Foods good for diabetes

so I've been using myfitnesspal pal through my pregnancy to keep myself on track and not go overboard eating like I did with my first preg. I wanted to be more aware and keep my weight gain on track and it has been. (29weeks only up 11 pounds which is on track based on my previous weight)

The irony is I've developed gestational diabetes. Where as with my first child I gained too much weight and had the worst sweet tooth. And this one I've eaten pretty healthy and kept weight on track.

What foods or easy& healthy recipes can you recommend to help keep my sugar balanced.


  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    Have you spoken with your doctor regarding this and have they referred you to a dietician? I've never met someone who developed gestational diabetes who did not get these two support lines handed to them at time of diagnosis.

  • xXAlana21Xx
    xXAlana21Xx Posts: 183 Member
    I see a dietician on Thursday. But im not sure how many sessions or how long I will be able to meet with them and I'm not sure how in depth they will be.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    I see a dietician on Thursday. But im not sure how many sessions or how long I will be able to meet with them and I'm not sure how in depth they will be.

    Since every case is different, what works for someone else might not work for you... or might be harmful for you. Please speak with your dietician first, and then ask for assistance within their guidelines given to you. Your doctor will have more insight into your particular case and give you appropriate advice.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Print out the last four days to bring to the dietician so that the two of you have something specific to talk about regarding what you have been doing.
  • DaddieCat
    DaddieCat Posts: 3,643 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Print out the last four days to bring to the dietician so that the two of you have something specific to talk about regarding what you have been doing.

    This is great advice.
  • alyssagb1
    alyssagb1 Posts: 353 Member
    so I've been using myfitnesspal pal through my pregnancy to keep myself on track and not go overboard eating like I did with my first preg. I wanted to be more aware and keep my weight gain on track and it has been. (29weeks only up 11 pounds which is on track based on my previous weight)

    The irony is I've developed gestational diabetes. Where as with my first child I gained too much weight and had the worst sweet tooth. And this one I've eaten pretty healthy and kept weight on track.

    What foods or easy& healthy recipes can you recommend to help keep my sugar balanced.

    A good bread swap is "aunt millies" low card bread. There are other variations as well, I find that's the tastiest brand though. Also half the calories of regular sand which bread. Sugar free pudding in any flavor is pretty good. (I usually get store brand) carb smart ice cream..*I believe breyers makes it* there is also low to sugar free candy available..but I personally think the texture is questionable. Also, halo top and Arctic zero ice cream are both pretty good and low in sugar/ carbs. Halo top is creamier, but the flavor spectrum is larger for arctic Zero.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    so I've been using myfitnesspal pal through my pregnancy to keep myself on track and not go overboard eating like I did with my first preg. I wanted to be more aware and keep my weight gain on track and it has been. (29weeks only up 11 pounds which is on track based on my previous weight)

    The irony is I've developed gestational diabetes. Where as with my first child I gained too much weight and had the worst sweet tooth. And this one I've eaten pretty healthy and kept weight on track.

    What foods or easy& healthy recipes can you recommend to help keep my sugar balanced.

    You need a complete plan, not just some special foods. If you have a meeting with a dietitian, either you will be given the guidelines on how to plan your meals, or you will be given sample meals and snacks.
    The rules are pretty simple: aim for 5-6 small meals, count carbs per meal (your dietitian will give you servings per meal for carbs), try to limit overall calories per day, avoid the obvious sugary stuff (soda, candy etc), pair carbs with protein in meals.
    Especially since this is just for a few weeks at this point, you will probably be told that sweet treats will be off limits for the rest of your pregnancy, or limited to tiny amounts. Then carbs will be distributed throughout the day - so you can have a slice of bread or a serving of rice or a baked potato or a banana for example per meal, but not all these at once. You will be encouraged to eat vegetables and a protein source for lunch and dinner, with a side-dish of carbs, instead of having a carb-based main meal.
    You will also probably be told to measure blood sugar at least after one meal, for the dr to determine if diet alone is working or insulin will be needed. If you need insulin, then you will receive more precise instructions regarding meal timing, so as to avoid hypoglycemia.

  • KetoNurse77
    KetoNurse77 Posts: 10 Member
    Reduced carbohydrates will help any form of diabetes.
  • conniehgtv
    conniehgtv Posts: 309 Member
    make vegatables your new besr friends...I have DM2 for ten years my A1c is currently 5.9.Also I suggest drinking a large glass of warm water with fresh squeezed lemon juice and grated ginger. I believe this helps me keep my numbers down
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    The dietician will help immensely, mine helped me. When I had GD with #2, it was a lot of trial and error. You'll probably be given a specific carb to fat to protein ratio, and that helped me, but then I had to tweak some things for me. Milk was a no go, even if I balanced it with something else. Carbs in the morning made my after breakfast number high, but carbs at night, right before bed, made my morning fasted number good. Like I said, trial and error, and just really portion things out, and balance your macros. Also, forsnacks, I relied a lot on Balance bars, and sometimes sugar free Jell-o, depending on how you feel about artificial sweeteners.