goals for next week?

my goals are to:
-stay away from halloween candy
-limit myself to 2 snacks a day
-don't eat past 8pm
-on days i dont go to the gym, try to walk or find some other kind of exercise
-limit my sodium intake

what are your goals this week?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'd be down to try to limit my sodium intake as well, just because it messes up my scale weight and I'm really wanting to see an accurate reading for something.

    Otherwise, my goal is to get to the gym to lift 4x, even though my job has been making my life a living hell.
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'd be down to try to limit my sodium intake as well, just because it messes up my scale weight and I'm really wanting to see an accurate reading for something.

    Otherwise, my goal is to get to the gym to lift 4x, even though my job has been making my life a living hell.

    same here! everything I thought that was healthy, was extremely high in sodium lol
    you can do it! my job is doing the same thing hun! just put it this way, it will all be worth it in the end :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'd be down to try to limit my sodium intake as well, just because it messes up my scale weight and I'm really wanting to see an accurate reading for something.

    Otherwise, my goal is to get to the gym to lift 4x, even though my job has been making my life a living hell.

    same here! everything I thought that was healthy, was extremely high in sodium lol
    you can do it! my job is doing the same thing hun! just put it this way, it will all be worth it in the end :)

    I actually don't care about sodium, but I don't have any health conditions. I just need an accurate scale reading right now. Otherwise, I follow the trend :)
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    I'd be down to try to limit my sodium intake as well, just because it messes up my scale weight and I'm really wanting to see an accurate reading for something.

    Otherwise, my goal is to get to the gym to lift 4x, even though my job has been making my life a living hell.

    same here! everything I thought that was healthy, was extremely high in sodium lol
    you can do it! my job is doing the same thing hun! just put it this way, it will all be worth it in the end :)

    I actually don't care about sodium, but I don't have any health conditions. I just need an accurate scale reading right now. Otherwise, I follow the trend :)

    i dont have any health problems..yet. my mom has really high blood pressure, and im worried for when im older..so im watching it now while im young. I gotcha, I do too :)
  • lesliewynn14
    lesliewynn14 Posts: 130 Member
    my goals this week:
    loose 1% of my total weight so about 1.7 pounds
    walk 3+ miles Mon-Fri
    do my floor exercises
    log all food and stay under my calorie allowance
    every day log my food before I put it in my mouth
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    My goals for the week:

    Exercise 6 days
    Jog at least 2, 5ks on my treadmill
    Log food daily and eat more veggies
  • meglet2202
    meglet2202 Posts: 35 Member
    Burn 13000 for the week (I'm small and this is getting harder to do!)
    Eat at a deficit every day
    Get back to the treadmill on days I don't run (I stopped when I started running outside)
    One rest day, not 3
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Keep at the weekly calorie goal while hitting the protein goal.
  • SoleilxStitch
    SoleilxStitch Posts: 95 Member
    Get to the gym 3 times
    lose 1 pound by the Sunday
    Have a non or low carb lunch for work
  • Living360
    Living360 Posts: 223 Member
    My goal this week is to meet not exceed my daily calorie allotment and gracefully say no to the treats that are always found in our office.
  • Stop1510
    Stop1510 Posts: 26 Member
    Next weeks goals are to:
    A)drink water instead of diet pop
    B)strength train 3 days
    C)walk 30 minutes for 5 days
    D)incorporate fruits and vegetables into my diet for 6 days
  • ShrinkingKerrie
    ShrinkingKerrie Posts: 338 Member
    My goals for next week are-
    *drink more water
    *Go for a bike ride
    *Find something low calorie to snack on.
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2015
    Drink 10 cups of water daily (instead of my usual 6 to 8).
    Walk at least 10k daily now that I got my plantar fasciitis under control.
    Do squats and 10 lb arm exercises daily (including strength training for first time since on MFP).
    Brush and floss my teeth at night at least 5 days of the week (always forget) eliminating post 8pm snacking.
    Be grateful daily cause really we have so much to be thankful for (Paris in my prayers).
  • LuvtoBeme1
    LuvtoBeme1 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! I am beginning a beginner's HIIT challenge all are welcome just friend me. I put a lot of research in to this! My dietary goals are to try to keep my major meals under 430 cals and try to include protein at every meal.Monday is day one. All you need is a fitness mat and a cervical roll or a rolled up towel will do. So, Obviously I have to be accountable to this new 30 challenge...Ta da!! Ja!
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    I'm 5 weeks into changing my eating habits. I'm 2 weeks into returning to Aikido practice; it's good cardio.

    My goals this week are to:
    • Incorporate strength training.
    • Continue 1 to 1.5 weekly weight loss
  • bettyrox79
    bettyrox79 Posts: 77 Member
    My goals for this week:

    Stay under calorie goal
    Ride my stationary bike at least 10km every day
    (Recovering from ACL surgery and post op MCL tear so excercise is just starting)

    Good luck everyone!
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    great goals everyone! lets keep each other motivated so we can be successful :) I chose to walk to work today, instead of driving 1.5 miles..even in the cold, and I walked home also! I want to walk more thats another goal of mine
  • vinsmomma26
    vinsmomma26 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 5 weeks into changing my eating habits. I'm 2 weeks into returning to Aikido practice; it's good cardio.

    My goals this week are to:
    • Incorporate strength training.
    • Continue 1 to 1.5 weekly weight loss

    whats aikido?
  • LuvtoBeme1
    LuvtoBeme1 Posts: 35 Member
    I used to practice Aikido. It is a Japanese Martial art. Since the surgeries I only practice Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gong. B)
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    whats aikido?
    LuvtoBeme1 beat me to the reply.

    Aikido is a Japanese martial art that tries to focus on softness, blending of movement, and redirecting physical attacks. Techniques typically end in throws or joint locks. It is considered to be one of, if not the last of, the traditional martial arts of Japan. It is mostly a paired partner practice without solo kata (weapons being an exception in some branches).

    The cardio comes into play when on the receiving end of the techniques. Lots of picking oneself up off the ground... lots...