Pizza... is it really THAT Bad?



  • MamaNae
    MamaNae Posts: 23
    I LOVE pizza!!! We eat it probably once a week. Although me cutting WAY WAY WAY back has turned us from a large+a medium family into a "1 large will do" the hubby & kids eat the lions share, Mama gets the smaller 2 pieces ;-)

    I work it into my calorie goal and try to get up right away and walk walk walk to burn off the carbs
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    HA HA!! I'm loving the Papa Johns ad! But yeah I love pizza. I will do two slices every once in a while. I also found the fixings at Trader Joes so that I can make my own wheat crust pizza and its YUMMMMMMMY!!

    Enjoy those two slices every once in awhile. Moderation doesn't mean every night...or even every other night. Just keep it under control.
  • I just had pizza this weekend myself....I like the ham and pineapple so I guess it is one of the better choices of my son is so picky that I try to get things he likes to eat too and pizza just happens to be one of his food was his idea for this weekend...ha.....I found that if I deprive myself of things I love then I end up bingeing which is way worse than 2 slices of pizza....I just started this fitness pal and have surprised myself to see I really don't eat as many calories as I thought so it is a great tool! It is inspiring me to exercise more too....hang in there and don't give up your pizza....ha...just don't eat too much... :)
  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    I don't deny myself much as long as I keep within my daily calorie goal. Pizza...YUMM!
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    womes health magazine said it is one of the better choices as far as take out! (as long as you go with veggies over meat)
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    I have pizza every once in a while. 1 or 2 slices. It usually kills me on the sodium but I usually try to fit it into my calorie goal if I'm going to have it. Meh, it is what it is.

    I agree the sodium it's a killer, I keep my sodium at 1500 day (it's just a game I play to see if I can:tongue: , typically I stay under 1000 without trying) so I hate to waste it on something I can change up to a healthier way for myself.

    Matter of fact I'm making Pita pizzas for dinner tonight, they are so yummy!! I can control what I put on them and one is plenty to satisfy me. I've also done Flat Out pizzas, mini Pita bread pizzas, the sky is the limit on crusts.

    When I did try out some order out pizza again some months back it was soooo salty I couldn't eat more than a bite. bleh! But I don't eat much food out anymore for that reason, it all tastes way too salty and greasy to me now.

    Everyone has their ways of either fitting it in or creating a healthier version. Whichever way you go as someone else shared, long as it's not a trigger food you should be fine with a slice or two. Preplanning your days menus in advance helps a person fit it in by working out if you're eating out to ensure you don't go over.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    I dont do the whole "cheat meal" thing.. I eat mostly what I want just in moderation. There are days I'll eat healthy all day and days where I'll have something not so healthy but I dont really deprive myself of things I enjoy eating. I eat pizza.. just ordered some the other night and I stayed under my daily goals.. but I also ordered a side salad to help fill me up. You can also make your own with lower calories, fat, and all that stuff we need to watch out for. If I didnt eat the things I love I wouldn't have made it this far... enjoy your slice of pizza or two :happy:
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    I actually don't think pizza is all that bad if you stick to one or two slices and plan for it. I actually don't like Pizza all that thing is Nachos (homemade so I can control some things on it). We eat mexican on Sunday nights around here and I simply am not going to give up my nachos. Are they good for me? Nope. Are they really that terrible for me? Nope (I make them at home so I can control the amount of cheese and I add a ton of veggies). I always go over my calories on Sunday's because of them BUT I plan for it, eat well all day and don't go over what would be maintenance calories. Maybe I lose weight a little slower this way but it is more likely to be a long term way of life for me than if I banned them from my diet. So, I say, if you really like Pizza...find a way to make it work for you...
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Well, the MFP's have spoken and the majority consensus is....a slice of pizza (or 2) once in a while won't do you in :laugh:

    I am not apt to cut the things I reaaallly love out of my diet for the rest of my life. I've been doing this for going on 2.5+ years and I have no doubt I will continue to do it the rest of my life. Whoever says they will never eat a bite of sugar, pizza, cake, or other "bad" foods ever again in their entire life is just full of beans. Who would want to live like that...?:cry:

    I will probably never eat a slice of white bread again (because I never liked it in the first place) but that's about all I can guarantee!
    Make healthy choices about 85% of the time and you can still enjoy your favorite foods! That's my plan and I'm stickin' with it!
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    I believe in the phrase "All things in moderation." There's no need to skip on the pizza, but in moderation. Thin crust is better than deep dish or hand tossed. Also, don't load it with greasy, fatty meats. Opting for light cheese when possible is another way to cut out some unnecessary crap. Just keep it in moderation and you'll be fine.
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    HAND TOSSED CRUST Contains: Enriched Flour (Wheat Flour, Iron, Thiamine Mononitrate, Niacin, Riboflavin, Folic Acid) Water, Vegetable Oil (Soybean), Sugar, Salt, Yeast, Vital Wheat Gluten, Less than 1% Dough Conditioners [Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Whey, Enzyme (with Wheat Starch), Ascorbic Acid, L-cysteine, and Silicon Dioxide added as processing aid], Corn Meal (used in preparation).
    PROVOLONE CHEESE (SHREDDED) Contains: Provolone Cheese (Pasteurized Milk, Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Nonfat Milk, Sodium Propionate (Added As A Preservative).
    PIZZA SAUCE Contains: Tomato Puree (Water, Tomato Paste), Sugar, Salt, Spices, Garlic, Soybean Oil, and Citric Acid

    I think the only thing that is bad is the crust. Everything else has minimal ingredients for the most part, but soybean oil and vital wheat gluten and enriched flour... ehh.

    Making your own pizza is fun and probably a safer route. I'd say the worst (not in terms of taste but just the worst for you) part of the pizza is the crust, just because it's a hefty load of carbs, and unless you're at a swim meet or have just run a whole lot, your body really doesn't need it.

    Personally... I'd rather have meatza. Of course, I wouldn't have this every day either, and I would want to use the freshest and most quality meat possible... but here:

  • calimari
    calimari Posts: 202 Member
    I was helping my husband last week at work (TV work) and the crew food he was planning to get? Grinders. I asked him to get thin-crust pizza instead (and he also picked up a salad for me). I did some online searches for calorie counts for some popular pizza chains, and the thin crust is SOOOO much better than the deep dish or even regular crust. So, if it means thin crust, plain or with onions or pineapple - but I can have pizza - rather than deep dish pepperoni and sausage - and denying myself? The thin crust is an easy pick.

    Also, as I get older, I seem to not be able to eat as much of it as I used to.
  • Micheller1210
    Micheller1210 Posts: 460 Member
    I love pizza too,but with high blood pressure, I have to watch my sodium intake, I makeself a salad loaded with good stuff sprinkle balsamic vinegar and cut up a slice into little bites and top my salad with piza bites...yum I can't eat more than. 2 slices or my head pounds.
  • renku
    renku Posts: 182 Member
    I've started making homemade pizzas usually with lower calorie crusts (panini wraps), then once in a rare mood I will splurge and have a restaurant pizza trying to keep everything under my calorie goal.
  • warphoenix
    warphoenix Posts: 47
    "Pizza... is it really THAT Bad?"

    Depends what the toppings are!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I have worked in a pizza shop for a number of years. You know how to get sick of pizza?? Work there. I bet I don't eat pizza once a month. I just see too much of it and it's not a temptation. Weird I suppose........ :tongue:
  • lordofultima
    lordofultima Posts: 293
    I have no self control, so it's either 100% clean eating or 100% binging. Pizza will trigger this, as in the past I would routinely eat 6 slices at a time.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I never thought pizza was that big of a deal as long as you had it in moderation.. I'm talking 1, or 2 slices. But to classify it as a 'cheat meal' seems a bit overboard to me. I know I know, there are better things to eat, and I'm sure it's loaded with carbs, but come one. It's EVERYWHERE! I can't just AVOID it.. There's no way I'm going to ditch the one slice of pizza at the party and go for the salad every time. I mean, if all of my friends are having 5+ pieces, isn't one better than that?
    People here seem to frown upon poor, poor pizza more than I feel like it should be frowned upon. Lol.

    Any opinions on this?
    I appreciate your replies :)

    Mae :)
    Pizza isn't the enemy. I occasionally eat it. You can make it yourself and save on sodium and sugars. Many markets sell pizza dough, whole wheat pizza dough, even gluten free pizza dough. of course the thinner you roll out the dough, the less carbs.When it comes to toppings try adding in more veg.

    When you are out, it's going to be a bit harder and likely you will take a big sodium hit. Always try to balance it with a salad, but be careful to go for the lightest dressing possible; vinegar and oil if you can. I find white pizzas have a little less sodium and sugar then those with red sauces. Stay away from the high fat meats like pepperoni, bacon and ham.
  • my3girlsri
    my3girlsri Posts: 3 Member
    Try making it yourself so you can control sodium, fat and oils -use low or non fat cheese, fresh tomatoes and I use flatbread-thinner crust helps. this is the best way I have found to have pizza and not feet guilty. Hopes this helps.
  • 69mustang
    69mustang Posts: 185
    Yeah, I might be able to fit it into my meal plan- but here's the problem- the shut off mechanism in my brain MALFUNCTIONS when I put a piece of pizza in my mouth ( same thing happens with Chocolate Chip Cookies too)

    I have the same problem with chocolate chip cookies :(

    I love pizza and we order it in a few times a month but I usually stick to 2 slices. I made pizza the other day and grilled it on the was fantastic!! I loaded it with grilled veggies, tomatoes and grilled chicken breast, used a low cal bbq sauce and some cheese...less than 400 cals for 2 decent slices and so filling.
    Point is you dont have to give up pizza, just plan for it and have it in moderation.
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