Sugars or calories



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Yes, for me, and others, it's just an annoyance. i could eat many more foods if companies would quit adding sugar to so much stuff. Irritating.
  • LeeMay63
    LeeMay63 Posts: 36 Member
    In a nut shell,should you not worry about going over your sugar limit sometimes because it does not hinder your weight loss ?
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    LeeMay63 wrote: »
    In a nut shell,should you not worry about going over your sugar limit sometimes because it does not hinder your weight loss ?

    ^Yes. Caloric deficit is the only thing that matters for weight loss (simplified). Obviously you don't wanna be 300g over your sugar limit every day, but if you go over every so often, you'll still lose weight provided you're in an overall caloric deficit.

    Sugar is a carb. It is calories. It's calories the same way bacon is calories. Is bacon worse than calories? (Of course not. Bacon isn't worse than anything.) The point is, you can track your sugar intake, or drop it to shockingly low levels for the rest of your life, and still gain weight for the rest of your life. Or, you can choose, as an individual, to limit your sugar intake ALONGSIDE your caloric intake, and provided you're in a caloric deficit, sugar-be-darned you'll lose weight.
  • CoffeeNCardio
    CoffeeNCardio Posts: 1,847 Member
    Math version:

    100 calories worth of pure sugar plus 2900 calories worth of other food = weight GAIN

    0 calories worth of pure sugar plus 3000 calories worth of other food = weight GAIN

    1000 calories worth of pure sugar plus 200 calories worth of other food = weight LOSS, albeit unpleasantly restrictive and super unhealthy weight loss.

    CICO is king.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I have to try to keep my blood glucose lower, so added sugar/sweets are an enormous PITA, yeah. It's incredibly yummy, which just adds to that whole PITA thing :grin: I have both iced brownies and mini cupcakes in the house for someone else right now. Aaaack.

    If it were just a matter of a lb or two over time, I'd scarf some of those suckers up right now, no doubt. Of course, for me, it was more like 30 lbs over time, so cutting back for weight reasons wouldn't have steered me wrong, either (and didn't). Meh, kill two birds :)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    rsm193 wrote: »
    IN my opinion I feel like sugars are worse thancalories.... Anyone else feel this way and why?

    Sugar is just that, sugar, It is not better or worse than any other food,

    Keep within your calories and you can enjoy a sugary treat if you like :)
  • tish818
    tish818 Posts: 13 Member
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    tish818 wrote: »
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible

    Yeah, no.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    No... sugars contain calories. You can count sugars all you want, but it's the total calories that matter, not the total sugars. I could eat my entire calorie goal in sugar and still lose weight... I'd be unhealthy as heck, hungry all the time,and toothless, but still lose weight.

    In a nutshell....
    Psst, calories are not 'bad;' when you stop needing them you're dead!
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    tish818 wrote: »
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible

    more suspectible to acne breakouts on body....i wonder why... low sugar fruits are all right tho ( :
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    tish818 wrote: »
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible

    Only if someone has blood sugar problems.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited November 2015
    "Worse" in what way exactly? As far as weight loss goes, the only thing that matters is calories.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    tish818 wrote: »
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible

    Yes, sugar can raise blood sugar levels, but so can protein. For that matter, I get my highest blood glucose readings after intense exercise so is exercise bad because it raises blood sugar levels?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    rsm193 wrote: »
    IN my opinion I feel like sugars are worse thancalories.... Anyone else feel this way and why?

    Sugar isn't bad; calories aren't bad.

    An excess is bad.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    No, I don't feel that way, because I listen to science. Calories are the only thing that matters for weight loss. The rest is nutrition.

    I dont know why but this made me crack up.

    Op, just like with all things nutrition, context is what matters. There is nothing wrong with sugar short of having a medical issue.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    125goals wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    As someone with insulin resistance, sugars cause me WAY more problems than (excessive) calories. Actually, I find it difficult to eat excessive calories when I am eating no sugars, so avoiding sugars helps me stay in my calorie limit.

    Sugar has a negative impact on my health. It tastes great, I would indulge if it didn't hurt my health, but it does so no sugar for me. To be honest, avoiding sugars is getting easier and easier. It's not the devil, just an unhealthy irritant.

    That's why I didn't find her statement too crazy. Although she didn't elaborate I can see why it would make some sense.

    I found her statement crazy.

    If you don't like what companies prepare, make your own food. I don't care about sugar, but I also don't have a hard time controlling sugar intake, because I make my own food. I've never understood this silly "hidden sugar" nonsense.

    Also, anyone who claims that sugar in vegetables is somehow bad for you is lying.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Watch sugars if you are concerned about how your body breaks down the molecules you put into your body and long term affects on organs.

    Authority Nutrition is a disreputable source.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    LeeMay63 wrote: »
    In a nut shell,should you not worry about going over your sugar limit sometimes because it does not hinder your weight loss ?

    The only thing that hinders weight loss is eating too many calories. Where you get those calories from is part of the entire picture, and some peoeple find it easier to cut back on foods with added sugars, but you can cut back on any food.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    tish818 wrote: »
    I know what you mean my dear, sugar is bad for health reasons such as blood sugar levels etc. Its best to avoid when possible

    How is sugar bad for healh? Fruits and vegetables have sugar in them. Your information is inaccurate. Even diabetics are told to moderate their carbs/sugars, not that it's bad for their healthy.