Anyone been in similar position? 5ft 5 female - currently 142lbs aim 126 lbs. Help!

5ft 5 female - currently 142lbs aim 126 lbs. Help!

Just looking for someone else in a similar situation or who as got to goal... how did you do it?? I just started insanity - think i should be eating 1400 calories a day...

Looking for a bit of motivation.


  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    Yes, you just described me exactly! Hilarious! 1,400 is a great spot but your age and activity level is also a factor.

    Can you do it? Of course! I got down to 117 and kept it off for over 3 years. The only reason I gained a few back was because my daughter had a baby and I could not keep up with my great habits for quite a while like I had in the past. Trust me, I was not happy about that but boy did I enjoy helping with that new baby!

    How did I do it? Tell me exactly what you would like to know.

  • f1tness4life
    f1tness4life Posts: 32 Member
    Ah id love to be 117!!! Just wondering what type of exercises you did and how often?? How many calories were u burning in general?? So inspiring!!! Thanks for your message.
  • My_Butt
    My_Butt Posts: 2,300 Member
    I'm a bit taller at 5'7" and I weigh 144lbs and would like to get to 130lbs.

    I did two rounds of Insanity and didn't lose too much weight until I upped my calorie intake to 1,900. With Insanity, you'll get amazing results, however, it may not show on the scale. I have abs, defined arms, and firmed up (went down from size 12 to size 4). Measure and take progress photos along with weighing.
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    That sounds great. I did it a different way. I didn't exercise at all for six weeks until I got my healthy eating plan down. I then started walking out my front door and around my neighborhood. Little by little I built up to two miles walk/jog. Later I swam laps, breaststroke and freestyle.

    I began doing Pilates. At first only 20 minutes but everyday. I then added conditioning DVD's I did various DVD's almost everyday at my convenience and in my living or bedroom. Sometimes it was 45 minute routines and sometimes it was 30 minutes.

    Later I added weights and a squat routine called Butt Bible, talk about awesome, you can choose your levels.

    By the time I lost my last pound I was a size two and weighed 117. Of course, that was too low for me at 56 but I was in top shape and I was shocked that I didn't have to work my butt off to get there.

    A little here, a little there but I was extremely consistent and I had a great base eating plan where I had created a deficit.

    When it was time to maintain all I had to do was add a few hundred back to the healthy eating plan I set up.

    You can do it. I think the main thing is counting everything you put into your mouth.

  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    Isn't it funny how we both had great results but with different exercise intensities and different caloric intake?

  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    I am older, I would not go as low as I do. Keep it where you are and add more if you're burning a ton with those type workouts.
  • heidiglaubitz
    heidiglaubitz Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently 5'6", and I want to be down to 130 or lower. I weighed in at 142.6lbs this morning.

    I used to be at 159lbs, and I made it down to 142 in a month when I stopped eating processed foods. Only real foods, and only organic. I try to only have 1200 calories a day, and I exercise 4 times a week vigorously. It's really different for everyone.
  • erebar
    erebar Posts: 77 Member
    I'm 46, 5'3.5 and my weight this morning is 140.5. My highest was 167 and my goal is 130 and then re-evaluate. I'm eating 1200. I'm trying to eat clean most of the time. Would love some new friends to support one another and share ideas.
  • evolution328
    evolution328 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 140. I want to get down to at least 130 maybe 120. I try to eat about 1200 calories a day. I could always use more friends with similar goals.
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    I had old fashioned oatmeal for breakfast, don't love it but I know it is good for me so I put it in my weekly cycle of meals for breakfast. I add cinnamon, Truvia and whipped butter (not too much).

    Getting ready to open front door and walk/jog for two miles before it gets too hot!

    Have a great Monday!

  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    I am going to have a 4 oz. serving of FF cottage cheese with Truvia and blueberries mixed in for midmorning snack. I just had some Mango green tea.

    Working on my Thanksgiving menu.

  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    I had a half of a chicken sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes and light mayo thinly applied with half a cup of sautéed green beans that i made yesterday with a cup or less of salad with a couple of T of avocado a d two teaspoons of oil and vinegar dressing.

    I had a cup of grapes for a snack this afternoon 100 calories.

    I am now going to drink some herbal tea.

    I put on a pot of split pea soup. Here's the recipe.

    Soak split peas overnight if possible.

    Cut up one onion, two toes of garlic and a cup of sliced carrots.

    Sauté the onions in 1 T of olive oil and a little whipped butter. Add a tsp of pepper flakes. Add the minced garlic and stir the garlic for a minute.

    Take the drained split peas and put them in the pot and add 5 cups of water.

    Add a bayleaf and a teaspoon of dried thyme.

    Once this comes to a boil, reduce heat to a less than medium, cover and stir occasionally until finished. If it is too thick towards the end, add a half cup of water.

    Salt and pepper a little at the beginning and a little more towards the end.

  • cathyd1000
    cathyd1000 Posts: 60 Member
    I'm 5'3" 49 years old and have gained 8 lbs in three weeks after being on prednesone for asthma for two weeks. I weighed 144 this morning and want to be 130.
  • susb
    susb Posts: 90 Member
    Cathy, I would talk to my doctor about how to handle weight gain from meds. You want to make sure you do what he or she suggests.
  • gharve
    gharve Posts: 5 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'm 5'5" and currently at 137. My highest was 165 and my lowest was 128. I started to get back to my old habits and my weight crept back up to 140. I found it so helpful to log all of my food on MFP, to stick around 1200 cals (but if I was hungry and needed to go over, I'm aim for fruits and veggies to fill me). I also would exercise (I did a Couch25k) but I'd never eat back as many calories as MFP or the treadmill said I burned - I don't trust their accuracy. I'd love to get back to 128, maybe even 125! Feel free (any of you lovely ladies) to add me! It's so inspiring to see others working hard to get what they want!
  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I'm 5'4". Started at 150lbs and now at 131lbs. Aiming for 122lbs. Mostly be losing through diet. Exercise has been through walking, hiking and yoga. Feel free to add me.
  • kiomami
    kiomami Posts: 23 Member
    5'1, weigh 124 with a goal of 110! Started at 137. I eat 1200 calories daily (usually), looks like you are in an ideal calorie range.
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I'm 5'8, Weigh 161 with a goal of 135. So I feel ya. I get 1200 calories a day and I swear it's not enough! My body says it is, but I think something with a little bit more 'sweets' wiggle room would be ideal :wink: Just gotta be persistent, be a bit neurotic about logging, and make sure to hit the gym as much as possible.
  • LoveMusic4Life
    LoveMusic4Life Posts: 34 Member
    Im 5"6 and currently weigh 180lbs, i would lobe to get down to 130lbs. Ive been eatin within my calorie intake and not even binged once likeni use to, i substitute crisps and chocolate with fruit and have been doin some exercises. I just sometimes lack motivation and support, but tell myself everyday that i can do this!
  • MsMaeFlowers
    MsMaeFlowers Posts: 261 Member
    I'm 5'5 and currently weigh 158.5 as of this morning. I'm aiming for around 125, but I won't know exactly where I want to be until I get there, as I just picked a weight that was around what I used to be when I got regular exercise and had an eat-whatever-I-want metabolism.

    I've been eating whatever I want whenever I want, as long as it fits into my daily calories. If I do go over, and I can't throw in extra exercise to work it off, I don't stress about it. Just go back to doing good the next day, and maybe throw in some extra time on my rebounder the next day if I can.

    I'm down 7 lbs in 3 weeks, and I am hoping for at least another pound this week. I eat around 1320 calories a day, and I only eat back part of my exercise calories.

    I think the biggest thing is don't stress about it. Especially if you had a bad day and went over your goal.
  • lilybelle2929
    lilybelle2929 Posts: 10 Member
    edited November 2015
    5'5, 160 here. The lowest I got down to was 120lbs 10 years ago in college and that was only through strict 1200 cal diet and working out 2 hrs a day (weights + elliptical) 6x/wk. Diet alone never works for me because without the gym to remind me exactly what a calorie "means," I lose motivation. Trying to figure out how to go back to 125, or even 130 without killing myself! Help... thoughts? Is this inevitable? Looking for inspiration buddies!
  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'5 and was 142 at the start of September, I'm now 130, aiming for about 126, or whenever I'm happy with my shape. I aim for 1450, must admit, I don't eat particularly healthily, I just eat fewer biscuits and chocolate and as little bread as I can manage. I exercise most days - I do metafit twice a week (a high intensity 30min circuit type class), I lift weights/kettlebells once or twice a week and I run a fair bit, about 20 miles a week. I wear a heart rate monitor and log the calories burned and I eat some or all of them in addition to my 1450.
  • f1tness4life
    f1tness4life Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'5 and was 142 at the start of September, I'm now 130, aiming for about 126, or whenever I'm happy with my shape. I aim for 1450, must admit, I don't eat particularly healthily, I just eat fewer biscuits and chocolate and as little bread as I can manage. I exercise most days - I do metafit twice a week (a high intensity 30min circuit type class), I lift weights/kettlebells once or twice a week and I run a fair bit, about 20 miles a week. I wear a heart rate monitor and log the calories burned and I eat some or all of them in addition to my 1450.

    This is inspiration to me! I find that i stick to calories but eat a few treats within the calorie limit - but i need to work out to change my body comp - want to be strong! Great to see your aim is same as mine! 126! x Well done
  • OblasMummy
    OblasMummy Posts: 40 Member
    Hi in 5'5" I was 141 2 weeks ago but I just came back from a 2 week all inclusive holiday in Eqypt. It's weigh day tomorrow! ! I'm going to need some help and motivation to get on track I too want to be 126. Feel free to add me for support to get there together
  • Zhara9
    Zhara9 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm 5'4 and want to be 125 now weighing 129 I'm struggling to maintain 129 or lower. I aim for 1200 calories a day!
  • DKG28
    DKG28 Posts: 299 Member
    5'5" trying to get below 140. Been stuck at 145 for 2 months. Started in January at 196. I eat 1200. Been a little off track lately.
  • LCD_80
    LCD_80 Posts: 26 Member
    I see you're in the UK too, I really recommend looking for a metafit class, it's awesome! The actual workout is only 20-25min, but you barely stop and it hits every part of your body and boosts your metabolism. There's bound to be a class near you.
  • JdoubleJ
    JdoubleJ Posts: 37 Member
    5ft 5 female - currently 142lbs aim 126 lbs. Help!

    Just looking for someone else in a similar situation or who as got to goal... how did you do it?? I just started insanity - think i should be eating 1400 calories a day...

    Looking for a bit of motivation.

  • JdoubleJ
    JdoubleJ Posts: 37 Member
    I'm very similar, 5ft 5 and currently 137.2 aiming for 125. I've just restarted my weight loss journey so please add me if you want a buddy.I'm female, 29 and in theUK
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm 5'2, started at 153, lost the 30 lbs i set out to lose and am currently maintaining between 120-124.

    When I was losing I was eating 1600-1900 and now I'm maintaining at about 2200. My exercise is walking and circuit training with Dumbbells.

    OP my advice for everyone getting started on MFP:

    Set a reasonable weight loss goal and rate of loss (if you have only 20 lbs to lose that should be 0.5 lb/week)
    Enter that along with your stats in MFP and let it calculate a reasonable deficit (at 0.5 lb/week that's only 250 cals/day)
    Track everything, weighing your food for optimal accuracy
    Eat primarily nutrient dense foods, leaving room for treats if you like.
    Exercise if you enjoy it and eat back a portion of those calories.
    Be patient.