How do you take care of your body at work (or school)?



  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    This is what I think of as an ergonomic desk set up, although my monitor is a lot bigger, and there are two of them.


    I have a keyboard tray and super comfortable Herman Miller chair that I inherited from my former manager, who kept tilting back too far and falling out of it. Before getting this, I used to get back pain when I sat for not very long. Herman Miller has great customer service - when the frame cracked they came out and replaced it, despite me not having the receipt (I emailed them a picture of the manufacturing tag attached to it.) The warranty was really long.


    When I worked at the office, they were always good with breaks. We have a Wii and a foosball table, but sometimes management has to step in and say to stop playing so much.

    I used to have the same chair at my old job. It was the standard chair we got almost everybody. So nice.
  • wearmi1
    wearmi1 Posts: 291 Member
    @fitgirldrw81 I do the same thing... look at treats but don't touch them:-) too funny at least now I know someone else does this too. I do squats and lunges in my office at work. I also find reasons to go walk around.
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I work a desk job. I have an ergonomic keyboard and a good chair...but I slouch a bit and cross my legs. It's comfy though!
    I get up regularly to walk around. The bathroom is quite far from my desk, and I drink a lot of water, so that helps. And I work out everyday on my lunch break (we have a free gym here).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    And how does it affect your physical fitness?

    If you work at an office, do you have an ergonomic computing setup?
    If you do repetitive tasks, can you take breaks?

    1 - I've worked in an office environment going on 12 years, I've always had an ergonomic set-up. I don't know if it's required, but it may as well be...a business that isn't setting their employees with proper ergonomic set-ups is just looking to have their *kitten* handed to them in a court room.

    2 - yes

    by and large I "take care of myself" outside of the office. I make sure I get regular exercise and when I'm not at the office I make sure I'm as generally active as possible. I also do things like take the stairs, get up and go talk to a colleague rather than emailing them or paging them, park further away from the office building, etc.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,967 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    And how does it affect your physical fitness?

    If you work at an office, do you have an ergonomic computing setup?
    If you do repetitive tasks, can you take breaks?
    If you do a physical job, how do you pace yourself and recover?
    If you don't work, what do you do that's not exercise to take care of yourself?

    1) I work full-time in an office. Yes, of course, I have an ergonomic computing setup. My organisation (and actually all the organisations I've worked for in the past decade in two countries) have someone who sets all the new people up ergonomically.

    2) Absolutely, I can take breaks. I am encouraged to take breaks at least once an hour. Same with the other organisations I've worked for in the past decade in two countries.

    One of the things I, and a few others in my office, have started doing over the past few months is climbing stairs. We work on the 5th floor of our building, and so when we get up to use the toilet and top up the coffee, we walk down to the ground level and hike back up again.

    I walk a minimum of the 5 flights 5 times a day (25 flights of stairs), and so far my maximum was 5 flights 9 times in a day (45 flights of stairs).

    It has made a difference to my leg strength!

  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I am fortunate to have a gym at work so I use it a few times a week..both cardio and weights. I also can go for a walk or jog time permitting.
    I do amazingly well at work. I never eat crap from the cafeteria, always pack a healthy lunch and have ample emergency supplies in-case I forget my lunch, or didn't have time to prepare one. Plus I am usually pretty active and get about 6500 steps just walking the halls, and running back and forth to the office, photocopy machine etc.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Desk job. Setup looks ergonomic enough. My lunch break is basically grabbing food and eating it while surfing the interwebs. I don't make any special effort to walk or stretch or anything. Around 3 PM on workout days, I ditch um Homer Simpson style to get to my gym classes. That's about twice during the work week. Other days I work a bit later
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    My job is mostly sedentary -- a few days a week I can work at home.
    When I am at work, I am standing and walking but can do some sitting here and there.
    I am on the first floor of a two story building with no elevator and "opting" out of
    going up the stairs is an issue at the moment.

    No lunch break and bathroom breaks take planning.
  • rebeccahunt718
    rebeccahunt718 Posts: 48 Member
    I work 5 days a week at a computer. My coworker has got me doing a 10-20 minute power walk on our half hour lunch break. It keeps me from over eating our regularly catered lunches and gives me a break from sitting almost 8 hours. Now, she also has me standing part of the day and doing side leg lifts, donkey kicks, and sumo squats while I am doing some of my computer work. This is great for me because I also have a 30 min drive to and from work.
  • pandyg180
    pandyg180 Posts: 25 Member
    I have an electronic standing desk which is nice. Before the change in lifestyle i would sit most of the day. Now i stand for most of the day. Also, we get catered lunch everyday - and I'm not talking deli sandwiches lol. We will have items from restaurants such as bbq, tacos, burgers, pastas, etc. It is hard not to fill my plate up with those foods. If i have them i will have a very small portion and load up on healthy foods at the salad bar with little salad dressing.
  • dianaiku
    dianaiku Posts: 96 Member
    I sit most of the day because I tutor young students. I love to eat so I eat a dark chocolate bar while ar work. Before work I drink green tea to calm my nerves.