eat all my calories by lunch



  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    elias1609 wrote: »
    Usually I take my left over dinner for lunch.

    Then stop doing that.
    pre-log and only est the plan.

    Adjust your goal to just maintenance until you csn hit those targets consistently then increase the weight loss goal per week which gives you less calories.

    Drink more water throughout the day.

    Eat somewhere else to break your pattern.

    Why do you feel it's wrong to take dinner leftovers for lunch? I do it all the time. In any event, Elias wasn't even asking for our advice.

    OP, I agree with those who said that pre planning is key. Log your food ahead of time and stick to that plan.

    Good luck!

    She complained about what she was doing not working for her. So change what you are doing.

    There's nothing wrong with taking dinner leftovers for lunch. - unless you blow your plan every day.

    @LittleTikiBirdy is the person who complained that what she was doing wasn't working.

    @elias1609 is the person who suggested that the OP take leftovers for lunch. Further, @elias1609 never said that what she was doing wasn't working for her.

    Do you even look at who's posting?

    Sorry that I am failing to meet your standards.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    dianaiku wrote: »
    If you are having a smoothie decrease the amount. You are likely eating more than 1 serving.

    Did OP say she was eating smoothies? I didn't see anywhere she said what she was actually eating? In fact, I don't think OP has been back to the thread since she started it which is.... unusual (not really).
  • hamelle2
    hamelle2 Posts: 297 Member
    Maybe fast in the morning to cut the habit of eating so frequently to lunch?

    I had a similar issue and started IF till 11 am. Has helped me a lot. I wake up at 6/7 and have a cup of coffee and then sit tight till 11. Lots of water in between.

    Yes! This works for me also
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If it's a legit compulsion, then you might want to consider talking to a counselor. Otherwise, just develop a different eating plan. I normally fast until lunch, because I'm just not hungry earlier in the day. Pack a smaller lunch and ask a friend or coworker to keep you accountable to not eating anything unplanned. Try to do something to break up any eating routine you've developed. Something as simple as forcing yourself to eat more slowly may help.
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    Merkavar wrote: »
    What are you eating for breakfast/lunch that's 1600 calories?

    1600 calories can seem like nothing, especially if she's like me and can't stop eating once she starts.

    I also cannot stop eating once I start, but I had the same issue as the OP, wasnt losing because I was setting myself up for failure. Now I chose an IF eating schedule of 12-8p each day, I dont eat until lunch. Just coffee before that. It took two days for my tummy to realize what was up and its been so great since. Having the bulk of my calories later in the day is a diet saver for me.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    edited November 2015
    Merkavar wrote: »
    What are you eating for breakfast/lunch that's 1600 calories?

    I had a food long Subway chicken bacon melt, a bag of baked lays, and a bottle of Dr Pepper for lunch yesterday. ~1500 calories. It's not hard to blow 1600 calories by lunch if you're not careful.

    Yeah I wasn't saying 1600 is an unbelievable amount to eat by lunch.

    I was just asking for more details.

    Like if they came back and said they eat a lot of carbs, maybe more protein or fat could keep them fuller for longer for less calories, freeing up space for dinner.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It definitely is a question where more information is needed to give a helpful answer.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited November 2015
    No matter what my calorie goal is set at - 1200, 1300, 1500, 1600, etc. I always eat all my calories by 2pm. Like, compulsively. Then I don't know whether to fast for the rest of the day, workout (again) or eat dinner too, and try again tomorrow (just to fail AGAIN). I tell myself every night "tomorrow, I'll have a smaller lunch" but I never do. What do I do (other than "just do it" - (I mean, like obviously I "should", "ought to" and "must" but by looking at my history, it just never happens.) If I don't eat, I'm miserable, if I do eat, I'm miserable. This whole thing is miserable. How do I do this? I don't know anymore and I seriously need help :(

    @LittleTikiBirdy - what is it that you are eating? If I have too much carbs in relation to protein, I want to eat and eat and eat because I never feel satisfied. So for me, a breakfast of cereal would be a disaster. I'd have one serving, not feel full, have another, get to work hungry, eat a donut, still not feel satisfied, and overeat at lunch.

    However, when I have an egg-based breakfast, I am good to go until my sensible lunch.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    1) It would likely help to see your diary.
    2) According to your ticker, you have 4Kg to go. Set your weight loss goal for no more than .5Kg per week
    3) You likely need to retrain your body to know what hunger really is. Likely you are not actually hungry, but feel like you are because, like most of us who struggle to get and maintain our weight at a good level, your perception of hunger is messed up. Various things can be perceived as hunger--thirst, boredom, others eating around you, habit, etc. You need to re-learn things. When you think you are hungry, first drink a glass of water or two, then go do something and wait 30 minutes. Often the sense of hunger will go away. If you feel hungry, ask yourself when you last ate, if it is quite recently, then go do something to keep you busy you are likely bored. Thinking like that, always questioning why you are hungry, can go a long way to dealing with the non-hunger things that are triggering you to think you are hungry.

    With many others, I would say pre-log and pre-prepare your meals. That way what you have to eat is what is prepared. Then resolve only to eat that.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.

    It was sarcasm. Why so mad? Anger much?

    Now for the OP, Prelog. Find self control. How bad do you want to lose? Try a higher protein option for breakfast. My diary is open.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    edited November 2015
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.

    It was sarcasm. Why so mad? Anger much?

    Now for the OP, Prelog. Find self control. How bad do you want to lose? Try a higher protein option for breakfast. My diary is open.

    I'm well aware it was sarcasm. My point is that adults go "oh, oops - my bad!" rather than sarcastically posting about forum police when their mistake is pointed out.

    My post was in no way abuse, and flagging it as such is a violation of the community guidelines.
  • sunandmoons
    sunandmoons Posts: 415 Member
    edited November 2015
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.

    It was sarcasm. Why so mad? Anger much?

    Now for the OP, Prelog. Find self control. How bad do you want to lose? Try a higher protein option for breakfast. My diary is open.

    My post was in no way abuse, and flagging it as such is a violation of the community guidelines.
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.

    It was sarcasm. Why so mad? Anger much?

    Now for the OP, Prelog. Find self control. How bad do you want to lose? Try a higher protein option for breakfast. My diary is open.

    I'm well aware it was sarcasm. My point is that adults go "oh, oops - my bad!" rather than sarcastically posting about forum police when their mistake is pointed out.

    My post was in no way abuse, and flagging it as such is a violation of the community guidelines.

    Who flagged you?? Once again derailed thread.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    edited November 2015
    A special thanks to all of the posting police in this thread. Hope you are getting enough sleep - there might be something wrong somewhere else on the Internet! !

    Get over it. Cracking the sads because someone pointed out you were wrong, rather than just admitting you were wrong and moving on, is terribly immature.

    Thank you for your efforts at being the posting police. Appreciate your concern for my well-being.
  • hannamuscha
    hannamuscha Posts: 8 Member
    What I do is skip breakfast, then between snacks and lunch I try for between 300 and 400 calories total. Then when I eat dinner I have about 1000 left and I can have a really good meal with a dessert. This is the only thing thats worked for me
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    edited November 2015
    Did anyone notice that the OP's height is 5ft6 with a goal weight of 46kilos, this is a BMI of just over 16...this is quite underweight, her current weight is 51kilos or perhaps she has now reached 46kilos.

    OP, you mention on another thread that you were eating a strict diet on less than 1200cals. I think if you are constantly hungry or binging its because your body is crying out for nutrition.
  • BaileysxCoffee
    BaileysxCoffee Posts: 26 Member
    Is the op here?