PASTA!!! Don't know what to do!!! HELP!!!

Pasta is one of my favorite things and I ate it a lot. :)

Since beginning my journey to loose weight, which is 25 days today, I have not ate pasta even once. The calories and carbs on the label scare me completely.
I recently purchased Catelli Healthy Harvest Whole Wheat Penne in place of regular pasta. Even this is a sacrifice because I know it won't taste the same. And the calories, fat and carbs are almost the same, but the Healthy Harvest has more fiber. That's the only difference so I don't so much get that either.
Since buying the Healthy Harvest, I haven't been able to bring myself to eat it.
I was thinking of making a chicken and penne stir fry for dinner, which sounds so yummy, but terrifies me. I would be getting a load of protein and some good fiber, but that doesn't seem worth it to me. The meal would easily come to 500 calories.
I don't want to be in a position where I can't have a snack later because I have used up all my calories. I could exercise, but it is no guarantee that I will get the time to. I have already exercised today but I do not feel good about eating back my exercise calories.

I need help. Am I right not to eat pasta? I have heard many times that pasta is good for you. But I don't understand how a food, with that much carbs and calories, can be good for me.

Here is the nutritional info:

SERVING: 3/4 cup
Calories: 310
Fat: 1.5g (it's great on fat!)
Carbs: 62g
Fiber: 8g
Protein: 12g

Thanks so much in advance for your comments and suggestions. :)


  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I eat pasta a few times week. I have the Barilla whole wheat pasta and it's 200 cal for a serving size which is 2oz. I weigh it before I cook it. It's the serving size is actually a pretty good size when it's cooked.

    I know it's scary to think about eating exercise calories but if you don't, your body can go into starvation mode...
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Is pasta "bad" for you, depending on your definition of bad, I would say no. Does it necessarily fit into your macros, well that's another question. If you really want to eat it, cut the serving size. Or find another brand, as that one seems a bit high in calories and carbs. But if you're stressing out this much over it, I would just skip it entirely. Just my thoughts though. I love my pasta from time to time as well.
  • rlmiller73190
    rlmiller73190 Posts: 342 Member
    if you deny, deny, deny then you're going to overindulge when you do decide to indulge. it's okay if a meal is 500 calories. maybe it'll fill you up and you won't want a snack later. if you enjoy you pasta now, you might not have a craving for it later. I say, eat it!
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    I eat pasta a few times week. I have the Barilla whole wheat pasta and it's 200 cal for a serving size which is 2oz. I weigh it before I cook it. It's the serving size is actually a pretty good size when it's cooked.

    I know it's scary to think about eating exercise calories but if you don't, your body can go into starvation mode...

    I had just grabbed my box of Barilla to compare the nutritional stats as well. Seems to be a better choice.
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I love pasta... and bread! I could live off those 2 things alone for the rest of my life! I'm having a hard time with letting go of all the bread and I miss it terribly. But I have found that the Healthy Choice Steamers (the one's with pasta) have been lifesavers for when I just can't go another day without pasta. I try to keep the boxed meals to a minimum by only preparing one when I don't have time to make dinner though. But it seems to be enough to curb my pasta cravings for a while. I totally know what you are going through! Good luck and stay strong. :)
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I ate pasta at least once a week before I got pregnant and still lost 53 pounds, along with chocolate and plenty of other "bad" things. I personally can't cut anything out because if I do that then this become a diet instead of a lifestyle.

    A serving of pasta every once in a while is not going to hurt your weight loss. And you can always work out a little longer that day to off set the calories and carbs.
  • pradatron
    pradatron Posts: 1 Member
    I eat the Catelli smart pasta. I refuse to give up pasta entirely as italian is one of my top cuisines. I figure indulgence is fine once in a while. I can't stand the healthy harvest stuff. It tastes like bread in noodle form..and that ain't right. :P
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    Definitely take a look at the store again for different brands, I know the generic brand I buy is 210 calories for 3/4 of a cup (still whole wheat, 5 fiber, 40 something carbs (I think 41) and low fat as well), not that its a lot better! I love pasta too! I just try to plan ahead for when I want it, plus I love tomato sauce so I load up on sauce and feel like I am eating more! Sometimes I mix it with ALOT of vegetables so I get my pasta but am more full due to eating so many veggies mixed in!


    EDIT: I haven't actually tried the pasta I mentioned...just bought it today....Hopefully its as good as white or I will just need to plan ahead and eat white pasta if that is what I like!! Also, I buy penne or ziti, since its my favorite!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I make 1 oz of whole wheat pasta dry or 1/2 cup cooked. In another pan I saute garlic, zuccini, yellow squash, peppers, tomato, mushrooms, onions. Add 1/2 cup of sauce and 1/4 cup of water I cooked the pasta in. Put the pasta in and let it cook until the sauce thickens and the pasta absorbs the flavors. You will not miss all the pasta there is so much food for little cal and carbs. Add a piece of grilled chicken or fish.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I am a pasta fiend. I love pasta. The other night I made a pasta bake which wasn't too bad on the cals (just under 500 a serve) but would definitely have been lower if I hadn't used a jar of sauce and just made my own.

    180g chicken breast strips, grilled and shredded
    1 small red capsicum, diced
    100g frozen broccoli, steamed
    100g frozen cauliflower, steamed
    2 cups uncooked penne, cooked
    1 jar Dolmio Three Cheese Pasta bake.

    Once everything was cooked, I threw it all into a baking dish, stirred through the sauce and sprinkled 100g grated cheese on top. Baked for about 20 mins on 200 celsius. Four generous servings.

    Next time I make it, I'll be making my own white sauce, reducing the pasta (I was looking for veg and wished there was less pasta while eating it) to 1 cup uncooked and doubling the broccoli, cauli and capsicum, as well as adding green capsicum, sliced mushrooms, diced zucchini, diced carrot, snow peas and probably onion.
  • dikent
    dikent Posts: 24
    If you are trying to get the most bang for your pasta, make sure you are eating the 100% whole wheat variety. Also, make sure you are careful with your portion size.

    I don't think any food should be a "no-no", but everything in moderation.

    Just as an example: One serving of Muellers whole wheat spaghetti, 6oz. boneless skinless chicken breast sauteed in 1 Tbsp. EVOO with onions, garlic, spinach and tomatoes topped with a couple Tbsp. of grated parmesan is approx. 575 cals., but it makes a HUGE plate full. It could easily be 2 or 3 meals especially if served with a mixed greens salad.
  • LacieLamp
    LacieLamp Posts: 109 Member
    Dr. Oz says to take White Kidney Bean Extract to basiclly paralize(sp?) carbs in pasta so basiclly its like not eating any carbs....Haven't tried it just saw it on his show.
  • kysassyblonde1
    have you tryed ronzoni smart taste pastas??? They have several different styles of pasta and are lower calorie and I cant taste any difference at all!!!!
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I haven't given up pasta at all- and I'm on a 1200 calories.

    I was *pleasantly* surprised what constitutes a serving size of thin spaghetti ( 2 oz, BEFORE cooking )...That is ALOT of pasta

    I LOVE the Ronzoni Smart Taste brand- a serving size is 1/4 of the box- and 170 calories.

    I often doctor up premade pasta sauces with addt'l spices- serving size 1/2 c. (approx. 50-80 calories depending on the brand)

    Yeah, I'm not missing out on pasta at all.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    The only "good" thing about the whole wheat pasta is there is a tiny bit more fiber (since it's undigestible, technially fiber can be subtracted from your Carbs).

    1. It's not 100% Whole Wheat, just whole wheat. All of it is that way.
    2. Fiber keeps you full longer.
    3. There may be a teeny bit more protein, but it's insignificant, really.
    4. The taste is good, not at all unpalatable, I think you'll like it. It seems a little drier, but not a lot.
    5. Like suggested above - cut the portion a little to cut cals.

    If all else fails, go back to your other favorite pasta, the regular kind. If you eat too much of either one, you're in trouble. So save it for a special meal, and treat it like any other carb - be it bread, crackers, rice, cereal, or pizza.

    You don't want to live on it, but it works in rotation. Maybe have it on a day where you have few other grains.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I eat pasta in moderation. I use a scale to measure. I only buy a few kinds: 1) whole wheat. 2) Ronzoni smart taste. 3) Garden Delight.

    I have learned that I can still eat LOTS of good stuff (ice cream. Yep. I said the naughty i word. Cakes, etc). You just have to make sure not to overdo it. Measure, measure, measure, and make sure you have the calories available before consuming them. I take my cake from the middle so there's less frosting. I use a little spoon to eat my ice cream so I have just as many bites but a smaller bowl than I used to eat, etc. I eat bread (pepperidge farm very thin whole wheat), I eat tortillas (Ole Xtreme wellness high fiber, low cal), etc. I have just learned that what my portions were before were OUT OF CONTROL.

    Now, I have a normal portion of lean meat (3-4 oz), half a plate of veggies (usually broccoli, asparagus, green beans; I eat less of starchy veggies like peas), and a little bit of pasta on the side.

    Losing weight doesn't mean missing out. Just cutting back. :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I like Ronzoni Smart Taste pastas. More fiber and protein then regular.

    Personally, most of my dinner's have been 700+ calories. Sometimes a lot more. Sometimes a lot lot LOT more! :laugh: I'll have a smaller breakfast and lunch so I can enjoy a dinner of foods I love. And that includes pasta and breads.

    If you're really worried about it, have a smaller serving. Eat a bulky LOOKING pasta like rotini or penne that takes up more space on the plate, but eat 1.5 oz instead of 2 oz.

    But denying the foods you love... that sounds like punishment. And you're doing a good thing for yourself by getting healthier, so it shouldn't feel like punishment.
  • BabyLove1606
    BabyLove1606 Posts: 23 Member
    omg buy the barilla plus, it is not whole wheat, but it is better than white and has a good amount of fiber and tastes the same!!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks. I love bread as well. And LOVE cheese. It's been a big challenge. :)
  • michelegrayson
    Good Lord, eat your pasta! Its ok! Yes, the whole wheat is better for you (and the only kind that I eat) but if you can't stand it, have the white stuff, stay within your calorie limits and see how it works out for you.

    I have learned not to deny myself anything that I want to eat as i will think of this as a diet and it is not a diet. It is a healthier lifestyle that i have chosen FOREVER. And that means every once in a while I need to have what I am craving. I just have to plan for it, measure it (portion control) and it is fine. I can't do it every day but if I want it, I can have it. I read a blog today by a woman who has pizza (a huge one!) every week and has lost 25 lbs. She just plans for it because this is something she really likes and she cannot imagine her life without it.

    I love ww tastes nutty and is chewier than the white stuff. Now when I go out to restaurants and have a pasta treat, I feel bummed because the stuff made with the white flour is not half as good (unless it is homemade italian pasta and then it is delicious!).

    Go eat your pasta and enjoy!!