Stories of when you started running



  • charlie_anne
    charlie_anne Posts: 46 Member
    Started a new running program on dirt track roads in Spring where I walk the dogs, was totally getting into the c25k program when stepped on a stone whilst looking at the dogs and ended up sprawled out on the road with water bottle in one direction and mp3 in another and nasty scraped knees.. calves... palms etc.

    Totally put me off for 5 months but starting again and enjoying the c25k again, works for me but stay at a certain level until not totally dying before moving on, running for 15 mins at a go, still baby steps but getting there (and happy Labradors!). Going to have to start road running soon as the 5k loops I use aren't long enough anymore.

    So basically don't let the set backs get you down, never a natural runner so I plod, but enjoy the fresh air and ability to do what I want outside a gym
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I signed up for a 5k and started running a few months before it.

    During the 5k, I was running for about 3 minutes, when I looked over at my friend and said "After this, I'm never running ever again."

    And I never really did run again. Maybe like twice. Neither did she.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    I started running senior year of HS to lose weight, then kept it up through college to help cardio endurance for crew. I've started and stopped through 17 years and four pregnancies (usually have too much hip pain after about 24 weeks).

    When starting again after an extended break, I usually add 1 min/.1 mile to my runs and gradually build up stamina. After I can comfortably run 5 miles a few times a week I start fixing my eye on a 10 miler or half marathon and use Hal Higdon's beginner or beginner/intermediate plan to get there. Works every time! I've done 5 halfs and a bunch of shorter races. Last fall I ran a race series (two each of 5k, 5 mile, 10k, 10 mile, half)--then I got pregnant again, so I'm just now getting back at 3 mo pp. 4 miles today! I'm hoping for a late winter/early spring 10k and then maybe a late spring/early summer half. We will see how my plantar fasciitis heals up.

    I love racing not bc I'm fast (although I'm the fastest I've ever been--9:26-9:40 min miles!) but bc it's motivating and I love being "a runner" after being overweight and unathletic through my childhood. Love seeing all the ages, sizes, and shapes that come together and high-five you at a race :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I started running in jr high school - because I had to. And I hated it, except for hurdles. And I was bad. So I stopped.

    Then, in college I cycled, and running was a complement. Long slow loping thing. And I was bad, and I stopped.
    Then in grad school, I lived in the woods, I was still bad, but I learned to love running and biking on trails.
    Then I stopped.
    When I began to travel, I restarted to run -- because I couldn't take a bike with me. And I stopped.
    Running? I'm always starting and stopping.

    I love how intense it can get once I get to a certain level, but before that it is such a drag.
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    I will never forget the moment I became a "runner". My husband and I were walking our dog around the neighborhood and we were just talking. We got to one of the long straight streets and I asked my husband if he thought I could run the entire length of the street without stopping. He was supportive and said it was about .25 of a mile. I told him I was going to try, so when we turned onto the street I started running (more like jogging). I remember feeling the wind in my hair and my feet hitting the ground hard, from my body weight. I didn't even get half way before I had to stop because I was so out of breath. I realized that day that I wanted to become a runner. That I wanted to be able to run that entire street without stopping. I can now, easily, run 3 miles. This was back in 2011. I weighed 166lbs at 5'2. I trained using the C25K program and dropped down to 130lbs by 2012. Something I didn't know about running, is that it can be hard on your knees/bones. I wasn't doing any cross-training at the time, so I injured myself and was out of the game for 6 months with a broken foot. I now still run, but not everyday like I was. I cross-train with spinning, stair master, and I am taking up swimming (which I am very excited about!).
  • meglet2202
    meglet2202 Posts: 35 Member
    I ran in high school, but not after, due to my bad knees. Then I tore my meniscus badly. They were not able to repair it so I have a quarter size hole of missing cartilage, which means arthritis pain in my knee. When I started this journey, lol, I was walking on my treadmill. After a bit, I began to jog a bit. Then I started jogging intervals, eventually running as much as 4 miles at a time (slowly!). Since I was losing and doing this slowly, my knee never hurt (any more than it ever does). One day I tried to run outside and it was AWESOME. Now I am obsessed with running outside. I haven't gone over 4 miles and my knee hurt this week from running too fast in high winds (I think my gait was off, which caused my knee to swell), so I had to go back to the treadmill. I love running. I think about getting in my run all day. I'm a runner now.