Help me get ready for my wedding!! Need to lose 30 lbs

I'm 26 I plan to get married in about 4 months and I want to be in good health when that happens ...


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Have you entered your stats and goals into MFP and gotten a calorie goal?
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    By joining MFP you've made a great start! so congrats on taking the first step!
    30 lbs in 4 months is probably very optimistic, depending on your current weight and how much you have to lose. The max recommended weekly loss is 2lbs- so for roughly 16 weeks (4 months) that is doable, but bear in mind as you lose weight, your rate of loss will slow down. You may lose more at the start, but the closer you are to your goal the less you will be losing.

    Also, a lot of people consider setting time related goals a bad idea- what happens if you dont reach your goal by then? It can be pretty disheartening.

    Another thing is that you mention losing 30lbs and also 'being in good health'- it's worth bearing in mind that weight loss doesn't always equal healthy.

    None the less, enter your stats into MFP and you'll be well on your way. Just remember to log everything accurately, and don't over restrict yourself. :)
  • ARGriffy
    ARGriffy Posts: 1,002 Member
    I won't lie, 30 lbs is hard, the first 15 will be fast though and you will feel amazing once you've done it! I'm the same age, I got married this year so if you want extra help feel free to add me :) I dropped a similar weight!
  • bdorri00
    bdorri00 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm wanting to lose about 30-35 lbs before my wedding in June as well. That gives me a little more time but I would like to get there more quickly if possible and not have to stress about it as we prepare for the wedding.
  • dmac112988
    dmac112988 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice and input I really appreciate i slack sometimes i won't lie because of my work schedule but I feel :) like if I don't start now I won't ever so I have to do this
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    edited November 2015
    dmac112988 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your advice and input I really appreciate i slack sometimes i won't lie because of my work schedule but I feel :) like if I don't start now I won't ever so I have to do this

    You don't have time to slack if you only have 4 months to lose 30 pounds. Buy a food scale. Weigh everything you consume, log it. Stay within your caloric goal. 95 % of loss is what you consume. Tighten up and remember your goal.

    Everytime you think about slacking, think about you in your wedding dress or tux.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    dmac112988 wrote: »
    Thank you everyone for your advice and input I really appreciate i slack sometimes i won't lie because of my work schedule but I feel :) like if I don't start now I won't ever so I have to do this

    You don't have time to slack if you only have 4 months to lose 30 pounds. Buy a food scale. Weigh everything you consume, log it. Stay within your caloric goal. 95 % of loss is what you consume. Tighten up and remember your goal.

    Everytime you think about slacking, think about you in your wedding dress or tux.

    Great advice there^^^

    Keep in mind that your wedding is just one day, and it will be attended by people who love you for who you are, not what you look like.

    Your health is for life, so do all the above to learn healthy habits to keep you at a healthy weight for life.

    Learning to live within your calorie limit by eating the foods you love in moderation will help you to lose weight, AND will teach you how to maintain a healthy weight afterwards.

    Don't be like so many brides and me, and pig out after the wedding and put it all back on!
  • jolenegrew
    jolenegrew Posts: 6 Member
    I am in a similiar position. I am getting married in in june I started 18 months ago to lose weight when wedding was booked and so far I hve lost most of it. I have now plateau and want to lose the let 6-7lbs I workout between 2-4 nights a week but still no joy any advice

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    jolenegrew wrote: »
    I am in a similiar position. I am getting married in in june I started 18 months ago to lose weight when wedding was booked and so far I hve lost most of it. I have now plateau and want to lose the let 6-7lbs I workout between 2-4 nights a week but still no joy any advice

    Log and weigh everything you eat accurately.

    Don't expect to lose more than 2 lbs a month.

    A lot of this loss will be hidden by hormonal water fluctuations so don't worry if the scale doesn't go down every week.
  • BethMilledge
    BethMilledge Posts: 367 Member
    Feel free to add me.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    edited November 2015
    bdorri00 wrote: »
    I'm wanting to lose about 30-35 lbs before my wedding in June as well. That gives me a little more time but I would like to get there more quickly if possible and not have to stress about it as we prepare for the wedding.
    Just wanted to say, getting there 'quickly' is usually a very bad idea if you want to keep that weight off/lose healthily. It's important to lose at a healthy rate so that you dont lose lean body mass- if you lose weight too fast you risk losing muscle as well (any weight loss will mean losing muscle, but if you lose too fast you risk losing more).

    Also those that set sustainable habits (ie. not crash dieting, and making changes that they'll stick to) are much more likely to keep the weight off in the future. Not to mention to lose 'quickly' you often have to put yourself into dangerous deficits, which along with losing LBM can lead to all sorts of other health issues. Just something to consider :)

    ETA: 35 lbs before June is do-able though. 35lbs in 7 months equates to about 5lbs a month, which should be easy enough at the start (although will be slower the closer you get to your goal). Good luck! :)
  • firesweetheart
    firesweetheart Posts: 92 Member
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding and your decision to start your new life on a healthier note!

    Keep in mind alterations for your dress - I'm newly married and had to have several fittings over the two months leading up to my wedding. At the very first one, the seamstress warned me not to lose more than 5-7 pounds before the wedding (and my dress was super tight on the top)