Looking for friends taking Phentermine

Hey y'all! I just started Phentermine on Friday. So far so good. I had lost 60lbs on my own about 2 years ago and gained back 20 with the stress of life and taking care of my dieing mother. A friend told me about Phentermine, I did lots of research and after talking with my doctor he suggested "P". Hoping to loose those 20 plus 30 more.
Y'all feel free to add me!


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    What is the plan when you reach your goal weight?
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    I'm pretty sure you build a tolerance to drugs like those over time... but good luck!
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    Dr. Said 3 months, then 3 month break. I plan to continue eating well and exercising.
  • motivccess
    motivccess Posts: 201 Member
    I looked at your photos...you look gr8! don't worry : )
  • KingsMom0413
    KingsMom0413 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started yesterday. Good luck
  • twentiesbrunette
    twentiesbrunette Posts: 10 Member
    i would like to share my story as maybe someone will find they can relate. I took phentermine for about 6 months, worked out like crazy, it cut my sugar cravings, & boy, oh, boy it took a few weeks to get used to it. I had to be careful not to go too long without eating a snack, the headaches were few but fierce , oh & I had to make sure to take it early in the am WITH food (i would end up not able to go to sleep at a reasonable hour if I didn't take it right when I got up) AND Drinking plenty of water! I had gone on it because I have type 2 diabetes & PCOS (and some ADD to boot!) I felt hopeless & on my birthday I got a fitbit from my dear husband, this was just over a year ago. I was motivated! I worked out but nothing was happening, my sugar cravings were insane. My Dr & I decided it would be good to try phentermine 37.5 mg as my PCOS wasn't allowing me to have solid metabolism. It worked! After 4 months my A1C was NORMAL, my diabetes was completely under control. I used MyFitnesspal to help me track & be accountable for my foods & I used my fitbit to help me track & be accountable for my fitness! i joined a gym & went to group classes about 5 hours a week (i just would get my workout clothes on & go, the less I thought about it the better) I went from size 18/20 to a very comfortable size 12! i had worked out on my own for about 2 months then took phentermine for almost 6 months. I lowered the dosage to 30mg which I could tell didn't have the same effect but I kept working out & eating better (i had a few treats too) at about 5 months in. So I was only on the smaller dosage for about a month. Then life struck my whole world turned upside down, every healthy habit I formed quickly vanished with depression, anxiety, & stress taking it's place. I ballooned back up & it was due to me dropping all my goals & stopped thinking about my health :-( not good! This went on for about 7 months. I am almost back to where I started. Life is finally starting to get back to "normal". As of November 21st I have gone back on phentermine 37.5 mg so now my journey starts again! I want to be clear - this is not a short cut its a jumpstart. My goals are: to continue to go to the gym for group classes, walk on the treadmill at home for 20 minutes everyday, walk twice a day at work on breaks, pack lunches with healthy snacks, track my food, track my blood glucose, drink a minimum of 8 glasses a day, & be proud of every small accomplishment! I am very thankful for the support of my husband & even though he absolutely hates phentermine, he helps remind me to be cautious, keep track of my symptoms, & know my body limits. Well, that's my story... I am starting part 2 of my journey with phentermine & I'm trying my best to do what's right for me & my body. I am happy to try & answer any questions, offer tips I've learned, and of course accept any encouragement!
  • jordanleighlinville
    I started today if anyone wants to add me and be buddies!
  • ginger_m
    ginger_m Posts: 2 Member
    I'm just starting my third month of phentermine. It has helped a great deal with cravings and appetite control. As mentioned, it should be used with the understanding that it is to ease you into healthy lifelong changes or you will just gain it all back. In two months, I've lost 14 lbs with its help. There are still tough decisions and difficult days every now and then. I'd love to have some friends with this in common.
  • twentiesbrunette
    twentiesbrunette Posts: 10 Member
    So, the last few days I have noticed that I am a bit MOODY! Anyone else notice that too? I'm hoping that symptom will go away soon. :-)
  • cbrealtor55
    cbrealtor55 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been using it for a month now. I have lost 21 lbs. So far know side affects. I have been strict with my calories and working out 5 days a week. It really has helped my sugar cravings and appetite.
  • mandagirl4816
    mandagirl4816 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been on phentermine on and off for the past 4 years. First time I lost just under 100 pounds in 10 months. It was amazing but I did build tolerance to it and so went off. All the cravings and hunger came back with a vengeance and I have been fighting my weight again for the past year. I creep up 30-40 pounds and I freak out and go back on phentermine. I just stared taking it again and it sure doesn't seem to be working.
  • ginger_m
    ginger_m Posts: 2 Member
    Has anyone tried Phen Caps? The place I go seems to push Phen Caps with B-12 lipo injections for maintenance. I'd prefer to one day do this drug free but it does seem like it would be a good idea to step down to something else first.
  • Suzuki4life7
    Suzuki4life7 Posts: 25 Member
    I been taking them to for almost 3 months now it has helped me lose weight...but it does make feel like crap i am always mad all the time.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    44 pounds. Any questions or problems you're having, message me. I don't like to talk on these public forums. Feel free to add me as aa friend :)
  • LoveLorie
    LoveLorie Posts: 3 Member
    I started taking 1/2 a pill of phentermine 37.5 today. So far so good! No side effects whatsoever with the exception of slight dry mouth.
  • Mopsterious
    Mopsterious Posts: 2 Member
    Hi LoveLorie, I have been taking Phentermine for 4 weeks, my first month check-in with my Dr showed results of -8lbs and -1.2% body fat. I love the pill so far. I have taken only half the pill and still am. Some things I noticed in the first 2 weeks was the dry mouth, occasional dry eyes, sleeping a little less, and mainly, that since I had absolutely no cravings, I found that I was getting kinda irritable in the after noon because I needed food, I realized I was usually barely having 500 calories by 2 pm and so I had to make sure to time my eating, whether you feel the desire to eat or not. Just something to keep an eye on if this happens to you too, you can experience some hypoglycemic symptoms at times. But I don't have that feeling anymore because I force myself to have a snack around 10-11am.

    Anyhow, I also take B12 injections weekly, and am not working out as much as I should be, I am in my last quarter of nursing school and am so busy. I know if I could make the time to exercise I would have lost well over 10 lbs in first month.

    Good luck on your journey. Stay focused.

    Anyone feel free to add me on here. I need more friends since all my real life friends who used to use MFP no longer use it.

  • rideondirt1
    rideondirt1 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All,
    I'm going to get back on Phentermine 37.5mg shortly. I took it several years ago with good success. I did have dry mouth but needed to up my water intake anyway!

    I will say I found taking it mid-morning kept me from overeating at lunch and over snacking in the afternoon. I am an emotional eater. I often confuse stress or being bored with being hungry. Lately, I have found myself sleeping nearly 12 hours a day with no motivation to do much of anything. It's not good for work (I work from home) or me!

    Feel free to add me if I don't add you first as a MFP friend.

  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Isn't Phentermine basically government grade speed/meth?
  • Asianbutterflies
    Asianbutterflies Posts: 62 Member
    I say to each it's own. I'm taking this medication and thus far it has helped w the craving and appetite control as a last resort. I have done the portion control changing the eating lifestyle joined the gym and working out for two years hit several plateus and am just stuck. So here I am. I'm trying to lose the last 15-20 lbs. Obviously not a candidate for gastric bypass surgery bc the weightloss is small and I don't have any medical conditions I am using this medication to help me. anyone who wants to discuss this topic feel free to message me. Good luck all.
  • rshunk
    rshunk Posts: 167 Member
    I just started taking Phentermine yesterday. Looking to add friends also taking this! Feel free to add me!