How do you plan on eating right this Thanksgiving and Holiday season?



  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    I will try not to go overboard, but I will have at least a little of pretty much everything and log it as best I can. Then when I wake up from the turkey coma, I will get right back on plan :)

    Good for you logging..I'm not even doing that lol!
  • sstout02
    sstout02 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2015
    Portion control, and choosing the foods I really really want instead of eating everything. I'm new at this so I hope I can do it!
    That sounds like a great plan
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    The main thing about holidays... is it is not just one day! There are always leftovers. Family will be visiting and lots of food will be present. So, really, you need to be good for more than one day. I will go with moderation and and portion control. Eat lightly in the morning and evening. NO snacking!!! I hate the feeling of eating too much, so my plate will be small.
  • muziique
    muziique Posts: 82 Member
    I'm going to be honest and say I have no intentions to "eat right" on Thanksgiving. Lol I'm eating a little bit of everything and most definitely will have leftovers the next day. BUT....I am working out everyday until Thanksgiving and going back to the gym that weekend again so I'm not worried about it. During the rest of the holidays it will be about eating in moderation and sticking to my regular workouts.
  • Derf_Smeggle
    Derf_Smeggle Posts: 610 Member
    I'm being a bit of a numbers freak right now. At a goal of 1.5 pounds per week of weight loss, MFP sets us at a 750 calorie deficit per day, or 5,250 calorie deficit per week. For me personally, that's a target goal of 1630 calories per day.

    My plan to "eat right" on Thanksgiving is to be as accurate as possible in logging what I eat. Even if I eat double my daily goal (which would be 3,260 calories) that one day and hit my target the 6 other days, I will have maintained a 3,620 calorie deficit for that week period.
  • Kellyfitness128
    Kellyfitness128 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm going to eat whatever I want, no logging, but keep my portions under control and stop when I'm full :) I'm sure I'll be a little over my maintenance calories, but I really don't care. It's a wonderful holiday and I'm going to enjoy it and be thankful for the food I'll have on my table!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,573 Member
    I just posted this elsewhere:

    My rules are this:

    1. Nothing goes past my lips unless I ((((((((((((((L.O.V.E.))))))))))))))))) it. As in, abso-freaking-lutely LOVE it. This already cuts my choices by at least 60%. For example: I hate most people's pie crust, so almost any holiday pie put out as a treat, you can guarantee I'll pass - there are only 3 pies in the world I will eat and enjoy: my mothers (she's been dead since 2000, so we're safe there), my brother's (not the same recipe, and he lives 3,000 miles away, so we're safe there) and my friend Sue's. And I get to have Sue's pie on Thanksgiving.

    2. I am most definitely going to indulge on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, our office Christmas party, New Years, and any occasional party I may be invited to (not many as I'm not really a sociable person). PROVIDED:

    --the day before and after, I eat more lightly,
    --before the party/festivity, I eat less than I normally would,
    --and I absolutely make it to the gym the day before and the day after. I don't see it as punishment, but as a way to "finance" my calorie expenditures. LOL

    This Christmas will be tricky as we will be away visiting family in Missouri...but we'll be doing touristy things walking around a lot so..I will cut myself a break on the gym for Christmas/Christmas Eve.

    3. Remember that just because it's there, doesn't mean I have to eat it. Refer to Rule #1.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I am not planning anything. I will continue to work out daily and drink my H2O. As far as the food goes I will eat what I want. I will be conscious of portion size but, not obsess about it. I plan to enjoy the holidays for next year I may not be here with the way this world is going. Enjoy, be happy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Last year I had a plan but I was hungry that day so my plan went out of the window and I stuffed my face.

    This year, I'm going to TRY to save calories the rest of the week (I've eaten pretty horribly the last week because of PMS from Hell and I'm not sure exactly when it's going to stop), hoping that I won't be very hungry that day and can make do with just a small breakfast and lunch to save calories for it, avoid the cheese and crackers that are always available there, then skip what I don't care for, have a bit of turkey and mashed potatoes (sweet potatoes I might skip as I'm sure my husband will drown it in sugary stuff) and try not to eat too much pie (if I could I'd just skip the whole meal and only eat dessert). And hopefully fit in a good workout that morning too (but if I can't, I'm planning to have a good workout every day this week anyway).

    But it's the pies that always do me in, so I'm hoping they actually didn't make extra pies like every single year... two for 9 people is plenty...
  • TheSunshineQueen
    TheSunshineQueen Posts: 276 Member
    edited November 2015
    I'll be consuming the high end of my maintenance calories, which for me is like 2200 kcal. I need to double check.

    So basically I'll still be counting, but I'll be indulging, as well. It shouldn't be too hard if I do things right. My main priority will be dessert (namely: pie(s)) so I'll just make sure I have a super light breakfast (like a yogurt), stick to water throughout the day, and don't overdo it during dinner.

    I'll also make sure to consume slightly fewer calories a day or two prior to T-day so that I still meet my weekly goal.
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    I will do a squat session earlier in the day - then eat 1/2 a turkey
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    edited November 2015
    I might bank some calories, it depends on how I feel tomorrow when I prelog Monday. I'll either run or do my calisthenics early in the day and enjoy an extra rest day on Friday.

    The actual day, I'm just going to eat.
  • transformedbyhim56
    I am going out to eat so there will be no left overs. Yeah! Anyway, my plan is to load up my plate with plain vegetables, and turkey and maybe have a piece of pie. I probably will go over my calories, but will be right back on track the next day. I will also eat sensibly for breakfast and lunch. There are always lots of reasons to indulge way too much. That's one of the reasons I got overweight in the first place. There was always an excuse. So don't use any holiday or birthday or whatever as an excuse to overeat. Because if you're not careful, you can think of an excuse for almost every day.
  • jenr51
    jenr51 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas. I was not planning on staying under calories Thursday or Friday but you have encouraged me to get back on track Friday. My daughters and I are taking healthier food to the dinner. Note: the pie tastes this same with each bite. Maybe cut a piece in half? Good luck !
  • MamaMollyT
    MamaMollyT Posts: 197 Member
    edited November 2015
    We make turkey, sweet potatoes (no added sugar), kale and red cabbage salad, lemony green beans and a carrot feta salad. Then pumpkin pie for dessert. We also always run about 6-7 miles that morning.
  • BigMikeP81
    BigMikeP81 Posts: 46 Member
    My family tends to go crazy at Holiday gatherings. They really don't care about calories, or they fact most of them are overweight. I'm trying extremely hard to get healthy so I'm going to risk a set back by going over my calories one day.
  • BigMikeP81
    BigMikeP81 Posts: 46 Member
    Not going to risk it*
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    susb wrote: »
    That sounds like what I plan to do. I had success throughout the holiday season before, so it works. I'm going to eat more turkey and small servings of casserole and mashed potatoes. I will eat field peas. I am going to pass on rolls but eat some cranberry sauce. I will eat a piece of pecan pie. I am making half the amount of potatoes and casserole so that we won't be left with loads of leftovers. Here's the key, I am not going to eat the leftovers the next few days after, except for the turkey and field peas.

  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    I think trying to control eating leftovers the next day is a great idea. That will be my plan. Thanks for sharing
  • Stop1510
    Stop1510 Posts: 26 Member
    I am planning on excercising some form of moderation, mainly just dishing out bite size portions and just getting a little taste of everything. It adds up so quick!