Exercise during pregnancy.

LoveLessAngel Posts: 12 Member
edited November 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
Good morning all and Happy Thanksgiving. At the moment I am just about at my 9th week of pregnancy and although I made a post "Diet and exercise during pregnancy"on the motivation and support forum I also thought I would post "Diet during pregnancy with an eating disorder" in the diet section as well as here. Please feel free and read my post "diet and exercise during pregnancy" for details on my situation and offer any help you possibly can id appriciate it. I will say that I am struggling with an eating disorder and trying to feed for two now I'm presently maintaining one small meal a day.. but i still want to exercise. I knkw it cant be obsessive or anything but... What would be good exercises to do during the first trimester other than yoga? What would be a safe amount of walking during the day?


  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Generally speaking, you can continue most exercises during pregnancy. As your bump gets bigger switching to lower impact sports like swimming / walking over something like running, would probably be more comfortable.

    My midwife advised to take extra care in the third trimester when lifting weights as a hormone that is released to relax our muscles prior to labour can make it quite easy to pull a muscle.

    But honestly, given that you are struggling with an ED and just having one meal a day I would suggest speaking to a professional who has more of a detailed history of your medical history and can advise a way on making sure both you and bubba are ok.

    Good luck with everything and congratulations on your pregnancy x
  • LoveLessAngel
    LoveLessAngel Posts: 12 Member
    I don't have anyone treatment wise for my ED the only people I really see are the OBGYN once a month, a psychiatrist every 2-3 months and a really useless councelor once a week who only will discuss organization skills pertaining to my ADHD with me instead of any of what she's supposed to be treating me for... so its a bit rough all over..
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    Do you have a diagnosis? What does your counselor suggest? Have you discussed your eating habits with your medical team? What does your ob gyn consider safe regarding exercise?
  • LoveLessAngel
    LoveLessAngel Posts: 12 Member
    edited November 2015
    My diagnoses is atypical anarexia nervosa. My counselor only cares to discuss organization skills pertaining to my ADHD. She is supplsed to be treating my ptsd and depression and other issues but nope she's all about organization. I've been trying to switch for months. My ED is in the file but since my weight hasn't been changing I don't think they care. My psychiatrist discharged me and transfered me to another in september won't see one till late January. And the only other dr I have is the OBGYN.
    Im supposed to meet all 4 Drs they have at the practice so I'll know them during delivery. I was basically told to just eat more like a normal person like it would magically be that easy or something.
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Then you need a new counselor that will do their job properly.
    Maybe your OBGYN can put a referral in to get you in to see someone faster? Or a registered dietician experienced with eating disorders and pregnancy that can get you a tailored meal plan.
    Unfortunately, no one on here is going to be qualified to answer your questions :(
  • Fit4LifeAR
    Fit4LifeAR Posts: 233 Member
    You need to talk to your ObGyn as soon as possible and tell them the truth about your situation. Does your doctor know you only eat one meal a day? I know it is easier said than done, but your baby needs more than that, and the health of the baby needs to come first.
  • LoveLessAngel
    LoveLessAngel Posts: 12 Member
    I know posting here is a long shot answer wise but still thought it would be best to still talk about it. Trust me I'm trying actually managed two meals today but that's more so because mandatory dinner due to the holiday. I did apply for WIC yesterday and had informed them about it they said they would call me after the holiday hopefully with an appointment for meal planning...
  • bellebeauti
    bellebeauti Posts: 3 Member
    It's great your putting in the effort...it really says a lot. I currently 5 weeks pregnant and I have ADHD as well. I've heard a lot of ladies said getting off their stimulants helped them gain weight, but I feel like I don't get anything done w/o them. I set up a goal to gain 15lbs on MFP and will be tracking my weight gain on MFP throughout my pregnancy. I already work out quite a bit but will be ramping down to make sure I'm getting enough calories. Have you tried eating small meals/snacks instead of bigger ones throughout the day? Or maybe protein shakes that are safe for pregnant women will help you get the nutrients you need with out you feeling to full. Staying in touch with positive ladies on the pregnancy apps are helping me stay motivated as well. Wish you be best.
  • Aed0416
    Aed0416 Posts: 101 Member
    You can continue with most exercise programs but you should not start anything new besides things like walking or gentle yoga. Many people don't gain weight in the first couple of months. Now is a good time to start trying to listen to your body's cues. But really you need to have a conversation with your OB. I had trouble gaining weight and they referred me to a nutritionist and got me an appointment immediately.