What keeps you motivated to go work out??



  • FredKing1
    FredKing1 Posts: 98 Member
    I have come too far to go back. I have a sedentary job - gym exercise is essential for me. This thread came along just in time - I'm going now.
  • playspretty
    playspretty Posts: 7 Member
    I started Jillian Micheals 30 day shred. I usually do Popsugar fitness videos on YouTube because there are so many different types of videos and for different amount of times. I liked Jillians video :) it wasn't easy but it wasn't impossible either. These videos are the only thing I actually enjoy and don't take up a lot of time... Oh and they are all on YouTube for free too so there's that!
  • ltworide
    ltworide Posts: 342 Member
    I go because:
    Love being the best me I can be
    Beating my PRs
    Helps keep me fit & healthy
    Great stress relief
    I always feel better after I workout
    Love new challenges/exercises
    Love to learn new things to improve mind-body & CNS connection
    Helps keep me mentally sharp
    I enjoy a better quality of sleep
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    edited November 2015
    The results I see and feeling better
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    gdyment wrote: »
    Do something you don't hate. Pick a goal to accomplish something you don't think is possible. Running race, crossfit event thing, some weight lift goal, a focused dance class, something.

    I run, but I'm never going to say I LOVE it. I'd rather have sex/watch movies/eat cheetos/play video games all day but as an adult I work at a job, pay taxes, go shopping and workout.

    This. I don't wait to get motivated. I found some things I enjoy. I do something 5-6 days a week. It's built into my routine. I literally "just do it." No choice. No deliberating on my drive after work. Just go where I need to go. This will get me through the holidays especially.
  • djscavone
    djscavone Posts: 133 Member
    I don't do a gym but my motivation to get outside and do something is remembering how I felt when I was doing nothing but sitting on a couch and eating and drinking. Also, it is the only time I have to myself to enjoy the peace and quiet of a nice run or some relaxing yoga. Really starts or completes a day for me.
  • KeithEnglewood
    KeithEnglewood Posts: 15 Member
    I hate working out. It's not enjoyable to me at all. However, I know that exercise, sleep, and healthy eating has a massive effect on my mental state. I'm efficient, in control, and things come easy when I'm healthy. When I slip up it's a roller coaster and who knows what's going to happen; I'm just along for the ride at that point.
  • kami3006
    kami3006 Posts: 4,979 Member
    I love the way it feels to finally add that additional weight to your bar and knock out the lift. It's very powerful and satisfying.