How do you stay motivated?

I feel like I am on and off the "band wagon" all the time. I'll do extremely well with logging everything, staying within my calorie range, and exercising for a week and then something will happen - a party, someone's birthday at work, etc. and I just blow it. And not just that one day.... for some reason I blow it for days after or leading up to the event that makes me "quit."

I know we're allowed to indulge every once in awhile, but how do I keep my indulgences just to that ONE event? Does anyone else have this problem? What keeps you motivated?


  • brenda_allport
    Oh yes, I have that problem. I seem to find any justification to eat what I want, have a few glasses of wine and just say forget the weight loss and logging everything. The best way that I have found to deal with this is holding myself accountable and not justifying ANYTHING. There's a party, well have a small slice of cake instead of a big one. Going out with friends, have a limit on what you will drink/eat. Also, I found that as long as I keep logging everything, good or bad, I can see what I am doing to my body. Its right there in black and white, and there is no justification for that. Best of luck to you
  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I just keep looking at pictures of people who have lost like 50 + pounds and who look like a totally different person afterward. I also look at pictures of myself when I was once thin to keep me motivated. Also, my older brother and sister-in-law have each lost over 60 pounds and look great! If they can do it, so can I!!!

    Hope that helps. : )
  • fitforMYSELF
    After you indulge make youself a small work out....say if you had a small piece of cake at a party..after that get up and dance..or cut anything else maybe no snack later on that night
  • mrrodriguez
    mrrodriguez Posts: 158
    I know what you mean. I blew it on Memorial Day when we had company over. I think having lots of friends on MFP is a big help. I bounce off others what my temptations are, and they help keep me on track. I think in my case, since I am much older, the real spectre of death looms out there if I don't do something soon about my weight. I have lost several friends already, and many have developed diabetes. I am motivated by the thought of going to my doctor for a physical in August and I would love to have a lower weight entered in my chart. I am also motivated by the thought of getting off some of my medication. I think the medication makes me gain weight, at least some of it. Hang in there and add me as a friend if you want another cheerleader!
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I do the same thing. I find it is hard to take one day off. One day turns into 4 very easily. I did horribly this weekend, and I don't usually log food on the bad days. This weekend I did and I can see how bad I have done and I hope that just seeing it will help me to make better choices next time. if you screw up, hold yourself accountable, don't make excuses and get back on track. It's an ongoing journey. Dust yourself off and start a new day with a new outlook.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    I totally have that problem. I find if i have one bad meal it seems to lead to a bad day and so on.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    You know, I think the "cheat day" indulgences aren't for everyone. Some people can do them. Plan that day to break away from the plan and nom on a pizza, or enjoy that birthday party. And then right back on track. For me, no way. I can't cheat at all. If I let that come near me it runs rampant. I have to recognize that I have an indulgent nature; arguably an addictive nature. Some people can play with fire. When it comes to me, don't hand the matchbook to the pyromaniac! You just have to decide in all honesty what type you are.
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    I did have this problem but now if I treat myself , like yeasterday had caijan chicken and shrimp pasta 1200 cals, I put on my HRM go to the park and i jog it off. its all about balance, you have to treat your self now and again, you can just put in a little extra wok that day and make it ok. Keep your head up, and just remember the you that you want and know YOU CAN BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    Personally for me, its several things
    (1) i'm in the medical field, i see the ills that obesity can do
    (2) diabetes, high blood pressure runs in my fam & i dont want any lot & part with it.
    (3) i love the way i look in my clothes, all the admiration i get, at my age i'm not on any meds
    (4) last but not least I'm teaching my children to break the cycle:happy:
  • SarahLiz24
    SarahLiz24 Posts: 36
    Thanks everyone! Like a lot of you said, I think my problems lies in the fact that I don't log my food on the bad days... just the good ones. And that's my biggest problem. I LOVE to workout (particularly running), but have to take some time off because of shin splints. I guess I just feel like there's nothing else to do but eat until I can run again. Not true!
  • BarbelleBaby
    I get like this a lot. A bad day makes me feel bad, feel tired, I don't feel like working out, I eat instead and the length of time goes from indulgence to break from a healthy lifestyle. I think if I force myself to be completely honest with the food logging I'll avoid a lot of indulgence. And that's pretty much why I'm here!

    In fact I only joined today and already went over daily fat and protein :s But at least I'm learning what not to do! Haha. And I'm sure I'll also learn what works well for me so the first few weeks will be a learning curve but I'm happy with that.

    Remembering how great you feel when you are eating right and training right also really helps!! You start to crave the feeling and that reall helps e to keep on track!