low calorie and elevated heart rate


I have a question. I started using Myfitnesspal 2 weeks ago and configured the app to lose 2lbs per week - receiving a calorie goal of 1730. This seems reasonable as my previous attempts at monitoring and losing weight put my maintenance at about ~2700 calories. This also pretty well matches the input I get from scoobies calculator (from ~2500-2700 calories - although when I don't use accurate version accounting for bodyfat my caloric needs are around 3000 calories).

My diet is open so feel free to take a look, but I'm generally under my net caloric goal.

My status are 37 years old, currently ~265lbs, starting weight ~280lbs. In about 2 weeks the scale has gone down about ~15lbs. I'm estimating my bodyfat (based on calipers) at between 34-37%. I've also recently had a physical and underwent a stress test. A previous EKG indicates hardening of left ventricle which I why I had the stress test. Cardio doctor said not an immediate concern - but I need to get blood pressure down (which was elevated). Previous attempts at taking my blood pressure put me in the 145-150/95-100 range. That was consistent with the previous readings taken at the doctors office and home unit. However, most recent visit doctor used a larger cuff and felt that the previous readings were exaggerated because the cuffs used previously weren't a good fit (her reading was 140/90).

I've noticed that my heart rate is much higher than typical when exercising. My Polar reads upward of 160 when doing what I feel is moderate exercise. This is higher than when I started a few weeks ago (with what feels to be less intensity) and certainly higher than previous attempts at exercise.

Any thoughts? Is the reduced calorie limit (which, seems at least within safe ranges) stressing my body and making carido more difficult? Should I be worried about my heart rate when exercising or go by how I feel? I've also attributed my rapid weight loss to water and much reduced sodium (I was a take out guy for many meals so I'm sure my sodium intake exceeded 5000mg)

Appreciate any feedback in advance.


  • SaraB_82
    SaraB_82 Posts: 45 Member
    Dude, make an appointment with your doctor. Could be a number of things or just the way your body works, but only a doctor would know. I had super high heart rates while doing the elliptical and it ended up being a supraventricular tachycardia that I had to go on beta-blockers to control. Don't mess around with your heart. GET IT CHECKED OUT!
  • pizzle421
    pizzle421 Posts: 16 Member
    As said... I have recently been at the doctor. Recently had a stress test. Recently had EKG. My resting heart rate appears to be fine.
  • sheermomentum
    sheermomentum Posts: 827 Member
    pizzle421 wrote: »
    As said... I have recently been at the doctor. Recently had a stress test. Recently had EKG. My resting heart rate appears to be fine.

    We don't know. But the fact that a recent EKG showed an abnormality makes it worth a quick call to the cardiologist's office, to see if he'll just answer the question of whether it should affect your exercising heart rate. If he wants you to come in to answer that question, I'd do it, if only to reassure yourself. If you didn't just tell me that you had an abnormal EKG, I'd say that you might be fine as long as you can hold a conversation while you exercise. But with a known issue, you should not rely on the rules that apply to other people.

    Do you want to clarify a little more about what you are doing for "moderate exercise?" When you speak of it being higher than it was a few weeks ago, are you using the same device to measure heart rate? Are you doing the same exercise at the same speed/intensity and for the same duration? And how many sessions' worth of data are you comparing here? Same questions for whatever you refer to as "previous attempts at exercise." These are things you probably should share with your doctor, if not here.

  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Your say RHR is fine but you HR is too rapid when you exercise. You should ask your doc the same question you asked here. Period.
  • randomsue
    randomsue Posts: 179 Member
    Make an appointment with your cardiologist with your concerns. That's the thing you should do, even if you have a trainer at the gym, that person would advise you to seek medical advice. Your question is outside the scope of expertise of this forum.
  • pizzle421
    pizzle421 Posts: 16 Member
    Appreciate the responses.

    To clarify the abnormal EKG was the reason I went to the cardio doctor for a stress test. He reviewed the EKG results and we went through the stress test and he essentially said I had nothing to worry about. Reduce my blood pressure and the only changes needed were lifestyle. He cleared me for exercise.

    I'll certainly follow up with the doctor after the weekend but I was curious if anyone else had similar results when their body was under stress. It's probably worth mentioning that the reduced calories (which almost always gets me fatigued) is in combination with a more challenging schedule at work (many late nights for the past few months on the laptop until late into the evening. Some days, counting the hours at home, are certainly in the 15 hour range.

  • blkandwhite77
    blkandwhite77 Posts: 281 Member
    Do you smoke? That would elevate your heart rate
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Have you added in any extra caffeine, chilli powder or liquorice?

    I've not heard of eating at a deficit raising heart rate, only lowering it.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    You need more sleep.
  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    Your target heart rate should not exceed 157. Your Maximum is about 185. Depending how much higher than 160 you are going, you could be courting a cardiac event. I am glad you are going to call your physician. Meanwhile dial it back a bit to keep your heart rate in the 93-157 range. Dr. will certainly ask about any shortness of breath, pain in your shoulders, arms, elbows, or nausea. If you experience any of these please go to the ER.