Restaurant dinner.. cheat day?

talysshade Posts: 273 Member
Can one day of being really over your calories (like 700-800) throw you off by a LOT? I'm going to a restaurant tomorrow, a steakhouse, my total favourite and i'd really like to just eat what i want for one day. The days leading up to it i've been making sure to be about 100 calories under my goal each day and i will do that the few days afterwards as well.. Today i'm even going to end up like 400 calories under, which is below 1200, but i just can't get more calories in today.. but apart from waterweight from sodium it shouldn't throw me off too much right? I can try to get some exercise in tomorrow, but i'm doing a LOT of homework tomorrow, so it won't be much more than 145 calories i can burn off tomorrow..

I'd really like to just have fun tomorrow, but not kill my weight loss.. Is it ok??


  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    I think you have to reward yourself every now and then just don't overdo it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    what are your goals set to?
    if it's 1 lb per week then you can go over your goal by 500 and still be at maintenance for the day.
    Anyways, even if you go over maintenance, your body will thank you. It needs the fuel.
    Don't eat that little for long streaks of time, break it up with a high day once a week or so.
  • Ulfgard
    Ulfgard Posts: 49 Member
    Every once in a while won't kill you. If you do it every week, it will probably have an impact, though. When I want a splurge dinner I take a nice long hike in the hills earlier in the day. That always gives me several hundred extra calories to eat! Have fun at your dinner - just don't make a habit of it! :drinker:
  • princessmedic
    Eat! Its good to have what you want every once in awhile, or else you'll find yourself "cheating" more often. Its not that you can never have the foods you just can't have them everyday.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    As long as it's only a day and you get right back on it the next day it won't do you any harm.
    I hope you enjoy it :smile:
  • Namaste1983
    Namaste1983 Posts: 603 Member
    Eat, drink and be merry. Enjoy your meal and take a nice walk after dinner. Maybe a morning workout will adjust your calories enough. Either way, make sure you order what you want and you enjoy it! Life is filled with choices and you make great ones every day. It is wonderful to take the pressure off your food choices once in a while.
  • mrstyler
    mrstyler Posts: 43
    There are 3500 calories in a pound, so 500 is only 1/7 of one, or a little over two ounces. I definitely need days where I just go and eat what I would like. Its hard to eat so much in one meal that it really puts you back!