Things I've given up - learning to say NO

I love food. Ever since I was a little girl, I was pretty much able to eat whatever I wanted and not gain any weight. Even after I had my 1st child (at 26 years old) I got back down to 105 6 months after he was born. I had my second child at 29, and still held at around 115 -- not a bad weight for my 5' 1" small body.
Then, my metabolism slowed down, and before i knew it I was up to 120, 130., 140, and hit my highest weight of 157 last winter.
I started running when I was 32. I am back down to 145 as of yesterday, but no longer can I eat whatever I want, and that really sucks some days.

Things I have said NO to this week:
*Birthday Cake (my daughter turned 14 on Thursday)
*Chips and Dip - I love tortilla chips with sour cream and salsa. Yesterday I limited myself to 7 chips with guacamole dip.
*Cookies - my husband always has cookies in the house. I have only eaten 4 cookies in the last month
*Butter - I am now eating my toast without butter, having it plain or with a slice of cheese
*Mayonnaise / Miracle Whip - I use mustard on my sandwiches instead.
*Crackers - I can eat a LOT of crackers and cheese. I now limit myself to no more than 4.
*Ice Cream - I bought a 3 gallon bucket for the family and haven't eaten one scoop. Also said NO to the last few trips the family made to DQ
*Chocolate - my husband keeps a stash of chocolate in the office. I haven't touched any of it in 3 months.

I wish I still had that high metabolism that allowed me to eat whatever I want and not gain weight. But the longer I go without, the easier it has become to say no. I am learning to find other healthier options to satisfy my cravings for sweets and salty snacks !

How do you do it ? Is it hard for you to say NO to the foods you love and used to be able to eat without gaining weight ?


  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Sounds like we have the same 'likes' (add soft drinks to mine).

    Very proud of you for saying no! I am not there yet on a lot of those as I do still eat them but I just don't eat certain things every day anymore.

    Kudos to ya!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,004 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: congratulations to you......I started day one saying no to anything that I hadn't planned to eat for the day . I say no to all the things on your list except that my Isagenix shakes are chocolate but I eat no candy at all.

    :bigsmile:the way to say no is to think of those things as not the things you do anymore. When I was in my 20's I said yes to a lot of inappropriate men, relationships,and activities. Today I refused to do any of them. I now say no to all the food that's not good for me.

    :bigsmile: one day at a time, you can do it too.
  • rundgrenfan
    rundgrenfan Posts: 211
    Sometimes it's easier to say no than to have a little. Sometimes it works for me to have a little of something. After making 200 cupcakes this past week (for girl scout bridging), I finally caved yesterday and had 3! I'm still learning what "a little bit" is!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I love my carbs..:frown: I haven't had more than 1 slice of
    wheat bread in over 2 months ! I find it is getting easier
    to avoid them and I;m finding more and more scrumptious
    options to use now.
  • brandejones
    brandejones Posts: 11 Member
    I completely understand what you are saying. I'm in the same boat and I , however give in to the temptation of sugar now and then..Yesterday, I had an all sugar breakfast and was very ashamed afterwards...However what keeps me going and not getting me too down is knowing what I"m saying yes to: and that's better health, a longer, fuller life and the good example I'm setting for my kiddos. We or they dont' really NEED to be eating all of those empty calories anyway. I think once in a while is ok but am thankful now that I can't eat whatever I want!! because indeeed I would..and even if I were still skinny I definitely would not be HEALTHY!! After all we are what we eat!!! Keep up the great work saying NO and when you are discouraged think about why you are saying no!!!
  • Jonel211
    Jonel211 Posts: 3
    It is hard to give up the things you love, but there are alternatives. I also snack on tortilla chips and guacamole. I eat sugarless candy when I crave something sweet. Cocoa Roast Almonds are great for a chocolate craving. Nestle's Little Drummies Ice Cream cones are 110 calories for the vanilla and 130 calories for the chocolate ones..............and they are very satisfying. Edy's Fruit juice bars are only 25 calories and really hit the spot! I savor my food now, and now just gulp everything down. When my granddaughter had a Dairy Queen ice cream cake for her birthday, I had a small piece........but I made sure my exercise made up for the calorie difference. Good Luck!
  • Mommyof3texans
    The more I said "NO" to foods that were hindering my progress, the easier it got to say no to them. Now, I don't miss most of them or even think about them.