Dash Diet



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    RodaRose wrote: »
    I am on the Dash Diet stage 1. I am allowed to eat all of the vegetables I would like (no corn or potatoes.) I can have 8 ounces of meat. I can have 3 servings of cheese. No fruit. No grains. I cannot eat enough calories with this diet. Any suggestions?

    DASH is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps creates a heart-healthy eating style for life.

    The DASH eating plan requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. This plan recommends:

    Eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
    Including fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils
    Limiting foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils
    Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets.

    Based on these recommendations, the following table shows examples of daily and weekly servings that meet DASH eating plan targets for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet.

    There is no stage 1 to the Dash Diet. That is garbage from the Dr. Oz show or somewhere.

    The real Dash Diet from the NIH focuses on eating real food, including cheese, fruit, grains, meat, fish . . .

    This is exactly what I follow 80-90% of the time except I follow the 1600 calories plan. I guess that some people find eating vegetables, fruits and lean meats along with a sweet treat a few times a week a bit on the "fad" side...I don't know.

    This is set up like the outdated food pyramid. How is it better than setting up macronutrient, micronutrient, sodium, potassium, and fiber goals to hit everyday, then just eating what you want?

    Did I say it was better? I do track my macro/micros along with sodium, potassium, fiber. Right now I am taking extra vit C/D and calcium to aid in the recovery of broken bones and surgery.

    You do realize that the majority of people in this world do track their intake. The guidelines set out by Dash/My Plate if followed properly will help those people achieve the proper intake.

    Again...I didn't say it was better...didn't say that anyone else should follow this diet. I just said that it was working for me and it was recommended by my GP and cardiologist. The only thing that I have struggled with is replacing the "salty" taste with other spices and herbs.

    BTW...I love me some salty foods...if I didn't think it was necessary I wouldn't be cutting it back. It is quite a shock though when you get a blood pressure reading of over 200 and realize that a stroke is very good possibility.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited November 2015
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    I'm sure some do. Fit people die of cancer, have heart attacks etc. I don't know why they wouldn't/couldn't have high blood pressure. Being healthy and fit doesn't necessarily make one immune to ailments or diseases.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    I was pretty fit at 19. I still required medication to keep my bp under control. My sodium intake - whether it's high or low - has absolutely no effect on my bp. My weight does make it worse. The higher my weight is the more meds I need to keep it under control. But eating at maintenance and being active most of the day through most of the week didn't change the fact that I have hereditary primary hypertension. I'm so glad sodium isn't an issue for me. I'd be miserable if I could never have my pickles.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Fit and active people can have high blood pressure.
    Certain groups can get it more than others: males, some ethnic groups, women on birth control pills, . . .
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    AJ_G wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    RodaRose wrote: »
    I am on the Dash Diet stage 1. I am allowed to eat all of the vegetables I would like (no corn or potatoes.) I can have 8 ounces of meat. I can have 3 servings of cheese. No fruit. No grains. I cannot eat enough calories with this diet. Any suggestions?

    DASH is a flexible and balanced eating plan that helps creates a heart-healthy eating style for life.

    The DASH eating plan requires no special foods and instead provides daily and weekly nutritional goals. This plan recommends:

    Eating vegetables, fruits, and whole grains
    Including fat-free or low-fat dairy products, fish, poultry, beans, nuts, and vegetable oils
    Limiting foods that are high in saturated fat, such as fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut, palm kernel, and palm oils
    Limiting sugar-sweetened beverages and sweets.

    Based on these recommendations, the following table shows examples of daily and weekly servings that meet DASH eating plan targets for a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet.

    There is no stage 1 to the Dash Diet. That is garbage from the Dr. Oz show or somewhere.

    The real Dash Diet from the NIH focuses on eating real food, including cheese, fruit, grains, meat, fish . . .

    This is exactly what I follow 80-90% of the time except I follow the 1600 calories plan. I guess that some people find eating vegetables, fruits and lean meats along with a sweet treat a few times a week a bit on the "fad" side...I don't know.

    This is set up like the outdated food pyramid. How is it better than setting up macronutrient, micronutrient, sodium, potassium, and fiber goals to hit everyday, then just eating what you want?

    Did I say it was better? I do track my macro/micros along with sodium, potassium, fiber. Right now I am taking extra vit C/D and calcium to aid in the recovery of broken bones and surgery.

    You do realize that the majority of people in this world do track their intake. The guidelines set out by Dash/My Plate if followed properly will help those people achieve the proper intake.

    Again...I didn't say it was better...didn't say that anyone else should follow this diet. I just said that it was working for me and it was recommended by my GP and cardiologist. The only thing that I have struggled with is replacing the "salty" taste with other spices and herbs.

    BTW...I love me some salty foods...if I didn't think it was necessary I wouldn't be cutting it back. It is quite a shock though when you get a blood pressure reading of over 200 and realize that a stroke is very good possibility.

    Re "spices": have you tried cumin, chili powder, ground flax seeds or chia seeds, saffron, tumeric?
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    My manager did, guy did triathlons regularly so by one measurement that might be fit.

    I do belief that fitness plays a part. I'd been overweight or obese for 23 years and on meds to control BP. Once I lost weight and payed attention to my sodium I'm able to have normal BP without medication.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    edited November 2015
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    I do...heredity. I eat very healthfully and am very fit and I still take blood pressure medication.

    I generally ride 60 - 80 miles per week or more and lift 3x per week. I walk my dog most days and do a bit of hiking, rock climbing, and swimming. I also enjoy skiing in the winter. Outside of my office I'm pretty active. I'm about 12% BF. I don't follow any particular eating plan, but the chart that was posted above is reasonably reflective of the way I eat most of the time though I eat more fish and chicken and whatnot and I eat a lot of legumes and lentils.
  • Pawsforme
    Pawsforme Posts: 645 Member
    edited November 2015
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    Is this meant as a joke? Issues like high blood pressure are so common I can't imagine that anyone doesn't know somebody who is health conscious and still struggles or needs medication for certain issues.

    Of course fit people, even super fit people, can have high blood pressure and other diseases that are popularly equated with lifestyle choices but can also be hereditary in nature. My doctor loves to talk about his patient who is a triathlete and yet has to deal with HBP and high cholesterol. He does it to point out that for most people changing their diet and exercise will help with those issues, but sometimes no matter what lifestyle changes you make you're still going to need medication.

    And FWIW there are also lean, fit Type II diabetics. My father was one of those.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Vegetable juice can give you more calories. Carrot, beet, cucumber, celery, spinach, broccoli.... Mmmm. If you have a high powered blender, making a smoothie is even better than just juicing.

    But if a doctor put you on such a restrictive phase 1 (are you sure you can't have fruit, too?) then the plan might be for you to lose weight rapidly at first.
  • dee_thurman
    dee_thurman Posts: 240 Member
    wow.... i didn't mean to start any arguments. I should have been more specific. The book i read was THE DASH DIET WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTION by Marla Heller. What I briefly described was stage I of the diet which only last 2 weeks.
  • dee_thurman
    dee_thurman Posts: 240 Member
    I am almost finished with the 2nd week and I am used to the diet. I am not that hungry throughout the day because as long as you snack with the correct food you can eat 5/6 times. You eventually have to eat vegetables as you snack because you are only allowed so many servings in other areas and you are unlimited eating vegetables. I like vegetables and am full after eating. With those restrictions however I am not getting enough calories according to my fitness pal. The other thing that I am a little bit over is sodium but not by much. I think my sodium intake will get a little better when I can put grains and fruits back into my diet. My calorie intake will increase as well. I appreciate everyone's thoughts to my post.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    i wonder if any fit person has high blood pressure
    i wonder if anyone that eats healthy, walks every day, etc has problems
    something i never, ever though about

    I did. I was a healthy weight, worked out, and ate healthy....on top of having a pretty active job. My BP was 180/120....I was only 27 years old and a non smoker.

    I tried medication...was on the DASH diet....but ate even less sodiym. My blood pressure was not easily controlled by medication.

    It turned out I have renal aretery stenosis in both of my renal arteries due to fibro muscular dysplasia. I had angioplasty twice. So that's really the only thing that helps my blood pressure.
  • cbr2016
    cbr2016 Posts: 5 Member
    The original DASH Diet stood for "dietary approaches to stop hypertension". It was never meant to be a weight loss plan. Any of these new plans with stages are fad diets. However, if a doctor has recommended you follow the original DASH diet to try to control hypertension, please do not listen to anyone here over your doctor.

    Sodium doesn't cause HBP, but lowering it has been proven over decades to help some people lower BP. This is proven. Even the smallest decrease in BP readings translates into a decrease risk of heart and kidney issues down the road. If controlling sodium doesn't affect your BP, well sorry, but don't discount it for most of the population.

    If you have been diagnosed with hypertension, do what ever it takes...meds, weight loss, exercise or low sodium to try to get it in control. Of course, you can try any of these approaches or combination of approaches, but why not do everything it takes to lower your BP? For what it is worth, MFP ended up figuring my sodium, potassium and magnesium goals right in line with what DASH would recommend. Yeah, it sucks to have to eat low sodium, but hypertension is serious and you do what you have to do to improve quality of life down the road.

    Most everyone on MFP gets it: less calories in vs calories out equals weight loss....calorie deficiency....so simple for weight loss. Any weight loss helps with health ailments. That is great. I have seen a lot of people on these boards over the years just tout that and that is great and true. But to tell people with high BP not to worry about sodium and all they need to do is control calories is just wrong.
  • dee_thurman
    dee_thurman Posts: 240 Member
    cbr2016, I 100% agree with your post. I am doing really well with eating the correct number of calories and I am losing weight. However, I just don't want to lose weight. I want to be healthy. I am worried about my sodium numbers. A lot of the dash diet recommendations that I read from my book (lunch meat (turkey and ham), most of the nuts (unsalted cashews,) rotessaire chicken, and more.... may not have ungodly amounts of sodium but they add up at the end of the day. It is hard, in my opinion, to eat low calorie foods with low amounts of sodium. The recommendation seems low. I couldn't imagine being on a 1500 mg sodium diet.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    edited November 2015
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?


    Because most of us with HBP are concerned with more than losing weight. I have lost 75lbs...exercise...and it still didn't get my BP under control.

    ETA...May I ask what your credentials are to advise people to go against what the AHA and most doctors recommend to their patients?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If I was allowed to eat 3 servings of cheese I would choose

    an entire baked camembert
    an entire stilton
    and a goats cheese - or an extra mature stilton

    ooooo cheese .. slavers
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?


    Because most of us with HBP are concerned with more than losing weight. I have lost 75lbs...exercise...and it still didn't get my BP under control.

    ETA...May I ask what your credentials are to advise people to go against what the AHA and most doctors recommend to their patients?

    Did you miss the post where the OP came back and said they were doing this as a weight loss aid, and not to help with high blood pressure?
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    3bambi3 wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?
    Don't do it. All you need for weight loss is a calorie deficit, so why make it more complicated if you don't have to?


    Because most of us with HBP are concerned with more than losing weight. I have lost 75lbs...exercise...and it still didn't get my BP under control.

    ETA...May I ask what your credentials are to advise people to go against what the AHA and most doctors recommend to their patients?

    Did you miss the post where the OP came back and said they were doing this as a weight loss aid, and not to help with high blood pressure?

    Yes. I haven't seen the OP be explicit on not needing to control HBP