Help me with my arms!!!!!!!

I need help with my arms, cant get them to grow or peek. At 16 3/4 my arms still look flat I want that baseball look. I know guys with alot smaller arms that look a lot better than mine. any body with ay ideas or tips please hit me up thanks


  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Half price tickets to the gun show would be nice! Ha ha! Sorry...had to do it!:tongue:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i'm not a guy..obviously.. but i know that people's muscles look differently so it might not be possible to get the baseball look. my dad has the baseball arms, but my boyfriend has the longer muscles and no matter what he does he cant get them to looke baseball-ish... i think it's just something that is... i could be wrong though. if i am wrong, good luck getting your baseball arms! :) personally, i think the longer muscles are hot, but thats just me :)
  • Sounds like it's time to drop your bodyfat%, You look pretty big it that pic,you will loose alittle arm size but they will look just as big because they will be cut and veiny. Looks like you are lifting ok, you just need to buckle down and get shredded.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    p90x has REALLY helped me out, especially arms (but everywhere else too).
  • Of course I, personally, am not an expert on the subject ;) But maybe you'd benefit from checking out this guy's website, he has some great advice about building muscle without gaining
  • The baseball look is a high peak, on a short insertion bicep. This is only dictated by genetics. yOU CANNOT CHANGE THE SHAPE OF YOU BICEP, you can make it bigger though, which will look good when your arms are normally hanging, and you won't be walking around in a front double bicep pose so not having the baseball look is fine. Just lean out so people can see what you got.
  • I need help with my arms, cant get them to grow or peek. At 16 3/4 my arms still look flat I want that baseball look. I know guys with alot smaller arms that look a lot better than mine. any body with ay ideas or tips please hit me up thanks

    At 16 3/4 it seems your arms are definitely above average in size already - which I can also tell by your picture too.. not flat..
    Maybe is just your mind playing tricks on you...?
    Suggestion: post some more pictures of your arms - and lets see what others have to say.
    I think you're doing pretty good.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    Increase cardio, reduce body fat. Agree with previous posts. Although, looking at your food diary, you do not consume enough calories as it is. I don't think you can afford to increase your cardio. In the last week you had 1700 calories left over, 1000, 1700, 900. You need to be consuming enough calories to support muscle growth. Perhaps make an appointment with a registered dietician/nutritionist.