
Hi... ever since I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism it is impossible to lose weight.... any suggestions!


  • HippySkoppy
    HippySkoppy Posts: 725 Member
    I am sorry you are not well.....whilst I don't suffer with hypothyroidism I do have a number of illness and for which I have to take medication that supposedly makes weight loss impossible....tie that in with the other old wives tale of being menopausal and you have a perfect storm of believing that weight loss IS impossible and end up feeling terribly short changed and in an impossible no-win situation.

    I really suggest that you have a look at other threads about your condition on MFP.....there a re many members on here with the same condition as you and once properly medicated and finding their sweet spot CI-CO wise they found that they indeed could lose weight and many have been utterly inspiring with their success.

    Any ill health sucks.....but it does make be really resourceful and learn to be your own best health knows your needs better than you.

    I really wish you all the best and hope that my words have inspired you to believe that nothing is may take longer to lose and you may have to do some tweaking of macros etc to get the results you are after but it is doable.

    I would also like to suggest that you ask the Moderators to move your question to the General weight loss forum as I think you are more likely to reach a larger target group who can offer you more pertinent advice.

    I wish you the very best as you navigate this new world for you....Good Luck.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Take your meds and keep up with your dr appointments.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    I agree with above post I suffer from it also it helps taking your meds and working out and eating well when I first got diagnosed I did lose weight after taking medication doing Zumba and eating well didn't see weight fall off until 2 months into treatment but was worth it I started at 188 and after few months was down to 140 2 yrs later got pregnant thyroid wasn't controlled during pregnancy I still took meds but had to increase few time ended at 192 lbs heaviest I been went down to 150 lbs which was 5lbs less then pre pregnancy i did go up to 180 again because I stopped eating well and tried not taking meds to see if my thyroid could function on its own didn't help but I did go back down this spring to 166 and now I'm pregnant lol so far 6months and I'm up 18lbs as of today goal is to try not to go pass 192 and I started at 170 this pregnancy and I'm taking my thyroid again working on finding the right dosage also know I have to take it for life hopefully It won't come down to surgery and my plans are to do the same after I give birth workout eat healthy and take meds it can get pretty serious and don't give up it gets frustrating at times I get it especially in the beginning give the meds time to start working
  • CoolCatWV
    CoolCatWV Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Morgan, my doctor recently said that my thyroid (T3?) tested low as well.

    Something that worked for me recently, before I even got those test results, was the Whole30 diet. It helped my break my plateau and lose 12 pounds in a month. If your thyroid and body are similar to mine, maybe it will help you as well. At least it helps identify which foods make you feel bad (e.g. wheat hurts my stomach) and break bad eating habits (I was eating too much processed food).

    I've been taking thyroid medicine for about a week now, and I'm hopeful, but I'm also dealing with increased appetite. I'll send you a friend request so we can work on this together. <3
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If you're on the right dose of medication, you should be able to lose weight. I've been taking synthroid for about a dozen years now.
  • Daisies4Days
    Daisies4Days Posts: 76 Member
    Just to add... I have no thyroid, due to the big C. I found the first year while adjusting meds the most challenging. Until your levels are normal/ your meds are dialed in, you are going to feel crummy and weight loss difficult because your metabolism is wonky. That being said, getting enough sleep, some moderate exercise and a diet that's nutrient packed ( within calorie limits) is helpful- at least it helped me. Be assertive with getting your thyroid levels checked- I was checking mine every 3 months until they were in the normal range. Good luck and good health!