Struggling to get back on track!

Hey guys, I'm 18lbs down and it's coming off at a very, very slow pace which is incredibly demotivating. I have gone off the rails so to speak with my eating for the past two weeks and am struggling to get back into a healthy routine with my food! Any ideas on how to combat this or is it just a case of sucking it up and forcing myself to not eat the extra fries?


  • samcou90
    samcou90 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi I'm in the same boat the last three weeks I have went back to being greedy. Add me if you like I have started again. I have made a target to log everything and have an open dairy so if I pig out everyone can see and I'll be embarrassed. Also aim to drink lots of water again and start back on green tea. Baby steps that is what I am going for x
  • mmarie_3
    mmarie_3 Posts: 57 Member
    In general, yes, suck it up lol. I know it can be hard when you come off of not eating so great. The things that work for me is being VERY aware of what you eat. Ask yourself, is this temporary satisfaction worth sacrificing my long term goals? Also, be sure to log before you eat. That has stopped me in my tracks several times. Bring healthy snacks with you when you're out and about, that way you're less tempted to eat food you shouldn't. Hope that helps, hang in there ❤️
  • mwmix
    mwmix Posts: 31 Member
    Sometimes challenging yourself with new goals or excercises can increase motivation and make things more fun. Maybe make a goal to reach a certain number of push-ups or squats a day by the new year or to not consume refined sugar from now until then (except for a couple of holiday cheats). For me, short term goals (when usually end up sticking past the end date) help keep things interesting!
  • brb2008
    brb2008 Posts: 406 Member
    It would speed up if you got back on the rails! Get your calories back in check! Log and weigh everything. Re-dedicate yourself to your goal and you will see results. I over ate yesterday and today I'm not pleased to, but I'm just going to cut back extra today to make up for it. You just have to do what you need to do.

    You end up deciding if your goals are worth the extra effort, and I promise they are.
  • lisafit37
    lisafit37 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been in the same boat before and all I did was restart teh next day and look back at what I ate and if I did't log it I started the next day again please feel free to add me as a friend I'm always looking for new friends
  • lorenodete
    lorenodete Posts: 2 Member
    I think it's safe to say that we've all had the 'off the bandwagon' experience. I know for myself, a birthday party or a bad day at school/work will send me into a spiral of junk food and then off the wagon I jump.

    It's a matter of deciding that you're not going to stay off the path of a healthy lifestyle. Try not to think of this as something you have to do, but as something you want to do. No body wants to be forced into doing something and if you stay in that mind set, you'll find it harder and harder to get back on track.

    I need all the motivators I can get; this is my umpteenth time trying to create a healthier lifestyle for myself and this time, I want to see myself become stronger. I want to watch the number on the scale go down, no matter how slow it happens. I want my sugar/fat/salt cravings to bow to my will power.

    Don't give up on yourself! :)
    (End Rant!)
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    It depends on how long you've been at it. I started here at the end of June and I weighed 139 pounds. By the beginning of November, I was 117 pounds. Around that time I was always hungry and I was tired of counting calories. I let myself eat at maintenance for one week and that seemed to do the trick for me. My body relaxed, I got better sleep, and I felt much stronger. I went back to eating at a deficit and now everything is as easy as it was when I first started.

    When you say 18 pounds has come off at a very slow pace, how slow is slow?