High protein/fat diet 2000+ calorie goal

Hello I am new just want to introduce myself.. I have always struggled with weight gain and now my daughter's doctor has ordered a weight check from me in a month. She wants me to gain 2 lbs which I am determined to do. I am still nursing my one year old and between nursing & chasing her around I am burning a lot of calories even on a "lazy" day.

I am currently on a diet of avocado, peanut butter, cashew butter, chicken, multi grain breads, oatmeal&maple syrup, coconut oil (I have the best kind), fish oil daily & my prenatal daily. Plus extra snacks and small meals.

My question is, what do you include in your daily diet of high calories/good fats/carbs?

Thanks in advance


  • rlballjr
    rlballjr Posts: 4 Member
    Mixed nuts could be another good source for you. Also a little red meat. With your body type you might also need to add a little junk too like a few cookies :) your diet looks extremely clean, which is great but it might be hard for you to gain. I have to force myself to get my required 3600 calories. Miserable :s ! I feel your pain! Good luck.
  • haleyselinab
    haleyselinab Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you for the input! And wow 3600 calories, I'm wondering if I should be shooting for more. I went over my goal by 600+ today which I'm pretty happy about. Had an extra pb+j haha
  • scarlet56393
    scarlet56393 Posts: 31 Member
    I am female, 18 years old, 5'3 100. In order for me to gain a pound a week i consume 2400 calories. I have chronic constipation, so my diet is high fiber
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    I am currently on a diet of avocado, peanut butter, cashew butter, chicken, multi grain breads, oatmeal&maple syrup, coconut oil (I have the best kind), fish oil daily & my prenatal daily. Plus extra snacks and small meals.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    nut butters
    cooking oils

    IDK...lots of things...

    maybe your diet is too restrictive. my guess is that you would also need to eat more than 2000 calories per day to gain weight...the average female maintains on that give or take with little in the way of deliberate exercise...you're nursing and chasing around a toddler...you aren't sedentary.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    Yes 2000 calories is far too low to gain if you are nursing. I lost weight eating 2100-2300 cal a day while nursing a 10 month old (I'm 5'4 bmi=18). Now my nursing sessions are less frequent and I maintain at about that amount of calories...give or take.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,574 Member
    I eat 2000 calories per day. High protein, moderate fat. You can take a look at my diary.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    I recently wrote a post for someone who had trouble gaining weight due to Adderall. I think it will help you as well:
    First off, find out what your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is. Go on google, put in your age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. This is the number of calories you need to eat to MAINTAIN weight.

    To gain weight, you need to eat +500 calories a week for 1lb /week of weight gain. That is probably too hard, so I recommend aiming for +250 calories over your TDEE for 0.5lb / week of weight gain. Track everythign you put in your mouth with a food scale and a my fitness pal account. You NEED to find high caloric foods that are easy to eat. Examples are:

    -Spreadables: Peanut butter, nutella, those flavored peanut butter spreads, etc.
    -Liquid: Whole Milk, Olive oil (filled with healthy fats but lots of calories per tablespoon... I used to just take shots when I was underweight and needed more calories before bed).
    -Shakes: I used to make shakes with whole fat milk, olive oil, chocolate protein, peanut butter, bananas, etc. If you don't mind 'dirty' foods, add in ice cream too! You can easily make 1000 calorie shakes if you want!

    If you are OK with it, you can 'dirty bulk' meaning having high calorie foods that are not exactly known for being healthy. So things like fast food, ice cream, pizza, whatever. If you don't want that, stick to the things I listed above.


    Edit: Just a reminder to track your calories - underweight people overestimate how much they are eating, and overweight people underestimate it. Tracking what you eat will be a full time job, but you need to do it for at least 3 weeks until you have an idea of how much you should eat daily. 3 weeks is what it takes to build a habit / make it routine. GOOD LUCK!

    Since you want to gain +2lbs in a month, try to get +500 calories over your TDEE every day at least! A lot of users posted other good suggestions for food choices, just remember to go for high caloric choices! Nuts and avocado are great too.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    steak, chicken, fish, pasta, choc milk, brownies, pizza, cereal, burgers. 5k/day here :smile:
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    First replace the peanut butter & cashew butter with much healthier Almond butter (Trader Joe's Salted is the best tasting). Give up the breads, oatmeal, and maple syrup. Coconut oil is great! So is KerryGold grass-fed butter. Keep up the fish oil (3 caps min) daily & the prenatal. Macadamia nuts make great snacks. MCT oil s great for
    boosting calories. Have eggs and Turkey (Deli). A good Whey-Protein shake or two each day is great!
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    steak, chicken, fish, pasta, choc milk, brownies, pizza, cereal, burgers. 5k/day here :smile:

    5k a day! I'm just starting on gaining weight, at around 2.7k a day at the moment and am having to top up with protein shakes. I honestly couldn't imagine how much you have to eat to hit 5k a day!

    Hell, I'm not looking forward to my run this weekend because I'm going to have to hit at least 4k and I'm not sure I have the food in the house to do that without resorting straight to cake and beer!
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    FatMoojor wrote: »
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    steak, chicken, fish, pasta, choc milk, brownies, pizza, cereal, burgers. 5k/day here :smile:

    5k a day! I'm just starting on gaining weight, at around 2.7k a day at the moment and am having to top up with protein shakes. I honestly couldn't imagine how much you have to eat to hit 5k a day!

    Hell, I'm not looking forward to my run this weekend because I'm going to have to hit at least 4k and I'm not sure I have the food in the house to do that without resorting straight to cake and beer!

    @FatMoojor It's a lot of food for sure. But it's getting easier to hit now. Each meal is usually 1-2k. I eat 2-3 main meals most days.