The Warrior Diet- Switch on your Biological Powerhouse



  • kleighcooper
    kleighcooper Posts: 3 Member
    Nothing wrong with intermittent fasting. It's a valid approach that has been used with much success for a long time. My issue with this diet is the arbitrary restrictions on foods that are put in place. There's never a good reason, other than a specific medical condition, to ever just completely eliminate any type of food. Sure, cut out any foods you don't like, that's personal preference, but to not eat something just because a book says not to is usually more harmful then helpful. [/quote]

    I completely agree!

    I am just getting started with this principle. Fasting through the day and eating a wholesome meal in the evening is where I'm at. I make my own wholesome meals. Whatever that may be... As long as it's not junk food, I'm feeling great about it.
  • 17BigDaddy
    17BigDaddy Posts: 32 Member
    Hi..I'm's 12 years overdue...the last time I saw those washboard abs..I'm watching what I eat, putting in the work, and just received T25 in the mail...I'm commited to seeing them again...dropped 25 lbs in 2 months. Started out at 189 lbs and now down to 171 lbs. I want to get back to college weight and physique
  • alexkeithwatson
    alexkeithwatson Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2015
    What it is in a sentence: 'Fasting and eating all your calories in a certain window of time.' Say between 8 hours or 4. I have heard good things about it like certain health benefits. Feeling hungry is just hormones generated from a pattern of eating throughout your lifetime. There is nothing wrong with it at all. It just takes a lot of willpower. I did it for a few months and it wasn't easy especially last Christmas :open_mouth:

    Now I have other goals which intermittent fasting conflicts with. I don't think men are especially predisposed to the diet as it was so frigging long ago...
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Oh my gosh, that would be a totally miserable existence for me

    If it works for you and is the way you get to your calorie defecit for losing weight and can then stick to it for life for maintaining your weight loss then good luck with that
  • MaternalCopulator
    MaternalCopulator Posts: 125 Member
    Everything is made of chemicals, the only way to avoid them is to not eat, drink, or breathe... because guess what, oxygen is a chemical.
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    when i see Warrior ... I automatically think 2 things ... what their World of Warcraft character eats ... or a gang trying to get back to Coney Island in the film of the same name from the late '70s ( The Warriors )

    but back to the topic, sounds a bit like another one of these fad diets that work for one person ( usually the one at the top of the pyramid ) and they then sell the info
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member

    Whoa... Loving the feedback! I understand it's questionable. But it fits my lifestyle. I work hard during the day and don't usually eat lunch because I'm so busy. And that's my husbands lifestyle too. So I have dramatically cut back my calorie intake by just enjoying black coffee or tea and water during the day (raw veggies if my guts yelling at me) and enjoying an awesome home cooked meal with my starving husband. He's lived this way for quite some time. Of course not a conscious diet for him, it's just his lifestyle. And he's quite lean. I've just adapted a routine for myself that matches his. And it's seems to be working. When I have a hold on things or its shows to not work anymore, I'll probably move on. But for now, this kind of discipline is something I NEED.

    Awesome, then do what you need to do for you. That's how to do things. If it works for you then that's awesome, and when it quits working for you move on to something else.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    How long have you been doing this fantastic diet? Because if you can't keep at it for months and months it's less useful than learning something sustainable. If it works for you, more power to it.

    The random food group vilification is useless but if it helps with calorie limitation it may be useful. Sustainable?

    The exercise bit is excellent.

    For me, any of these once a meal diets would kill me. Last week I cycled 3-6 hrs a day for several days in 0 deg C weather and snow and rain. Survival was based on not hitting the proverbial wall - by eating various extra things along the way. I've met very few performance athletes that don't eat at all during long events.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    What it is in a sentence: 'Fasting and eating all your calories in a certain window of time.' Say between 8 hours or 4. I have heard good things about it like certain health benefits. Feeling hungry is just hormones generated from a pattern of eating throughout your lifetime. There is nothing wrong with it at all. It just takes a lot of willpower. I did it for a few months and it wasn't easy especially last Christmas :open_mouth:

    Now I have other goals which intermittent fasting conflicts with. I don't think men are especially predisposed to the diet as it was so frigging long ago...

    Actually it's men that receive the benefits of fasting. It's women who don't seem to get any health benefits from it.

    Also, there's more to the Warrior Diet than just fasting. A lot of arbitrary food restrictions, too.
  • JimmyH95
    JimmyH95 Posts: 27 Member
    ruffnstuff wrote: »
    Oh, Just no. There is no magic to eating at a particular time of day (glanced briefly at some Warrior Diet lit). If you are ready to lose the weight, you will eat at a moderate calorie deficit and get yourself up and moving (to feel better, though not necessary for just weight loss). If you aren't ready, then you won't. You do NOT need a magic book and magic pills and magic beans and ....

    I promise you I'm right. I know lots and lots of people on this website that have proven all you need is a moderate calorie deficit and dedication. Not perfection, just dedication. Good luck.

    I lost 63 lbs in 6 months on the warrior diet. It works for some people.