Dirty 30- Let's get healthy!

laurenlmt Posts: 141 Member
Hello, I turned 30 in March- I know I am a little late on creating this. Which is why I am here! I have gone through a messy divorce in my late 20's and now I am ready to get my "college year" body back; so I can take on this new decade feeling sexy as well taking care of my body for the years to come. I am looking for some friends who also want to adopt a new lifestyle and loose weight in the process. Please post a message if you are interested I am looking for people between the ages of 26-36. I would like to stick in this age group because I feel we would relate better and have common goals. (its ok if you are not in this age group I am looking for people who want to change their lives!)

I look forward to hearing from you! Good Luck


  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I'm 35 and aiming for a better body than I had in college :)
  • beckys725
    beckys725 Posts: 5 Member
    I turned 30 in July. I just had a baby in April and am just 7 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, plus I would like to lose about 15 pounds beyond that to be where I was a few years ago!
  • laurenlmt
    laurenlmt Posts: 141 Member
    Great! Add me as your friends if you haven't already. I just joined this website so I am trying to figure out a good way everyone can communicate. Although exercise is really important everything I read diet is the key to weight loss. I am not interested in doing any Fad Diets I would like to find something that I can do for the rest of my life. What are your current goals? Do you have a nutrition plan in place yet?
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I am 29, will turn 30 in March. I went through a divorce a couple years ago as well. I have lost 37lbs, but have another 20-30 to drop before I'm in the healthy range for my height. Feel free to add me, I'm on here daily.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I also turned 30 in March.. and ready to get my pre kids body back... I'll send you a FR
  • desiraeharris16
    desiraeharris16 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 30 and feel that it's time to just to finally look and feel better by losing weight the right way.
  • laurenlmt
    laurenlmt Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome everyone, again give me any tips or suggestions on how you want to share info.
  • VanityAngel2015
    VanityAngel2015 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I turned 30 in March to. Trying to get the body I've always wanted. Can't do fad diets ( they never last), I'm just eating what i like in smaller quantities. I feel that's more sustainable. :)
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I'm 26, and so far down to 183 from 210. My goal is somewhere around 160. Add me, I'm always on. Lol
  • 35 in September, looking for people that are supportive to help keep each other motivated. I've worked out for a while, but it's my food intake that completely stops my weight loss. I'm 163, looking to be about 150 by Feb. It's the hardest 13 pounds of my life. It's take a year to gain that weight, a little at a time but going down 5 pounds feels just about impossible without reducing my calories to about 900 a day. :-(
  • 31 and dying to reach my pre-husband weight. I've still got the husband plus a 2 year old, but I'd really like to get rid of the weight. About 30-40lbs to lose.
  • treetownmama
    treetownmama Posts: 12 Member
    31 and working toward losing the weight I gained when I moved back home to the Midwest 7 years ago, plus another 20ish lbs to get into a healthy weight range. I'm looking to make a permanent lifestyle change and get to a weight I haven't been since high school. I have about 40 lbs to goal and I'm hoping to be 175 by the new year. I lost 45 lbs from my heaviest after I had my daughter, so tracking really does work! Tracking is the only thing I'm doing--I don't believe in and cannot do fad diets or elimination diets, or any kind of diet really. I just pay attention to what I'm eating and eat less. I do need to exercise more, though. Getting back to regularly doing yoga is my new year's resolution!
  • Hi! I am 32, married and have a one year old daughter. I have struggled with my weight for entirely way too long. Luckily, I lost the 30 lbs I gained during pregnancy but I'm still very far from my goal. I'm returning to Mfp after a couple months of not tracking anything. I have recently been working out regularly (jillian Michaels, 30 day shred) but I'm ready to be more diligent with my diet. I'm looking forward to following you all for support and motivation ❤
    We have 7 weeks until New years.....I'd really like to be feeling better by then!
  • Hey! This is exactly what I need. Just turned 31 last week and would really like to lose AT LEAST 20 lbs (''healthy'' weight for my 5' frame would mean losing at least 30 but I've been there and 1, not happy and 2, impossible to maintain). I'm happy between 130-135lbs...currently at 154ish. I blew up to 183 with first pregnancy and MANY complications. We're looking to get pregnant again mid2016 and I'd love to lose wight before gaining again! I need accountability!
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    I am turning 31 this December so I really feel you.. I used MFP to get into great shape four years ago but then I got into a bad car accident, I couldn't walk for months and it took a year before I could even walk without pain. I ate a lot out of depression and gained it all back so I am here starting over again. Happy to have more friends.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I turned 30 last week. This is the most fit I've ever been in my life. I literally weigh less than I did in middle school and can deadlift more than what my boyfriend weighs. 30 has been good to be so far :)
  • laurenlmt
    laurenlmt Posts: 141 Member
    That is great arditarose! Keep up the good work! Today I am reflecting on the quote "Live begins at the end of your comfort zone"... What will you do today to push yourself? How do you keep yourself motivated?
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    29 and I weigh less than I did when I was 19 years old! 30 is going to be even better!! Just getting into lifting to recomp since I'm in maintenance.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    JJLive wrote: »
    I am turning 31 this December so I really feel you.. I used MFP to get into great shape four years ago but then I got into a bad car accident, I couldn't walk for months and it took a year before I could even walk without pain. I ate a lot out of depression and gained it all back so I am here starting over again. Happy to have more friends.

    Well heck it sounds like you are one hell of a tough person to have gone through all that and still be here ready to kick butt!!
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    Turned 30 in April, just starting to come to terms. My first weight loss goal is 60 pounds which will get me to 154. I'm at 200 now after having lost 14 pounds... almost 1/4 of the way there! Looking to make my 30's the healthiest years of my life!