Scale Scared: The woes of weighing in



  • vaguelyvegan
    vaguelyvegan Posts: 45 Member
    I used to feel that way too... and that is why I actually switched to weighing myself daily. I think it's harder to wait such a long time in between weighings because you don't get to see what's been happening in between. And by weighing frequently you get used to seeing flucutations.

    Imagine seeing 4 weight values in a month, vs seeing 30 weight values in a month. You'll have 26 more opportunities to see weight loss. The other way, if you get the 4 wrong dates, you might THINK you had a terrible month.

    This exactly. Daily weigh-ins have helped me learn about my body and they dilute the importance of any one reading. The small fluctuations help me stay mindful and engaged in my own health.
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I used to feel that way too... and that is why I actually switched to weighing myself daily. I think it's harder to wait such a long time in between weighings because you don't get to see what's been happening in between. And by weighing frequently you get used to seeing flucutations.

    Imagine seeing 4 weight values in a month, vs seeing 30 weight values in a month. You'll have 26 more opportunities to see weight loss. The other way, if you get the 4 wrong dates, you might THINK you had a terrible month.

    This exactly. Daily weigh-ins have helped me learn about my body and they dilute the importance of any one reading. The small fluctuations help me stay mindful and engaged in my own health.

    Ditto. Daily weigh-ins take the anticipation away from a single scale reading. They put each one into perspective. There are ups and downs, but each individual data point isn't particularly important. It's the overall long-term trend that matters.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    simply just dont weigh or wait until u see a difference in your clothes
  • robertw486
    robertw486 Posts: 2,390 Member
    Here is a great thread from NinerBuff on the issue.

    I was never really "freaked out" about the scale, or meeting a particular rigid goal. It just get on it, and it is what it is. But if the fluctuations worry people, I think for many weighing more often helps, as you see the ups and downs and get used to them.

    Apps like Libra or using Trendweight also help for some.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate my scale too. I only weigh every 3 weeks or so (I KNOW that I won't lose and gain 10 days after my period so I don't subject myself to that), and I log as accurately as possible so I always have a pretty good idea of what my weight will be, but it's still a bit nerve-wracking.. I make myself do it though... every month, a couple days after my period ends... because for me, not weighing is the first stage of denial.
  • FitCurves1818
    FitCurves1818 Posts: 90 Member
    This is why I now do the daily weigh-in. No big build-up to each weigh in, it's just a normal part of my morning routine. That coupled with recording the results in Happy Scale to identify trends has completely eliminated my anxiety with the scale.
  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    Agree with daily with ins. In fact, I weigh myself righ before i sleep and right after I wake up. It helps me judge how much water I'm retaining or losing. Also, I've started to realize what my body
    Looks like after gaining water vs gaining fat. Lastly, it helps me keep my pulse the week's trend. I still only record one weekly weigh in, just because I don't want to go through the hassle of twice daily recordings,
  • Nickle526
    Nickle526 Posts: 239 Member
    I'm switching to weighing in once a month. I used to weigh in once a week, but it would bum be out and kill my momentum if I had a gain of any kind. Different things work for different people, you may have to experiment to see what works for you.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I am a daily weigh person, but I did some analysis of my last months weights. If I had only been weighing every week, no matter which day I chose, I would have lost at least 3 out of 4 weeks. I trust the process. The scale isn't my enemy nor my friend, it is a tool, one tool of many I use to track my progress or lack there of. Weight is one number of many I use, because of water, one reading is not very meaningful, it is the trend that is important. Don't give this one reading unrealistic power, positive or negative, it could be an outlier. The only way to know what is really happening is to look at the trend.