Pregnancy and MFP

hi! I'm an on again off again mfp'er. And I just found out I'm pregnant, now being very overweight I know I need to be much healthier and hopefully if not just remain the same hopefully lose some pounds so I can be more energetic and healthier. I don't want to concentrate on losing weight but I don't know what to change my goal to. I am over 100 lbs overweight. Anyone have any advice??


  • fishiewishy
    fishiewishy Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have advice from a diet point of view, but gentle exercise like walking and yoga have helped me in my pregnancies. Aqua natal is meant to be good too. But always always speak to your midwife before doing anything new.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    When I found out I was pregnant I changed my profile to "maintenance" but you can manual add calories to your goal if you want. Ask your doctor how much you should be eating to gain healthily during this time. It was hard for me going from losing to "maintaining" (gaining) but I'm really loving the baby bump now :)