Geeky? Love Star Wars? Add me!!

Hey all!

This is a new name and a renewed desire to get healthy again. I've struggled with weight for my entire adult life (a little over a decade now) and after a serious talk with my doctors, have decided that it's time. I don't want to spend my dirty thirties as a fat, miserable woman with chronic pain and untreated mental illness. That was my twenties, it's time to end it.

I also want to cosplay and look sexy doing it. I love sci fi, but Star Wars is my ultimate love. Not even my husband can compete ;) I love making costumes but am an otherwise awful seamstress. For the last 7 years I've dressed up my hubby and kids as various Jedi and Sith. Hubs and I have joined a lightsaber guild (did you know there was such a thing?) Cosplaying and fighting with sabers is the ultimate in geeky fun, and even better when you look the part.

Add me!


  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    :o I do all sorts of geekiness. Star Wars, Doctor Who... anything Marvel... ((Jessica Jones is about to come out!!)) I'm sending a FR, and invite anyone to toss me one as well. :)
  • iluvnufoods
    iluvnufoods Posts: 45 Member
    Oh I really enjoyed Doctor Who! I admit I haven't seen the newest season, but that's more due to lack of time and too much SWTOR.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Star wars fan, but my secret geeky love is Babylon 5, which I re-watch from time to time.

    It's actually what I've been watching as I work out - I'm at the point where Narn has fallen and the Shadow War is about to start in earnest so far. Not sure what I'm going to do when I run out of B5 episodes, this is a core part of my workouts!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    I've tried to stick with SWTOR. I really have. I'm a huge MMO gamer, and the story is good in SWTOR. But.... I dunno. Something about it - I get bored after a few months back, every single time. My husband still plays though!
  • galabrielle98
    galabrielle98 Posts: 507 Member
    I heard Star Wars...... Friend request sent. I love trying to make costumes, but I've always stopped myself because I never looked good in them. Here's to getting to my goal of dressing up like Mara Jade ;)
  • TechAaronLoyd
    TechAaronLoyd Posts: 339 Member
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Hey... are we all cosplayers? I've been doing DC characters recently but I've been working on my Boba Fett suit for years. It's so much work to get movie accurate.
  • johnm1991
    johnm1991 Posts: 372 Member
    Hello everyone, my name is john and i'm a STAR WARS geek. The FORCE runs strong in my family…my brother belongs to the 501st Nation, a worldwide group of Star Wars fans, that make DIY costumes to movie likeness and dress as stormtroopers, jedis, boba fetts, tuskan raiders and vaders that you see at comic cons, charity events, disneyworld, etc…he is a stormtrooper, Han Solo and tuskan raider. His wife was slave Leia. We're currently planning on doing a Chewbacca costume for me. I'm excited about the new movie and glad to be part of this jedi council. (i'm such a dork!)
  • caweyant
    caweyant Posts: 2 Member
    Huge Star Wars geek here – I read most of the EU books up until the early 2000s, then kind of got out of it post-prequels. The resurgence has had me rediscovering all the stuff I loved, plus some pretty good newer stuff.

    As for general geekery, I co-host a weekly podcast on Buffy/Angel & Doctor Who, and I've had some publications on Whedon-related things. Feel free to contact me if you wanna know more. :)

    Who else has seen the new Star Wars film?! Great stuff....