Why is it so hard for me ?

Hi so I have a problem with maintaining at my calorie goal. It is 2000 cal a day and I try to eat normal trough the day ( for breakfast after exercise I eat oatmeal with yogurt or eggs and then for lunch and dinner some cooked homemade food with bread ( usually lentils soup,beans,rice,potatoas and sometimes some meal with meat) but alway binge after 8-9 in the evening. I workout almost every day ( mostly running and weight training) and I also try do drink morewater. What do you think is the problem?


  • naomiangus123
    naomiangus123 Posts: 3 Member
    What do you binge on? If its things like sweets have you tried having small things in moderation to stop craving?
  • What do you binge on? If its things like sweets have you tried having small things in moderation to stop craving?

    Literally on everything I find in the fridge :(
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    edited November 2015
    You are young and very active. It's highly possible you're under eating for your needs, which makes you want to eat the fridge.

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Cut down on bread. Save your calories for more filling foods.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    How do you determine your calorie intake? What I mean is, do you measure or weigh or eyeball it? When you cook, do you log every ingredient? Maybe you're actually eating fewer calories than you think..
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    You don't mention what you eat for supper.

    Why are you eating - are you hungry? Or just out of habit?

    It is hard to really answer without knowing. Like someone else mentioned, you might be eating too few calories. Or it could be a satiety thing. Or simply habit.

    Try playing with your macros. Aim for higher protein or higher fat and see if that helps keep you full.

    Plan for snacks in the evening. Decide what you will have and fit that into your calories.

  • jcow84
    jcow84 Posts: 75 Member
    Maybe you are not eating enough? For example, I'm very active as well and have no problem maintaining my weight at around 2400 calories/day - so maybe re-crunch your numbers and see if you should be eating more.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    You have several hundred calories left over almost every day. As others said, you may not be eating enough to support your activity.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    Hide the fridge.
    It is a common problem, one that we share. I seem to be famished around 8pm no matter what I eat for summer.
    One thing that has helped a bit is to split my supper in half, and save it for my late night snack. Consuming the same calories but splitting them up.
    Most nights, I still find I need to eat before I turn in for the night, so I usually have some yoghurt with a bit of granola or cereal.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    Maybe up protein and/or healthy fat for satiety?
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Increase your calories per day a little bit.
    If you snack during the day, stop doing that so that you can have your snacks at night.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If you're not gaining or losing' then you're eating the right amount of food and it's not a problem! :)

    If you're gaining, though, you'll have to make some changes. Either eat less during the day or break the bad habit of eating at night.

    Sometimes, when is just want to snack but don't really have calories for it, I'll have salsa on "lettuce chips" - the hard, white parts of iceberg lettuce. It's next to no calories for some great flavor and snacking. :)
  • How do you determine your calorie intake? What I mean is, do you measure or weigh or eyeball it? When you cook, do you log every ingredient? Maybe you're actually eating fewer calories than you think..

    I don't weight food I measure it by eye but I will buy food scale
  • I will try to be more accurate with my logging and I will add every recepie I cook as my own and then I will see what happens :)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Hi so I have a problem with maintaining at my calorie goal. It is 2000 cal a day and I try to eat normal trough the day ( for breakfast after exercise I eat oatmeal with yogurt or eggs and then for lunch and dinner some cooked homemade food with bread ( usually lentils soup,beans,rice,potatoas and sometimes some meal with meat) but alway binge after 8-9 in the evening. I workout almost every day ( mostly running and weight training) and I also try do drink morewater. What do you think is the problem?
    Habitual behavior. There really is no rule HOW to eat your calories, yet "gurus" tell you that you have to eat 3 squares a day. It really comes down to just CICO and if you like to eat at night, then save calories for the evening.
    Personally myself I don't eat in the morning, have my first meal usually after 12pm and eat up to 11:30pm every day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    2000 are my bulking calories. I literally will gain about .5 lbs per week on that, and it is STILL difficult for me not to go over it.

    That said, I have no advice for you because I'm a hungry beast. One thing I like though, I don't know if it will help you, is volumetrics. I choose lower calorie options and make dinners so big I can eat them out of a mixing bowl, then I have room to graze throughout the night.
  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    Early on in my fitness journey a few years ago I asked for people how they did it

    I politely waited until she was between sets, asked a drop dead gorgeous woman how she stayed lean.

    She said she would microwave a bowl of frozen veggies and eat them while making her dinner. It filled her up a bit and got fiber in her diet

    I stole that idea immediately

    It worked for me

    I was full a bit with long lasting fiber and slow digesting carbs.

    For me veggies are key to a full feeling

    I have been in shape for a while now and always find it important to keep my fiber and veggies in the diet

    I eat ice cream or cookies once in a rare while. But veggies are a key to full feeling and not snarling out at 9:00 at night
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, are you maintaining your weight? If you are, then your late day eating is getting you to your correct calorie level. So maybe you should just plan on the night snacking and don't worry about it.

    Having said that, it seems like you are eating low protein and low fat. Many people find fat & protein help keep them feeling satiated better than carbs. So you could try increasing the protein & fat and reducing your carbs a bit. Or try to eat a little less during the day to allow for a few more calories at night.

    If you are just mindlessly eating and not really hungry, try drinking no cal drinks or chewing gum to get your mind off of eating just for the sake of eating. Habitual eating is just that - a habit, so the key is replacing the habit you don't want with a better habit.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Hi so I have a problem with maintaining at my calorie goal. It is 2000 cal a day and I try to eat normal trough the day ( for breakfast after exercise I eat oatmeal with yogurt or eggs and then for lunch and dinner some cooked homemade food with bread ( usually lentils soup,beans,rice,potatoas and sometimes some meal with meat) but alway binge after 8-9 in the evening. I workout almost every day ( mostly running and weight training) and I also try do drink morewater. What do you think is the problem?

    You don't mention vegetables ... OK, yes, you mention lentils, beans, and potatoes, but where are the rest of the veggies?

    Veggies are low cal and yet filling ... a real win-win.

  • jacklifts
    jacklifts Posts: 396 Member
    edited November 2015
    it seems you have little protein and fat. maybe up those a bit. like try to hit 110g of protein and 50g of fat, cut back on the carbs.

    another thing i've found helps is skipping morning food...drinking coffee, tea, whatever ,and delaying my first meal as late as possible. then i can have a nice 800-1000 calorie dinner. makes the late night hunger go away (most of the time).