months, although with me BF, I thought I'd be Losing!! .. Anyway, Because my weight is mostly evenly distributed overall, I didn't really feel "fat" at that time... I liked my curves just could have missed the fat around my waist which accompanied them. Well I started actively working out consistently in June of this year and now I'm 171 pds down from a high of 193...with approximately 7 of those pounds lost in the last two weeks due to my many Fitbit challenges and stricter calorie counting... I have 8ish pounds to go before I am considered "normal" weight and about 15 pounds to go before I feel comfortable enough to reduce the cardio and relax the food intake a little bit... I've started heavy lifting recently and can't Wait to begin a recomp at maintence!
  • joshuajdouce
    joshuajdouce Posts: 70 Member
    This time last year I was:
    • I was 50lbs heavier
    • I could barely run for 2 minutes
    • Suffered from severe lack of motivation
    • All my clothes were tight or too small

    12 Months on:
    1. I love exercising especially wieghts and crossfit!
    2. I can play sports for long periods without feeling breathless
    3. I need a new wardrobe as all my clothes are getting too big!
    4. Now enjoy eating healthy
    5. More motivated than ever both in fitness and my career!

    Great thread here good to remind yourself how much progress you have made!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Last year:

    This year: See my profile

    Something about this season. :#:'(:s
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    ssbeadlady wrote: »
    This time last year I could hardly fit behind the steering wheel of my van. This week I noticed I could pass my purse and canes between me and the steering wheel when I got in and out of the Van due to the 65 pounds I have lost.

    Ha! I was just imagining how BIG your purse might be! Just imagine if it was a 65 pound purse!

    Great work and keep it up!

  • fourterrys
    fourterrys Posts: 90 Member
    This time last year I was dreading the holidays- all the parties, running into people I hadn't seen, finding something to wear the wouldn't look "too" bad. All the FOOD! Also I was planning my 25th anniversary trip to Mexico- dreading wearing a bathing suit and squeezing onto the plane.

    Started MFP in March and am now down 50 pounds- from 245 to 195. Still have 25 to go for my original goal and then we'll see from there...

    Now I am looking forward to running into people I haven't seen in a while. I can't wait to go out and get something great to wear to all the parties and best of all I know that I can handle all the FOOD. I can now make better choices when I go out and I don't overeat. I'm so much more in control now!

    Great thread! Nice to look back and see how far I've come....
  • yokohama041965
    yokohama041965 Posts: 34 Member
    This time last year I was 126 lbs heavier, no motivation, no exercising and no fun. Now exercise daily, eat healthier and have 18 lbs to lose. I have been on MFP just under 9 months and plan on losing the rest before New year. Congrats to everyone!!
  • SuzLink
    SuzLink Posts: 32 Member
    What a great thread! Thank you for making it as I feel really good about how far I've come :)
    This time last year:
    1. I was 37lbs heavier
    2. My BMI was 29.4 & is now 23.6
    3. I could hardly jog for 5mins without needing to stop for breath, I can now do 40mins at the same pace & even then I am not quite as exhausted
    4. I completed the first 30 days of Insanity, but then gave up as it was difficult, but this year I completed all 60 days & feel I managed it better, even if it was all in the mind
    5. Last year I gave up too easily, my head told me I couldn't do something so I'd stop, now it pushes me on, as I know I am stronger & fitter, & I can do more!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Enjoy all of the great success story. It has been a year since I stopped dieting and started to eat for health. Weight is down about 30 pounds but now can walk a long distance unaided as well as I am able to get in and out of autos and seats at the movies. The major plus was my arthritis pain levels dropping from 7-8 most days to 2-3 in the first 30 days after I cut out grains and sugars. Now a year later the pain level is even a tad less.

    May we all make health gains over the next 12 months. Since I did not regain this time and still am eating for health others that I know just started eating for health and seeing health gains already. We can show the way for others that have failed many times as I did over the past 40 years.
  • taymam
    taymam Posts: 55 Member
    This time last year... I was seeking treatment for post partum depression, I had prepped for months mentally to make a change in myself. I was 213 pounds. Still wearing maternity clothing and never had owned a pair of jeans or shorts. I cried frequently in the closet or the shower so no one would see me cry. I refused to weigh myself. No confidence, self worth, self esteem, and just a general lack of satisfaction.

    This year I'm down nearly 50 pounds. I have changed everything, my house, my routine, my clothing, my job all to promote this happy lifestyle. I am positive, optimistic, confident and proud. I have made a huge desicion to go back to school and get a degree in psychology and chase my dreams which I never had the self confidence to do before now. I feel stylish when I leave my house, and even though my kid is poking my fat as I type and relishing how stretchy it is, I'm still thrilled with myself. I feel as though I can do anything
    I deal with obstacles without anger and fear but jump right in and do what needs to be done. And it's totally empowering.
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    I had to look at my tracker to remind myself where I was this time last year.

    November 7, 2014 I weighed 147 lbs. I had a 4 month old who REFUSED to sleep longer than 1 hour at a time, and even though I'd lost MOST of my baby weight, I was exhausted, did no exercise, and was starting to feel depressed.

    Now, I'm 129 lbs. My 16 month old keeps me on my toes (He does sleep at night, Whew! 10-11 hours at night) but I wouldn't have it any other way. I do body weight training, HIIT, and dumbells 4-5 x a week, and I feel GREAT!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    The photo below isn't quite a year ago, but that's pretty much what I looked like a year ago. As you might be able to guess, I am a cyclist, and was cycling then, but I was really struggling with it. Slow. Puffing like a steam engine trying to get up even small hills.

    January 2015: Before ... and actually, I gained a couple kg after that photo was taken and before I started with MFP (mid-Feb).

    The photo below is me in September. I've lost a couple more kg since then and am getting really close to my goal now. And cycling is so much better! I'm still not fast, but definitely faster than I was, and hills don't seem nearly as difficult.

    September 2015: Getting close to "after" ... I'm not quite at my goal yet.

    And a little story ... Nov 1, 2014, my husband and I cycled a 100 km timed event. I pushed it the whole way, barely took any breaks, and we rolled into the finish with seconds to spare. I was exhausted and decided I wouldn't do any more events that summer. If I could barely finish 100 km, there was no point in trying anything longer.

    Nov 1, 2015, my husband and I cycled the same 100 km timed event again. I rode at a reasonably relaxed pace, took breaks, but kept them short, and rolled into the finish with about 45 minutes to spare ... and feeling good. I'm looking at the schedule for more events this year. :grin:
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    Wow! Fantastic. Love your pics! You look great( and probably feel it too.)
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    This time last year I was about 25lb heavier, and ended up gaining another 12lb throughout the holidays (aka November - March??) I allowed myself to let go "for the holidays" and it went too far, due to my mentality. This year I have a much better plan for the holidays and I'm ready!
    This time last year I also didn't run/jog AT ALL. Now I can run more than a mile straight - and a 9:27 min mile at that! My fitness is much better overall now, than it was.
    I was also a size 14-16 this time last year - I'm currently a 10!

    First pic was from thanksgiving last year
    Me currently!
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    This time last year, I reached my maintenance level and now...I am still there!!! Yah me
    Not an easy task but I think I finally figured this out
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    This time last year, I reached my maintenance level and now...I am still there!!! Yah me
    Not an easy task but I think I finally figured this out

    MY HERO!!!! :smiley:

  • MacHaloC
    MacHaloC Posts: 42 Member
    This time last year I was weeks away from my ah-ha moment. I was a nearly 250 lb size 20. Miserable and easily winded, stress eating hermit. Now I am a size 10 who loves to socialize on trail runs. I'm not done yet, but I am loving the journey!
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,212 MFP Moderator
    You guys are absolutely amazing! And I love this thread, OP. Thanks. :)

    This time last year, I had just started maintenance, and was considering signing up for a half marathon.

    This year, I've been maintaining my weight for a full year, have completed a half marathon, this past weekend did a 10K with a friend of mine just for fun... and am thinking of signing up for a couple more races... just for fun.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was studying for my aquatics instructor certification
  • aliciasilfies
    aliciasilfies Posts: 179 Member
    I love everyone's successes over the past year. This is a great way to put things into perspective!

    This time last year my boyfriend and I had just moved 2500 miles away. I was miserable, homesick, and overwhelmed. I was at my highest weight ever and was without a single job prospect. I barely left the couch/bed and ate anything and everything in sight.

    A year later, I am down over thirty pounds and have lost over 40 inches. I love lifting and am wrapping up my first ballet class, both of which are things that I never in my life would have considered doing. I have a job that I love and I have grown to love where I live. I am seriously happy with my life and now think that the move was one of the best things that we have done as a couple! :)
  • forruths
    forruths Posts: 196 Member
    Such a great thread-thanks for sharing everyone-you are great motivators!

    This time last year I was entrenched in depression after losing my 47 year husband to cancer a couple of years earlier. I was up to 276 lb and my bad knee was giving me so much pain I could barely walk a mile and it stiffened up terribly when I wasn't moving. I was comfort eating and although eating a pretty balanced diet my portions were too big and chocolate was my downfall! I really didn't want to be alive.

    Now, having lost 37lb of my needed weight loss in the last 3 months my knee is more forgiving and I enjoy the gym for cardio, weights and Aqua twice a week and always fit a 4-5 mile walk into my week somewhere. I have hardly any clothes to wear because I've donated everything that was too big and don't want to spend out for clothes when I'm just passing through this weight! Lol!

    I'm looking forward to more weight loss knowing that moving will get easier with each pound lost. And looking forward to clothes shopping in just about whatever shop I like (that's a few months away yet!) and I'm looking forward to fitting easily into the plane seat when I fly to NJ to see family next April!

    I feel like I'm slowly but steadily reclaiming my life.
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