Re-introduction & looking for friends! (Progress Pic!) [Keto] [LCHF] [NSNG]

jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
edited November 2015 in Motivation and Support

Hey guys! My name is Jacklyn! I'm 28 years old, and I teach preschool for children with special needs. Feeling sick and tired of being overweight, and ready to get healthy, I am back here on MFP.

I have been on MFP for many years, with many hiatus' for different reasons.... I started by using it to track my calories to lose weight, but ultimately ALWAYS hit a plateau and could never quite recover.
I used MFP again when I was planning on weight loss surgery (overweight by 100+ pounds), and I needed to shed 10% of my body weight. I again hit a plateau, and ultimately backed out of the surgery option. I felt like that would have to be a last resort, and I wanted to see what I could do without it.

I am not an exerciser... and I have tried every diet you could possibly imagine. (You name it, I've tried it). I've hired a nutritionist and personal trainer... with little to no results. What gives?! I've had my fair share of medical problems (heart, thyroid, reproductive) - but still nothing seemed to stick with me. It also doesn't help to have body issues when you struggle with both anxiety and depression. And after 28 years, I decided I have had enough of being miserable.

This summer, I decided to make a big commitment to myself. I decided it was time to take care of me, and to love myself, and that included taking care of my body. I quit smoking, and after a ton of research, I started keto on August 8th, 2015... at close to my highest weight I have ever been. But I must say, I am not only so impressed by my results, but I am beyond PROUD to say that in 100 days, I have shed almost 50 pounds. (48 to be exact). This keto lifestyle works for me, and I have never felt better. I believe everyone needs to do what works for themselves; there is no "one size fits all" in terms of dieting and food choices - however, keto really works for me. It has become a lifestyle that I can easily live.

I am looking for friends, supporters, and most importantly, I hope I can be of support to others! Feel free to add me. Especially keto-ers! I know Thanksgiving is coming up, and this is going to be difficult for a lot of us... so let's support each other!



  • blackmirror5
    blackmirror5 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello! Please add me thanks !!
  • mdoljansky
    mdoljansky Posts: 35 Member
    Hey girl! I'm on the same page! Adding you :) congrats on your hard work!
  • jsteinberg87
    jsteinberg87 Posts: 146 Member
    mdoljansky wrote: »
    Hey girl! I'm on the same page! Adding you :) congrats on your hard work!

    Thank you! And thanks for the add!
  • DesignKhaleesi
    DesignKhaleesi Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 3 weeks in and 11# down. Just started using MFP about 1.5 weeks ago. Will add you. Have another 50 or so to go.
  • DesignKhaleesi
    DesignKhaleesi Posts: 8 Member
    3 weeks into keto (minus yesterdays cheat day-30th Birthday). Willing to add and converse with anyone. Share recipes, etc. :)
  • ericawaslike
    ericawaslike Posts: 2 Member
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I have been doing LCHF for a month now ....feel free to add me ....there is also a low carb group that is very helpful :)