Topamax & Weight Loss?



  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    I too tried it foe migraine, I had every single side effect it can give lol so I stopped. Weight loss was one. But so was finger numbness and jerk ing, loss of memory and an inability to find words. I have heard it works well for other people, but I would just watch it. The jerking fingers can become permanent if not treated with a secondary drug.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Yikes! I was on that briefly following brain surgery many years ago. I can't imagine taking it if it wasn't life-and-death necessary. I do not enjoy the foggy feeling that anti-seizure drugs create.

    Have you looked at your diet and considered whether you are getting enough protein, fat, fiber and fluids for satiety?

    What does your exercise routine look like?
  • ardenspark
    ardenspark Posts: 50 Member
    I wanted to respond because I've been in your shoes. My neuro put me on this for migraine prevention. She mentioned the potential for weight loss. I was ecstatic at the thought as I was really struggling at losing anything. I did a lot of internet research of people that had or had not lost weight on it. I researched the side effects. I decided to jump in with both feet.

    I did lose about 10 pounds in about a month. It hasn't come back. I did experience some side effects: tingling hands and feet, loss of words, eye strain/pain, soda tasted like soap (good) and chocolate tasted bitter (you think this is good but you want chocolate to taste like chocolate). The loss of words was scary -- I work in tech and was fumbling for words; once I forgot my address - it was somewhere in my brain and I couldn't bring it up. It didn't help with the migraines so I came off it after 3 months. I felt so much better off it than on it.

    I really would think long and hard about getting on this med for weight loss only. I know it's the Kool Aid around here but I've committed to tracking everything in MFP and I'm already seeing results. Good luck in whatever you decide.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    The fuzzy feeling from Topiramate dissipates after you're on it for a while. I'm on a rather high dose for migraine prevention (along with quite a list of other medications).

    I did lose 15 pounds initially thanks to the appetite suppressing effects, but I didn't find them to be lasting. I've been on it for about 2.5 years.

    Saying that, I wouldn't take anything to help lose weight. I still had to learn to control my appetite, and even on Topomax, that is something you're going to need to do eventually OP if you want to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

    I retaught myself how to notice my hunger signals by eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, drinking enough fluid so that I could learn to differentiate between thirst and hunger and generally letting myself get really, truly "stomach" hungry instead of brain/mouth hungry.

    Getting enough protein, fat, and fiber helps too.

    Good luck!
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    edited November 2015
    MPJ737 wrote: »
    Hi, my doctor put me on topamax (topiramate) back in March or April for my appetite as its apparently supposed to help decrease it. (My other medications caused me to gain 50+ lbs & increased hunger) so this is supposed to counteract it, anyone have good reviews with it? I was on 50 mg/day and only lost about 3 lbs but lost 3-4 inches. He increased it today to 75 mg/day, thoughts? And
    Please don't be harsh, I've tried weight loss and eating healthy on my own and I just can't lose, it always come back on from
    My medications for my anxiety and mental health. Thank you for listening!


    Be careful with Topamax. I was on it for siezures, and taking a high dose. Yes, the weight just flew off. I had zero interest in food. It was a struggle to consume 400 calories in a day. Everything was nauseating to me. I also had no interest in drinking anything, so dehydration was an issue. Along with that, I couldn't think straight. It was like I had forgotten language. My body could no longer regulate temperature (I was on it during summer and in NC it is hot and humid). I wouldn't sweat, and wouldn't realize I was over heating which was a big issue. Almost passed out several times while working in the yard, not to mention losing my vision intermittently when I would over heat. I was in a chronic disassociated state of existence. My hands and feet would tingle to the point of pain. It would wake me up from sleeping, and happened frequently. I finally stopped taking it when I started having severe kidney pain. Seriously, I would rather have the siezures than take Topamax again.

    That being said, you will probably have more side effects once you increase you dose. I seriously recommend you just stick with a calorie deficit and have more patience. You can lose the weight without this, it may not be a quick but you can do it. Though I don't advocate the use of medication to lose weight, I would speak to your doctor for other pharmaceutical alternatives as opposed to Topamax (it is that bad). If you decide to stay on it and increase you dose, set reminders to drink water. I remember having nasty side effects when I had increase to 75, but i was still tapering up get to the dose I needed to be at.

    This medication is nothing to play with and can cause permenant damage if you are not careful. Also, if you increase your dose and find you hate the side effects you cannot just stop taking it. You have to tapper off of it, so there wouldn't be quick relief from the side effects. I recommend you goggle Topamax side effects and read other accounts from a variety of sites.

    If given the choice between being overweight or on this medication I would rather be fat. Topamax was an absolute nightmare.

    Best of luck to you!

    ETA - forgot to mention once you get off it you will probably put the weight right back on. You're not learning how to regulate your food consumption because the medication is killing your appetite. Once you're off it, you're appetite comes right back. I dropped down to 105 lbs. once off it I quickly gained up to 150lbs. Through diet and exercise I am now 122 lbs. just more info to consider.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    MPJ737 wrote: »
    Hi, my doctor put me on topamax (topiramate) back in March or April for my appetite as its apparently supposed to help decrease it. (My other medications caused me to gain 50+ lbs & increased hunger) so this is supposed to counteract it, anyone have good reviews with it? I was on 50 mg/day and only lost about 3 lbs but lost 3-4 inches. He increased it today to 75 mg/day, thoughts? And
    Please don't be harsh, I've tried weight loss and eating healthy on my own and I just can't lose, it always come back on from
    My medications for my anxiety and mental health. Thank you for listening!


    Hi Mike. My brother takes mental health medications with known weight-gain side-effects, and he did gain weight when in a hospital setting eating hospital food. Since he is back living with mom, eating her cooking, doing lots of chores, drumming, and often walking several miles a day, the weight came off and has stayed off for over a year.

    From what other people have said about their experiences with Topamax, it doesn't sound like it should be used as a weight loss drug. Not enough pros and too many cons for the treatment of weight loss.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    Both myself and my sister in law were on this med for two different reasons. She lost weight mainly because it made her soda taste flat so she gave up her 5 mountain dews a day. I didnt have any side effects except sleep issues and did not gain or lose weight. I didnt realize this was actually a drug doctors would prescribe weight loss.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Topamax did not get approved by the FDA as a weight med because its side effects, according to the FDA, are not worth the benefit.
    Good luck with the Wellbutrin. Its side effects can be agitation and headache.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    ajarosz78 wrote: »
    My dr is starting me on wellbutrin / topamax combo to lose...I pray it works

    @ajarosz78 both medications affect the heart. I'd be very concerned about the combination.

    I've taken weight loss drugs, and while they worked, I learned nothing from the experience as my appetite was artificially suppressed. The weight came all back when I stopped.

    I find using MFP to create a calorie deficit and adhere to it a much safer and mindful method.
  • MPJ737
    MPJ737 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi guys, to update you, my appetite has been suppressed and I've been eating better with myfitnesspal (counting calories etc) the weight is coming off slowly but I went from 204 to 179.0 lbs (as of today) my goal is 155-160 lbs
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    edited December 2015
    whoops, wrong thread