Looking for Supportive friends!!

Hello! Looking to lose 50 pounds.. Need supportive friends. please add me and help me through this journey!


  • amee7x
    amee7x Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there :) my name is Amy and I just started on this too. Trying to lose 70 pounds! Eek x)
  • diana5kids
    diana5kids Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for responding!! We can motivate each other..
  • Courtneyyjune
    Courtneyyjune Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Im Courtney and im trying to lose about 40. Im super active! Lets do this!
  • kenziekcoop
    kenziekcoop Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am MaKenzie!
    Good luck on reaching your goal!
    I am trying to lose 20 pounds before my July 2016 wedding!
  • BornToLnL
    BornToLnL Posts: 5 Member

    i wanna gain twenty. lose 2.5 of bf%
    Hi! I am MaKenzie!
    Good luck on reaching your goal!
    I am trying to lose 20 pounds before my July 2016 wedding!

  • plopiefwend
    plopiefwend Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for supportive friends! Please add me! ☺
  • Fit_Takes_Time
    Fit_Takes_Time Posts: 24 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hey. I'm looking to lose 90 pounds! I'd love support and motivation and to make friends in the process!
  • Cylie5
    Cylie5 Posts: 26 Member
    Hey Diana! I am here for that as well hopefully we can support each other.
  • MeganDinkins1
    MeganDinkins1 Posts: 10 Member
    I hope everyone succeeds!
  • SabrinaP0069
    SabrinaP0069 Posts: 10 Member
    Let's do this!! Sending you all an add!!
  • elodykohl
    elodykohl Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I am hoping to loose 50lbs or more. Feel free to add me support and Motivation :)
  • salespage2016
    salespage2016 Posts: 3 Member
    feel free to add me, need support and motivation.
  • GillianLF
    GillianLF Posts: 410 Member
    I'm here since August (I think), log on daily, find the support here invaluable. I have an open diary and really think we all have the same goal, to feel better about who we are.
    Anyone can add me. Initially I joined to lose weight, that's no longer the priority but I hope it is a side effect of having a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • KarenGonzales3
    KarenGonzales3 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I am 65 and want to lose 40 lbs, joined a gym and am tracking food. Looking for someone to go on journey with me
  • rjjpeter
    rjjpeter Posts: 1 Member
    I would also love to have some supportive people
    On here! I'm looking to lose 25 but have been trying off and on for a long time now
  • Hi guys you can add me too. I've been on mfp for a few weeks and progress is slow but it's all good. I'm getting married in 8 months so I'm hoping for slow steady weight loss. Feel free to add me.
  • UGotThisGirl72
    UGotThisGirl72 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone.. Anyone can add me as well. . You can never have too much support! My current goal is to lose 30lbs and then work my way up to 50+
  • makingastart2015
    makingastart2015 Posts: 18 Member
    I am on day 5 now - I have 90lb to lose so a long slow process but I am determined to succeed ! Good luck everyone xx
  • eleazar_garcia
    eleazar_garcia Posts: 6 Member
    :) Hello, I'm also looking for new friends support, love the gym, but having a hard time with the nutrition part!, any support, welcome