how to get fit when exhausted?



  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    You are waking yourself up with snoring and waking up tired, and you seem very edgy. I would bet a million dollars you have fairly severe sleep apnea. Having incomplete sleep can turn a person inside out (trust me, I have been there. Different issue, but it affected my sleep and my metabolism went nuts) I'd look into that. I hope you are able to find a Dr to help.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Also, I checked your diary, but it looks like you aren't logging your food. Try logging everything. You might be surprised to find you are eating more than you think. Good luck. Hope you feel better.

    No I haven't logged my food in ages. I was 143 the last tike I logged and got a handle on what I should be eating. I just came back because since then I gained 25 lbs, 10 with this job.
    Then its time to log everything. Weigh and measure everything and log it. Most likely your under estimating what your REALLY eating and your probably eating way more than your body needs.. which is why we gain weight in the first place.
  • jaliving
    jaliving Posts: 57 Member
    dough21: Are you actually recommending a pre workout drink? Really, you're that silly?

    If it takes being "silly" to lose 112lbs, then sign me up!!!

    Seriously though, pre-workout stims do work. I am as lazy as can be. I spent the last year slaving retail doing crappy hours without any consistency. I would open one day, close the next, reopen the following. No pattern. To top it off, my wife and I had twins! There was NO SLEEP for a whole frickin year! Talk about dog tired. Yet, every now and then I would pop up a stim and hit gym for some basketball. They work. But, you know what works better: WILL. You've got to want it. You've got to reach deep inside your heart and your guts at times when you are so exhausted and just will yourself up!

    There are no drugs, no exercise routines, and no diets that can replace your Will. Either you will or you will not - but you will one way or another.

    Now, not to be a downer, but if you don't have any will at all, then go see your doctor. While there is nothing that can give you will, there are things that can take it, such as drugs and depression. I know that firsthand on both accounts. Thankfully, both can be overcome and your will will come back!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Can you try doing something about the snoring so, maybe sleeping in a different room when you have work the next day or wearing ear plugs? At your work kiosk, can you try sitting on a high stool from time to time to give your feet some rest while maintaining the same customer service appearance? Are you delegating enough both at home and at work where possible, or do you insist on doing everything yourself? Personally I would try to tackle the exhaustion issue and then try to work in whichever exercise I want or that fits best.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Its he who has sleep apnea. And it wakes me up. I ran out of ear plugs. Just bought a fresh pack today. Also have an elder dog that barks to go out at night. That woke me up too. That with someone who really doesn't know my presuming they do, really ticks me off. I got all of 1.5 hours of sleep when I had 8.25 scheduled. Oh and I don't like to wear the plugs all the time. They start to hurt my ears, and I can't be woken as easily with a pet problem. I'm catering to 2 very old large dogs. My fiance does alot. I'm quite willing to delegate. But still I have to double check things get done.

    You are waking yourself up with snoring and waking up tired, and you seem very edgy. I would bet a million dollars you have fairly severe sleep apnea. Having incomplete sleep can turn a person inside out (trust me, I have been there. Different issue, but it affected my sleep and my metabolism went nuts) I'd look into that. I hope you are able to find a Dr to help.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    And no, a stool is not permitted. My job is such that I'm "on" at all times. There is no relaxing except on my breaks. There is an image I'm expected to maintain.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    I find that on the days I can't face land exercises, swimming is a great alternative, it'll take the weight bearing out of the equation whilst exercising. As a side not I find adding Epsom salts to my bath water, or a foot bath really works for me too.

    I was going to suggest swimming too, it is such a great exercise!
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Yeah I'd love to swim. Feel free to come install a pool and a bathtub.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Yeah I'd love to swim. Feel free to come install a pool and a bathtub.

    You do not have a public swimming pool near you or near your work?
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Haven't seen one. I'm in an agricultural area in Florida. If there's a pool its in your yard. The canals are not meant for swimming and have Gators.

    I don't even own a swimsuit.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Haven't seen one. I'm in an agricultural area in Florida. If there's a pool its in your yard. The canals are not meant for swimming and have Gators.

    I don't even own a swimsuit.

    Ahh fair enough.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Well. My fiance was just laid off. That should help my stress level immensely.

    On the bright side thanks to whoever reminded me to take my vitamins. I took my multi with a b12 supplement over the past two days and I feel much better.

    I don't remember to take them unless they are out sitting on the counter, and guess who keep putting them away?
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    sorry about the fiance's job. that really stinks for you. beat up your pillow. that sure burn a few calories. and if you have one of those friends who always makes you laugh, find time to call them. :bigsmile:
  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    UGH. You sound miserable.

    On the Upside, you're working!!! Hooray for paychecks!! In the last few years, I have known couples who have no income, both people laid off. Times are tough.

    Retail is difficult and not for me, so I hear ya there.

    But I've done it before to pay the bills.

    Being this exhausted isn't a normal part of being 47, unless you're depressed, or there's an unknown health issue, or both.

    You need to get your blood work done.

    Go to the county health office and explain your symptoms. They usually use a sliding scale/income eval for the fee.
    it is even free.

    I am older than you and I have a husband, dog and two teenagers who are highly involved in activities. When I felt that tired and had that much pain, I had my blood tested.

    It was my thyroid.

    This isn't really optional. Get your blood tested.

    I wish you luck.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    1. You are kind of lucky. Being on your feet all day means you burn more calories and can eat more and still have a deficit.

    2. Are you exhausted and trying to work out 60+ mins a day six times a week?


    4. I'm not sure why I went with the numbers, but its too late to turn back now.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    This is new for me. Typically to lose weight and get fit in the past, all I had to do is be a little careful about portion control and up my exercise. I exercised either with any one of the myriad of workout videos I have or walking or biking.

    My problem now is that my job requires 40 plus hours standing with light walking, retail.

    My body is more tired then its ever been in my life. My feet hurt, my legs are sore. Though they have great muscle tone I'm 30 lbs heavier then I want to be. I'm too tired. On my days off I can barely limp around the house. I have great sneakers and 3 different inserts I alternate. But I am more physically tired then I have ever been in the past.

    I'm 47, I eat healthy but unless I severely restrict myself to the point where I'm not getting enough nutrition to make it through or give my body to recover, I don't lose weight. I have been on this job and schedule since mid may. I have actually gained weight. I'm a 12 and should be an 8. I'm 5'5".

    My legs are too wiped out to do the 10 miles of biking or step aerobics I used to do.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    I'm 44 and lost 45 pounds since September with very little exercise. I'm not saying this is the good way to do it. I believe that true health and wellness is a combination of proper eating and regular exercise. But it just didn't go that way for me. I'm 5'4" and went from 165# and a size 12 to 120# and a size 2 or 4. I work 40+ hours a week and some days am exhausted too. I feel ya there.

    I haven't looked at your food diary, but healthy weight loss isn't just about counting calories. It's about making your calories count. If you're eating 1300 calories a day (or whatever your goal number is) it needs to be 1300 calories of nutritious food, not 1300 calories of snack foods and empty calories. Because you'll starve to death nutritionally. (I learned this the hard way eight years ago when I did weight watchers). FOR ME (I put this in bold because I wouldn't know what's best for you, just what worked for me) it was about focusing on increasing protein intake, and lowering sugars. Other people focus on reducing carbs. I really didn't. But that's just me. You would be amazed at how much you can eat when you eliminate junk. Fruits can be a little calorie heavy and definitely high in sugars. But fruits and vegetables in general are great "bang for your buck" nutritionally. 100 calorie snack packs, low fat treats, etc.? Not so much. There is virtually no nutritional benefit to that stuff. I like a treat now and again just like the next person. But the concept of a treat is not making room every day for something nutritionally useless. IN MY OPINION.

    This became my motto: "Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial". So if I'm at a birthday party and I want a cupcake, I eat it. But generally I focus on what's going to be beneficial to my body when I make food choices. Now that I'm on maintenance, I've relaxed my rules a little. But I'm keeping a close eye on things to make sure I'm not getting out of hand.

    I have no formal education in nutrition. So please take what I have to say with a grain of salt. When I first joined MFP I did a ton of reading on nutrition and found a system of eating that worked FOR ME. I wish you luck on doing the same!
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Also, I checked your diary, but it looks like you aren't logging your food. Try logging everything. You might be surprised to find you are eating more than you think. Good luck. Hope you feel better.

    No I haven't logged my food in ages. I was 143 the last tike I logged and got a handle on what I should be eating. I just came back because since then I gained 25 lbs, 10 with this job.

    Unfortunately, unless you log your food and drink there is no way you will ever be able to tell that you are truthfully eating at a deficit.

    Guesswork and eyeballing portions are not enough, you need to weigh stuff, otherwise you will never get a true reading on what you are really consuming.
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    I'm having a hard time trying to parse your post...? i think what i was trying to say was that you are not getting enough sleep...sorry that i thought you meant YOU were snoring. but obviously by what you post below you're not getting adequate sleep. that is a problem and can seriously eff up your endocrine system/metabolism. also, i agree with charting what your intake is.
    but...really. i think maybe you are just really stressed and sleep deprived. i agree with an above poster who states you seem miserable. hope you can find some solutions to turn things around.
    Its he who has sleep apnea. And it wakes me up. I ran out of ear plugs. Just bought a fresh pack today. Also have an elder dog that barks to go out at night. That woke me up too. That with someone who really doesn't know my presuming they do, really ticks me off. I got all of 1.5 hours of sleep when I had 8.25 scheduled. Oh and I don't like to wear the plugs all the time. They start to hurt my ears, and I can't be woken as easily with a pet problem. I'm catering to 2 very old large dogs. My fiance does alot. I'm quite willing to delegate. But still I have to double check things get done.

    You are waking yourself up with snoring and waking up tired, and you seem very edgy. I would bet a million dollars you have fairly severe sleep apnea. Having incomplete sleep can turn a person inside out (trust me, I have been there. Different issue, but it affected my sleep and my metabolism went nuts) I'd look into that. I hope you are able to find a Dr to help.
  • successgal1
    successgal1 Posts: 996 Member
    Just bumping this up to reply and give a "as it is now" statement. First, thanks to all that tried to help, and a big fu to those who were snarky, it ticks me off just as much now as it did 2 years ago.

    Things are better now, I now sleep in the spare bedroom and sleep soundly for the most part. I left the job referenced earlier, and took on a new full time job. It did not, in fact, help with anything but my bank account. The stress, the sedentary standing, and the stress eating and I put on 40 lbs working there.

    I joined an LA fitness for the pool, I still have a membership but even that took too much time from my day. However, problem solved. To protect my health I quit my job. I spent the last 2 years first paying off a new roof, and second building my savings account to a level that would provide livability for me to quit my job and build my real estate career.

    My significant other was contacted by a former co-worker and they went into a property management business together. I've been licensed since 2008 but didn't have the savings to take the leap from employment to career. I just took that leap 1 week ago. You can clearly see I've been logging my food and exercise like a good girl. I'm actually planning to simply focus on ME through the holidays then go full force in my new career after the first of the year.

    This past year I finally, for my sanity, gave up on trying to workout with my schedule, 1200 calories a day was simply not enough for me while working, hunger made me short tempered. My days at work were literally up to 10 hours, then my online business while at home. Constant threats and new ways for management to try to fire unioned employees made me focus too on keeping the job until I was READY to quit. Mission accomplished! It was still hard, hard to leave a good paycheck, but realistically it was not enough for me at almost age 50 with no retirement savings. I need the opportunity, at least, to earn more.

    I put in my 2 weeks notice last saturday, and management offered me the 2 weeks with pay option as I hoped they would. I spent 2 years being a good girl there to keep that good record. So technically I'm still being paid through the 20th. I can now monitor my eating, eat healthy foods and exercise as much as I desire. There is no longer stress for stress eating, or drinking for that matter.

    Its a total relief to be unemployed at this point.

    By the way, I did get a wellness check as soon as I obtained medical insurance. I'm 100% healthy, just overweight. The pain in my hip, tendon or ligament, not joint, is receding as I stretch more and no longer have to stand for days on end. My severe back pain from my bulging disc was reviewed by an orthopedic surgeon, and real physical therapy did the trick. My back popped in two places about 8 hours after the first session and I've been pain free ever since. Now that I know those stretches and exercises I can prevent, or realign as needed myself.

    So, life is good today.