November 2015 Running Challenge



  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    9voice9 wrote: »
    Working on my Christmas List - I'm thinking I want to put a running watch on it. I'm currently using MapMyRun on my phone, and have not had significant problems with it (except when I was trying to run intervals, but I don't do that anymore, working on pacing instead). MMR is pretty much just GPS, and uses that to calculate pace, etc.

    I *think* I want GPS and heart rate monitor - but I'm pretty sure I DON'T want a chest strap. I think that'd be aggravating enough that I'd not use it. I know that the strapless HRM is less accurate, but I'm guessing that it'll be self-consistent enough for my purposes (it might not be as accurate as a chest strap, but from run to run, it'll give basically the same info).

    My price range is ~$250 or less.

    What experiences can you, my cohort, share with me?
    • Do you use such a device, and what do you like/not like about it?
    • Have you used one in the past, but stopped - if so, why?
    • What should I be looking for that I've not thought of?

    I apologize if this has already been answered but I'm a little behind on reading the whole thread. I have the garmin forerunner 225 which is wrist-base HRM and I love it. The HRM is pretty accurate and it's within your price range.
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member
    Wow I didn't check in for a day and now I'm behind 77 posts! I'll have to read them all later, as I'm on my phone.

    11/1 - 2 miles
    11/2 - strength
    11/3 - 3 miles
    11/4 - strength
    11/6 - 3 miles
    11/7 - strength
    11/8 - 3 miles
    11/10 - 3 miles
    11/11 - 2.5 miles

    November: 16.5 of 45 miles completed
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    @kareF Yeah, after reading what @Stoshew71 had to say and the info from so many others, I've decided to just let it go. I'm going to go slow until I don't go slow anymore. I relaxed SO much today during my C25k W3D2 and had a better run time and a better run overall. Who knew I could do better by not caring how well I did?!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    and sometimes I do little bursts of faster running if I feel energized and then cut back down to my slow pace again..

    There's actually a name for that. It's called fartleks. It's a Sweedish word for "speed play".

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    @kareF Yeah, after reading what @Stoshew71 had to say and the info from so many others, I've decided to just let it go. I'm going to go slow until I don't go slow anymore. I relaxed SO much today during my C25k W3D2 and had a better run time and a better run overall. Who knew I could do better by not caring how well I did?!

    @Virkati and @kareF Wonderful testimonies both of you.
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    kareF wrote: »
    and sometimes I do little bursts of faster running if I feel energized and then cut back down to my slow pace again..

    There's actually a name for that. It's called fartleks. It's a Sweedish word for "speed play".

    :lol: and here I was wondering what this word 'fartleks' meant!!!
  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    @kareF Yeah, after reading what @Stoshew71 had to say and the info from so many others, I've decided to just let it go. I'm going to go slow until I don't go slow anymore. I relaxed SO much today during my C25k W3D2 and had a better run time and a better run overall. Who knew I could do better by not caring how well I did?!

    Ah see? We should care less! :smile: Easier to say than do sometimes though hey. Glad you had a better run! I can't wait to join you all again.. I am feeling miserable not being able to walk for exercise or run!
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 22 miles LR
    11/2: 5 miles recovery style
    11/3: XT: 15 miles indoor bike
    11/4: 10 miles
    11/5: 7 miles tempo run (am), 7.2 with the Thursday crew (pm)
    11/6: Rest day
    11/7: 6 miles
    11/8: 15 miles - partly with group, partly solo
    11/9: 5 miles
    11/10: XT: 30 mins yoga
    11/ 11: 6 miles
    11/12: 4 miles (am), 3 miles with the Thursday crew (pm)

    Hamstring felt better this evening, but still gonna baby the heck out of it. Now I'm eating dinner and still have 800 calories for the day since I ate conservatively, unsure if I'd be running 3 miles or 6 miles or 0 miles tonight. Time to splurge! :D



    Upcoming races:
    11/14: Harrington Park 5k (USATF-NJ Women's 5k Championships!)
    11/22: Philadelphia Marathon
    5/1: New Jersey Marathon
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    kareF wrote: »
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    kareF wrote: »
    and sometimes I do little bursts of faster running if I feel energized and then cut back down to my slow pace again..

    There's actually a name for that. It's called fartleks. It's a Sweedish word for "speed play".

    :lol: and here I was wondering what this word 'fartleks' meant!!!

    Me too! :)
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member

    Dang you, woman. Now I'm crying onto my keyboard.

    Thanks for sharing. I've already bookmarked their site ( and am thinking about the (few) medals I have, and can pass along.
  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    edited November 2015
    I am really struggling this week. Knee felt niggly but nothing major, couldn't find motivation to keep going tonight. I have been trying to go "easy" which is very slow (7-7.5kph) but feel that's not making me fitter or faster but when I try to push a little, I end up quitting. Feeling annoyed with myself. My BMI is 31 and I want to get this down. Any advice?

    Amanda - I went from 260# in 2007 to my current 192# with A LOT of stops and starts along the way. I started on the dreadmill at lunchtime at work, and now my day feels incomplete without a couple of miles. But there were a LOT of days (and honestly, still are at least a few) when I felt like you do now.

    It took you awhile to get to a 31 BMI, and it'll take awhile to get it down, but it WILL COME DOWN. Just be consistent - do a little when you feel like doing nothing, and do more when you can. Fake it 'til you make it. But listen to your body, and keep a vision in mind. At 51, I'm never gonna be hawt and skinny and sexy, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna be 260 ever again. My current goal is 175#, and then we'll see.

    Maybe your goal for now is to run every day for 10 minutes, or to lose 5 pounds this month. Choose something, and work towards it, realizing that if you didn't make it this time, next time you can.

    We're all in this together, and you will make it.
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    6 mile trail run on Spider Loop.


  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    @MamaMollyT .. Looks like you had lots of fun!!! :smiley:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited November 2015
    kareF wrote: »
    11/12 7 @ 11:45 (this is really like 5 at 10:50 and the rest a little slower), plus 1 at a walk on the treadmill. I am in some pain...yesterday was squats and lunges and this may have been a little aggressive of a run for right after. :( On the other hand, I did get to watch the entirety of "Bring It On". Where are my pompoms?!

    I did this a few weeks ago :lol: It hurts a 'little' doesn't it! I won't be doing strength training and a run the next day ever again lol
    @5BeautifulDays and @kareF - This is why Tuesday is leg day at strength training and Wednesday is my rest day :) I run Tuesday morning and train Tuesday afternoon and stretch and rest on Wednesday!
    @skippygirlsmom - loved the RunnersWorld story - definitely need the tissues and I think I may cross post it to the Half Fanatics FB page. Those folks have tons of medals they could choose to donate.
    @9voice9 - I did a lot of research and ended up with the Apple watch. The HRM is as accurate as my Polar with the chest strap most of the time but does have connectivity issues once in a while finding my HR if it is very dry out. I didn't want/need a GPS because I use MMR too and wouldn't likely stop using it or taking my phone with me. I also looked at the Fitbits (Surge and Charge) - my daughter has the Surge and loves it but it was just too bigh and bulky for my wrist. The Apple watch also has lots of other features that I really like so it ended up being the right choice for me but I also recommend listing out what you really want and then do lots of research, read the reviews, etc...

    Another great run today in between meetings. Picked up my replacement orthotics and they are wonderful - I will never wait 2.5 years again. The difference is like getting new shoes - wow! They are also going to 'refurbish' my old orthotics for only $30. Then I will have twos sets to rotate through just like I do my running shoes.

    I am getting nervous about my HM next Saturday (21st). It is an invitational with time requirements so I am hoping to at least hit my entry time.

    11/02.......4.84...........4.84 - + Agility
    11/03.......5.20.........10.04 - + Strength Training
    11/05.......6.23.........16.27 - + Strength Training
    11/06.......0.00.........16.27 - unplanned rest
    11/09......5.30..........32.07 - + Agility
    11/10......6.44..........38.51 - + Strength Training
    11/12......4.48..........42.99 - + Strength Training


    These are my upcoming races, let me know if you are going to be running too:
    11/21/15 - USA Invitational Half, San Diego, CA
    12/27/15 - Holiday Half, San Diego, CA
    02/07/15 - Surf City Half, Huntington Beach, CA
    02/20/15 - Special Edition Divas Half, Temecula, CA
  • patrikc333
    patrikc333 Posts: 436 Member
    06/11 - 13.5 miles
    07/11 - 10.3 km
    08/11 - 22.2 miles
    09/11 - 10.4 km
    10/11 - 13.2 miles
    11/11 - 13.4 miles
    12/11 - 10.4 km
    13/11 - 11.1 km

    and I had to stop. I tried, run 11.1km, then it was too painful and decided that 11/21 today is better than nothing for days. it is probably ITBS. and of course I was "only" 6km from home so I had to walk back in the freezing wind.

    really sad, this feeling of failure (I know it is not, but my depressing&depressed hormones are talking right now) is difficult to swallow.

    I hope to be ok tomorrow, but I doubt it, and also there is no way I'll do a long run on Sunday.

    what annoys me more is that this stuff comes without any sign, I was delighted on Wednesday that I managed to run 3 days with no leg pain finally, I was recovering pace and strength, and then I woke up like this yesterday

    I'll probably sit and stare at my monitor for the next 9 hours :disappointed:

  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    Hi guys. .done a 4.46 mile run today. ..since I went back to work I can only fit one run a week. Quite sad as I really enjoy it. Hope everyone is doing well. ..keep on rocking ☺
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Gah. Looks like I will have to comment from the side lines for a little bit as I seem to have buggered up my left foot. I am waiting for a GP's appointment at the mo.

    Did a long run on Sunday night and everything seemed fine as was Monday and Tuesday morning. Then on Tuesday afternoon the bottom of my foot started hurting next to the arch on the lateral side. Walking home that evening the pain got a lot worse and I had problems weight bearing.

    It seems to have levelled out over the last few days and I haven't run since last Sunday. The symptoms are still there but at a lower level and I am limping a little. I sincerely hope its not PF. If it is I intend to be cautious and maintain my fitness through cycling for a while.

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »

    I'll probably sit and stare at my monitor for the next 9 hours :disappointed:

    I'm right with you there bro...
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    patrikc333 wrote: »
    really sad, this feeling of failure (I know it is not, but my depressing&depressed hormones are talking right now) is difficult to swallow.

    So sorry. :'( You probably need to rest it a few days. You will come back even stronger. Hang in there. Everyone of us understands that sad feeling when you can't run.