Does anyone Wana know how to loose to 5 pounds in 1 week?



  • pasrichasaree
    pasrichasaree Posts: 10 Member
    She never said she didn't eat at all Or deprived herself of calories. She said she eats all meal types before 4 pm meaning she eats all her meals before 4 p.m. then have only fruit and veggies after that time. I think she posted this thinking people had common sense. If you are on a 2000 calorie diet have all your heavy meals bY 4 p.m. after that point have your fruit and veggies. Most people here are trying to be healthy so it's kind of assume your going to eat sensibly for the main calorie load. Thanks for the tip. Sorry you were attacked with such negativity . I thought this was supposed to be a positive place. I know to never share anything in the community here.

    Thanx :)
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    She never said she didn't eat at all Or deprived herself of calories. She said she eats all meal types before 4 pm meaning she eats all her meals before 4 p.m. then have only fruit and veggies after that time. I think she posted this thinking people had common sense. If you are on a 2000 calorie diet have all your heavy meals bY 4 p.m. after that point have your fruit and veggies. Most people here are trying to be healthy so it's kind of assume your going to eat sensibly for the main calorie load. Thanks for the tip. Sorry you were attacked with such negativity . I thought this was supposed to be a positive place. I know to never share anything in the community here.

    They did insist that meal timing was important when science says it isn't. They did portend that people needed to avoid certain foods to lose weight when science again counters their claim.

    The OP wasn't attacked in any way. Members countered the fallacies in their posts. There is a difference.
  • nade0069
    nade0069 Posts: 109 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    lyzee88 wrote: »
    Go vegan!


    But seriously. Vegan isn't supposed to be some weight loss fad diet and someone mentioned, there are overweight/obese vegans too.

    Solid Scott Pilgrim reference!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Guys I'll start from beginning. While back about 3 years ago I was about 199 pound and suddenly I wanted to drop my weight so I had this idea not to eat after 4 or 5 pm. If I had felt hungry I would just had a banana. Trust me guys it was not easy . But I still had good meals before 5 pm and I would sleep by 10 pm. I was doing this diet only for 5 days and on weekends I would have 3 meals even after 5 pm and late nite dinners. First week i lost 5 pounds and in 6 months my weight came down to 169 lb. After I was doing this on and off and after married i stop doing it cuzz I would go out more and eat late dinners. Then last year my weight came up to 185 and I started to get worry.
    In other words you ate more than you burned off which is a calorie surplus and leads to weight gain. That's not new information.
    So I came up with a new idea of dieting. I would eat only 3 meals and nothing between the meals. Example : morning just mcdonald oat meal with hash brown and small coffee , lunch: subway Multigrain flat bread with veggie and tosted together with no cheese, then at dinner around 8 pm i would add onions, green peper, tomatoes and red beans in a pan without oil . Have them cook for 10 to 15 min with lid on so it will be cooked with the steam. Every day I add different stuff like broccoli, black beans or mushrooms. So by doing this now my weight is 171 lb.
    And now you eat a calorie deficit and lost weight. Doesn't really matter how you did it, you just ate less than your burned.
    The first diet I did so that I can drop the weight fast and then maintain it.
    Obviously not because you gained weight and are now on a new "diet".
    On weekends I cheat ..I go out and have late dinners and enjoy. So my point is just eat very healthy from Monday to Friday and on weekends just enjoy the food. But don't go over board. I hope this diet works out for u guys. I don't have a set goal that I need to be a certain weight since my weight is on healthy Balance I just maintain my weight . So guys loose weight , feel great and enjoy life .
    One could eat healthy 80% of the day and the other 20% what ever they want so long as they aren't exceeded how much they burn and maintain. Also, many a dieter here will have issues with doing it well during the week and then blowing it on the weekends. The whole premise is to be able sustain a diet program on a daily basis so it's easier to maintain. If that works for you, then kudos, but based on how many threads people tried to do the same, it doesn't. Especially when you emphasize on not eating after 5pm.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    She never said she didn't eat at all Or deprived herself of calories. She said she eats all meal types before 4 pm meaning she eats all her meals before 4 p.m. then have only fruit and veggies after that time. I think she posted this thinking people had common sense. If you are on a 2000 calorie diet have all your heavy meals bY 4 p.m. after that point have your fruit and veggies. Most people here are trying to be healthy so it's kind of assume your going to eat sensibly for the main calorie load. Thanks for the tip. Sorry you were attacked with such negativity . I thought this was supposed to be a positive place. I know to never share anything in the community here.
    Or you can split that 2000 up eating 1000 between breakfast and lunch, then after 4pm another 1000 to snacks and dinner. That doesn't change the total. And that doesn't impede your health either.
    And it's not "negativity", it's disputing anecdotal information. There's no scientific backing for the approach so it was refuted because people who read the forums should know that it's not some "special" way to lose weight. It's suggestions like this that confuse people as to how to sustain an actual weight instead of yo-yoing doing odd diet after odd diet.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Guys calm down I was 200 pounds 2 years ago and I didn't eat high calories diet after 4 pm. Trust me just eat fruits or steam vegetables without oil. And u will see the weight-loss and keep maintain the diet. Don't eat after 4 pm.

    Yep that worked for me as well and doing that actually helped me lose weight and keep it off. I'm in the process of going right back to that right as I'm reading all of this. It's the only thing that worked for my body.
    Wuh? If it "worked" and you kept it off, then why are you in the process of doing it again? So you can lose and not stick to it again?
    Find a program you can stick to FOR LIFE. That's how people who stay the same weight throughout life stay lean.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Guys calm down I was 200 pounds 2 years ago and I didn't eat high calories diet after 4 pm. Trust me just eat fruits or steam vegetables without oil. And u will see the weight-loss and keep maintain the diet. Don't eat after 4 pm.

    Yep that worked for me as well and doing that actually helped me lose weight and keep it off. I'm in the process of going right back to that right as I'm reading all of this. It's the only thing that worked for my body.

    This does not compute with me. If you are going right back to this to lose weight again, it seems to me it's really not working because the results are short term.

    There is nothing wrong with not eating after a certain time if you don't want to, or if it helps you restrict calories, or if it's for a medical issue. The only magic in not eating after a certain time is the magic we give it.