why arent i looseing weight!



  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    i have been eating around 1200 calories a day for weeks and have been eating like..
    chicken wraps, brown bread, toasties, apples and oven food and not eating after 8
    av also been doing 4 miles on my crosstrainer a few nights of the week and drinking bottles of water no other drinks
    i weigh 12 stone 7 an not looseing weight but i dont no why?!
    help? any advice
    Eating 1200 calories a day is what's recommended by lots of doctors, MFP, etc. I'd recommend that you use that as a guideline. It's not "a line of death" and you will not go into "starvation mode" if you drop below it occasionally (I've eaten well under 1200 cals/day for the past 179 days with excellent results).

    OK, that's out of the way…

    You're eating a tremendous amount of carbs. Your sugar values don't display in your diary but it'd guess that they're high, as well.

    When I started on MFP, I set my carbs/proteins/fats ratio to 40/40/20 and I think that where I reset them. Those ratios have worked very well for me.

    You're eating a huge amount of carbs and very little protein. You might want to invert those ratios so that you have more protein and less carbs. Processed meats? Those will never again cross my lips. And it's not because I'm a good snob (I used to eat anything "dead or slow moving", as I was wont to say) but there are so many good alternatives that there's no need to consume them.

    A very valuable outcome from my 6 month journey has been learning some things about nutrition and I might suggest that you take the time to do that, as well. There's a lot of information on the internet. Some of the information is very valuable though much of it just rewritten tripe to get viewership. But take the time to find the sites that present medical information rather than push splashy headlines.

    You could even take a class at a local college or university — it's time well spent since you'll be dealing with nutrition for the rest of your life, right?
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    i eat southern fried chicken on wrap and stuf i dont like veggies but i eat apples
    so am i doing it right?

    >Not sure if trolling.
    I don't get that feeling. I see a young lady trying to do what's recommended but lacking in knowledge about what else to do.

    She appears to want to solve her weight issue — she's here on MFP, right? She's eating about the right number of calories, exercising, and asking questions because things aren't working. Good for her!

    But her diet is shockingly heavy in carbs and low on protein so, perhaps with some learning about nutrition, she can tweak her diet and will be able to accomplish her goals.
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    i eat southern fried chicken on wrap and stuf i dont like veggies but i eat apples
    so am i doing it right?

    >Not sure if trolling.
    I don't get that feeling. I see a young lady trying to do what's recommended but lacking in knowledge about what else to do.

    She appears to want to solve her weight issue — she's here on MFP, right? She's eating about the right number of calories, exercising, and asking questions because things aren't working. Good for her!

    But her diet is shockingly heavy in carbs and low on protein so, perhaps with some learning about nutrition, she can tweak her diet and will be able to accomplish her goals.

    thankyou for your help i will set my carbs lower and my protein higher and see where it goes from there
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    is my dairy okay from today?
  • CarolynB38
    CarolynB38 Posts: 553 Member
    is my dairy okay from today?

    Hi. Noticed your note on todays diary about wanting an apple but not wanting to go over on carbs. Personally I feel if it's fruit or veg that takes you over on carbs then don't worry too much about it, especially if you are still under on calories. I usually go over the 40% carbs because I eat quite a lot of veg, dried fruit, nuts etc (except for today, lol). You're welcome to look at my diary if you're looking for ideas, Monday is a better day to look at than today. Today was not a typical day for me.

    It's good that you're eating apples but is there no other fruit or veg or salad veg that you like at all? You might find that if you can eat some sort of veg your weight loss might be a bit easier. You can "hide" veggies in soups and casseroles or even make a pasta sauce by cooking some veggies and tomatoes and then putting it through a blender. That's what I do when my kids won't eat veggies. They don't notice them then because a lot of the problem is that they don't like the texture of the veggies.

    A lot of the foods you are eating are processes (wraps, cheese, southern fried chicken etc). Perhaps if you have time you could try out some healthy recipes using chicken, tuna or other fish and meats. Cooking food from scratch is great because you know exactly what's in it and it is healthier, although that doesn't have to be everyday. We all have days where we just don't have time. And it doesn't have to be complicated either. I do a lot of pasta dishes but I use wholewheat pasta. They are quick and easy to make.

    Please keep asking questions if you're still not sure. There are loads of people here who are happy to help and there has been some really good advice so far. Make a few little changes at a time and you'll get there. Just keep at it :smile:
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    is my dairy okay from today?

    Hi. Noticed your note on todays diary about wanting an apple but not wanting to go over on carbs. Personally I feel if it's fruit or veg that takes you over on carbs then don't worry too much about it, especially if you are still under on calories. I usually go over the 40% carbs because I eat quite a lot of veg, dried fruit, nuts etc (except for today, lol). You're welcome to look at my diary if you're looking for ideas, Monday is a better day to look at than today. Today was not a typical day for me.

    It's good that you're eating apples but is there no other fruit or veg or salad veg that you like at all? You might find that if you can eat some sort of veg your weight loss might be a bit easier. You can "hide" veggies in soups and casseroles or even make a pasta sauce by cooking some veggies and tomatoes and then putting it through a blender. That's what I do when my kids won't eat veggies. They don't notice them then because a lot of the problem is that they don't like the texture of the veggies.

    A lot of the foods you are eating are processes (wraps, cheese, southern fried chicken etc). Perhaps if you have time you could try out some healthy recipes using chicken, tuna or other fish and meats. Cooking food from scratch is great because you know exactly what's in it and it is healthier, although that doesn't have to be everyday. We all have days where we just don't have time. And it doesn't have to be complicated either. I do a lot of pasta dishes but I use wholewheat pasta. They are quick and easy to make.

    Please keep asking questions if you're still not sure. There are loads of people here who are happy to help and there has been some really good advice so far. Make a few little changes at a time and you'll get there. Just keep at it :smile:

    thanks so much everyone has been so supportive i have lost 3 lb since i last stood on the scales 1 week and half ago wooo made up
  • Try getting a lot of vitamins in aswell, you may not like veggies but you have to understand that is what gives you iron which will help your stamina. Try not to eat southern fried chicken as it is too fatty instead swap it for grilled chicken. i hope this helps :)
  • Try getting a lot of vitamins in aswell, you may not like veggies but you have to understand that is what gives you iron which will help your stamina. Try not to eat southern fried chicken as it is too fatty instead swap it for grilled chicken. i hope this helps :)
  • janel814
    janel814 Posts: 88
    I haven't checked out your diary but I think you may be putting to much into keeping your diet at 1200 cal per day. I have found that your amout of intake cals should only have a difference of 500-1000 cals to what you have burned that day. If you are burning 2500 cal per day then your food intake should be 1500-2000 cals that day. This is essential to weight loss if your food intake is significantly lower than your calorie burn then your body will go into starvation mode without you even knowing it.

    For example, when I started I was keeping my diet at 1200 cals per day, working out for an hour a day, working a full time job, and taking care of a family. I felt awesome but I had unknowingly put my body into starvation b/c I was buring 2500-2800 cals per day. My fix was to invest in a bodybugg. It is a device that tells you how many calories you are buring among other things. This device showed me that I was burning 2500-2800 cals per day and once I moved my diet up to healthy foods to hit 1500-1800 cals per day the weight started to come off. Enough about me but I hope this helps and wish you luck in this journey. Remember weight loss or getting healthy is not a sprint it is a marathon. It takes work, persistance, and determination. As research things for yourself to find what works best for you :happy:
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