Hard to stay committed to app

It's been a off and on relationship with my fitness pal but with alil support I think I'm back for good


  • lilysmomma517
    lilysmomma517 Posts: 13 Member
    Yep I'm in the same boat. You can add me and I'll be here to support you ☺
  • Shondell34
    Shondell34 Posts: 6 Member
    Tell me about it! :'( feel free to add me you guys
  • steve85helsel
    steve85helsel Posts: 18 Member
    All here to help. Feel free to add me.
  • healthyrachel1979
    healthyrachel1979 Posts: 414 Member
    I totally understand what you're going through. I'm back again for the billionth time! Feel free to add and we can support each other!
  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    That's why I post in the forums here. Posting and keeping up with threads is the only reason I've now logged for 85+ days
  • joycegarr
    joycegarr Posts: 2 Member
    I do my exercise and eat right most of the time but just don't log it in
  • Cag_a_taY
    Cag_a_taY Posts: 24 Member
    Starting of by setting daily goals is the key to be commited to both the app and the weight loss journey for me.

    By this way I don't get into a mood where I cannot see the point in commitment to the app assuming I will never be able to keep doing this for a lifetime..Instead, because I have a daily goal only, I just do whatever is needed to reach that goal..I never think about tomorrow..Tomorrow comes, whether you plan for it or not.

    This way of thinking also keeps my motivation high because I have more reachable goals which I always meet.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i did so good at first, staying active for 6 months, then i won the contest i was in (biggest loser type thing at hubby's job) and i also started a new job after being at home for 5 years. i just re-started again, after much thought about what motivates me. i *think* i've figured it out. i use the "pact" app. i set goals of how many days i want to log in a week, and if i dont meet the goal, i pay 5 bucks per day i missed. if i meet my goals, they pay me. it's not much in terms of payment, but the not wanting to pay is a good motivator for me apparently. it work with the mfp app automatically, you just have to link them. and you can do veggie goals and workout goals too.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    Perhaps the focus should not be on staying committed to the APP., but rather should be staying committed to YOURSELF.

    The app is a tool used to obtain/regain the body we want. The focus is on ourselves and our bodies.