Finding time and energy for exercise



  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    Thanks for all the thoughts and suggestions. I guess I will just have to kick my butt into gear right when I get home (before the couch or anything else calls to me).

    You know, after reading all the entries, I knew the answer was JUST DO IT...guess there's part of me always looking for an easy way out.

    Thanks for keeping me motivated and strong. Gotta love MFP support! :flowerforyou:
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    I'd be exhausted if I had to get up that early too! What about trying napping after work for 30 mins? It'll give you more energy in the afternoons for workouts.

    It seems when I shut my eyes for a few minutes, I tend to be worn out the rest of the day. I'm better off fighting through the tired I think.
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    Come to work when I do and then we can go to the gym after work!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder if there would be many people there at 3:30??? hee hee

    Silly Kristy, I go into work when I do so I can at least have part of a day that's quiet and drama-free. Maybe I should come to work at 2 pm instead?? haha

    Did you join the gym?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This has always been my biggest fight when it comes to health. I have been eating healthy for years, but to stay healthy and thin I have to exercise regularly. But after a day of sitting, computers, meetings and stress it is hard to get myself started. The best advice I can give is to find an exercise you really like. When my kids were home I ran regularly for several years because when I got home I would go for a run,which I didn't particularly love, but one or both of them would always go along on their bike and talk non-stop about their day at school. I enjoyed that, and so did they because I was too tired to talk back much. :laugh: Since they've been grown I've tried several other things and would do them for a while then quit. Then gain weight and try something else. I found Zumba last Jan. I lost the weight and so far still find it fun. I don't know if Zumba would be right for you but I would say just keep trying different ones until you find one that you enjoy. If you enjoy it, it will be easier to stick with it. Good Luck!
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    I know you said you don't want to hear this but getting up 30 minutes earlier is an option. I workout every morning and go to bed early, knowing that I have to get up early. You can get a great workout in about 30 minutes. Examples are-Take a brisk walk/jog around the neighborhood, lift weights, do an exercise video (30 day shred, Chalean video). There are so many options here. Make sure you are getting 8 hours of sleep and eating well. Good luck!

    In order to get 8 hours of sleep, I am already going to bed by 8 pm! Getting up early than 4:20 really isn't an option. I will just force myself into it immediately after work and hopefully, after a while of feeling better, I will never have to force myself again!
  • My friend works very early like you do and recently she joined a gym that is on her way home from work, so directly after work she works out! Like you if she makes it home before getting in a work out, the work out would never happen because she would be n mush mode.
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    This has always been my biggest fight when it comes to health. I have been eating healthy for years, but to stay healthy and thin I have to exercise regularly. But after a day of sitting, computers, meetings and stress it is hard to get myself started. The best advice I can give is to find an exercise you really like. When my kids were home I ran regularly for several years because when I got home I would go for a run,which I didn't particularly love, but one or both of them would always go along on their bike and talk non-stop about their day at school. I enjoyed that, and so did they because I was too tired to talk back much. :laugh: Since they've been grown I've tried several other things and would do them for a while then quit. Then gain weight and try something else. I found Zumba last Jan. I lost the weight and so far still find it fun. I don't know if Zumba would be right for you but I would say just keep trying different ones until you find one that you enjoy. If you enjoy it, it will be easier to stick with it. Good Luck!

    I recently ordered Zumba and while it seems fun, I really feel like I have two left feet. Do the moves get easier? Last week I ordered 30 Day Shred and Walk off the Pounds and am eagerly awaiting their arrival! I do try to walk home from work, and notice when I do I have more energy to do things when I get home.

    When you started running, how far were you able to go at first? I try running on the treadmill, but tire out very fast.

    Thanks for your input!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    This has always been my biggest fight when it comes to health. I have been eating healthy for years, but to stay healthy and thin I have to exercise regularly. But after a day of sitting, computers, meetings and stress it is hard to get myself started. The best advice I can give is to find an exercise you really like. When my kids were home I ran regularly for several years because when I got home I would go for a run,which I didn't particularly love, but one or both of them would always go along on their bike and talk non-stop about their day at school. I enjoyed that, and so did they because I was too tired to talk back much. :laugh: Since they've been grown I've tried several other things and would do them for a while then quit. Then gain weight and try something else. I found Zumba last Jan. I lost the weight and so far still find it fun. I don't know if Zumba would be right for you but I would say just keep trying different ones until you find one that you enjoy. If you enjoy it, it will be easier to stick with it. Good Luck!

    I recently ordered Zumba and while it seems fun, I really feel like I have two left feet. Do the moves get easier? Last week I ordered 30 Day Shred and Walk off the Pounds and am eagerly awaiting their arrival! I do try to walk home from work, and notice when I do I have more energy to do things when I get home.

    When you started running, how far were you able to go at first? I try running on the treadmill, but tire out very fast.

    Thanks for your input!

    Zumba does get easier, but I would never want to do it in front of a mirror. I just do my best and as long as I'm having fun and working up a sweat it's all good. In my mind I look just like the girls in the video. :wink:
  • Come to work when I do and then we can go to the gym after work!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wonder if there would be many people there at 3:30??? hee hee

    Silly Kristy, I go into work when I do so I can at least have part of a day that's quiet and drama-free. Maybe I should come to work at 2 pm instead?? haha

    Did you join the gym?

    No but I've thought about joining Snap :) I wouldn't think it would be too crowded at 3:30??
  • Im training a lot and I've struggled with this. But, if you follow these things religiously, you will have a lot less of a struggle.
    -pack and have everything ready so you can go straight to the gym after work. If you go home or have a break in your routine, it's 200% harder to stick with it
    -be fueled with a snack and or Gatorade. Add energy supplement. Blah blah scary, but if you get good ones and drink a lot of water, you will be fine. If it wasn't for these couple things, I wouldn't finish my training. I add some energy supplement to my Gatorade or drink it straight. Try Jack 3D from GNC or Breakthru Fruit Punch. Listen, I was as wary as every other person about using an energy supplement, but you know what, I needed the energy to meet my goal ...and once you get the routine down, you won't need it everyday.
    -a workout motivator. ie it's the ony time I watch tv (I catch up on Biggest Loser using Hulu Plus on my phone)
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I'd be exhausted if I had to get up that early too! What about trying napping after work for 30 mins? It'll give you more energy in the afternoons for workouts.

    It seems when I shut my eyes for a few minutes, I tend to be worn out the rest of the day. I'm better off fighting through the tired I think.

    Fridaysgal, that's exactly what I noticed too -- that was when I decided to try the experiment of working out right when I needed a nap the most ... if someone had suggested I try that I would have been really upset, and thought they were nuts, but I just had a day where I knew something had to change. What I was doing wasn't working, so biting the bullet and trying something new - even though it sounded insane - was the best possible option.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Get one of those 10 min workout dvds and do 10 mins at least 4 times a week before work. It's a great way to start your day and it gets your workout in.
  • erikanunns
    erikanunns Posts: 9 Member
    Im an early work starter as well so I can finish early to be with the kids. And I totally know what you are saying. I try to park my car/get off the bus much sooner than my normal stop so I HAVE to walk (about 30 minutes each way). Not too sure of your situation - if this will allow this type of 'forced' exercise. Your lunch break might be your best bet!!
    Oh and I also recently hored a treadmill so I walk/run whilst the kids are asleep in bed - much easier
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    Im an early work starter as well so I can finish early to be with the kids. And I totally know what you are saying. I try to park my car/get off the bus much sooner than my normal stop so I HAVE to walk (about 30 minutes each way). Not too sure of your situation - if this will allow this type of 'forced' exercise. Your lunch break might be your best bet!!
    Oh and I also recently hored a treadmill so I walk/run whilst the kids are asleep in bed - much easier,

    I do try to walk home from work quite a few days (it's dark most mornings so my husband drops me off), but that only ends up being about 15-20 minutes. My lunch break is only a 1/2 hour and that's about the only socializing I get some days, but I may just try walking then too. I just have to set my mind to it!

    Thanks so much for your input.
  • fridaysgal
    fridaysgal Posts: 37
    Get one of those 10 min workout dvds and do 10 mins at least 4 times a week before work. It's a great way to start your day and it gets your workout in.

    I'm actually waiting for two new DVDs to come in the mail (30 Day Shred and Walk off the Pounds). I've heard so many positive things about both that I'm excited to give them a try. Maybe something new will recharge me and get me motivated to workout right after work again!
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