I'm new to this

Hey everybody, I'm 15, and a male. I want to lose fat. I also might take up bodybuilding after I lose a lot of fat. I want to feel better about myself and be able to take my shirt off without being embarrassed :P Over the past year I've just been gaining a lot of weight (most of it normal) but lately its been mostly fat. Again, I'm new to this weight loss stuff, so, any advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks! :D


  • adellepuppy
    adellepuppy Posts: 130
    Welcome aboard. I tribute you for catching this at such a young age. Get a good network of supporters. But, I would caution you to filter the advice you get or against getting inspired to be too aggressive. Most of us are fully grown and correcting the weight. You still have some growing to do and you can't get too far into deprivation without affecting that negatively too. Okay. Turning off the Mom talk. Again. Welcome and good luck.
  • curtisperk
    curtisperk Posts: 27
    Thanks! And yeah, I've been aware of the growing part since I started researching all of this, lol. I just want to shed the weight that I gained that could've stayed off with better eating.
  • jenro39
    jenro39 Posts: 29
    Hi, Im also very new to this, been tracking my food for the past 2 days and find its very good at making you aware of all that you do put into your mouth during the course of each day. Im a grazer - just pick at food and never eat actual large meals and when I do I eat off a side plate (thats a good tip by the way) if you do eat large portions and want to cut down on them then rather fill up a side plate and it makes a big difference. Instead of seeing a large plate with barely any food on you see a side plate with loads on. All mind tricks but fools the brain so Im told. As long as you are true to yourself and record everything you will realise how many calories are in the foods and can then choose the foods with less calories but fill you up. You are still very young to be stressing over your weight so go easy on yourself alot of it is probably puppy fat and will disappear as you get older. Best of luck.
  • curtisperk
    curtisperk Posts: 27
    sounds like you have a good plan! I will try that starting today. Thanks!