Embarrasing But True



  • k8edge
    k8edge Posts: 380
    I have photo sessions with my cats, Jackson Pollock and Georgia O'Keefe (Jack and Georgia for short). I post one up on facebook each day... If my facebook friends only knew how many I take. It is sick. I also talk to them constantly when I am home... Like they are going to answer me back or something! Haha...
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    I'll tell you two:
    1. I was the mascot at my high school. So, I got to dance in front of the entire student body as a bull. I also beat up another mascot because he taunted me with a red blanket, and he pulled my tail. (*kitten*)
    2. I know more about Harry Potter than I do about American Politics. I'm a Political Science Major. HAHA. Sad, but true.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Oh God, ok. I have read the Harry Potter books 3 times. I even read Chamber of Secrets in Spanish for fun. Seriously, I could live in those books.

    If we could live there, I'd be your neighbor.

    I'm certain I've read them at least that many times. PoA, GoF & DH several more times. Just recently, (like, last week) was thinking about how much I missed them and decided I would read them again this summer. I've found a recipe for butterbeer cupcakes, (yesterday) that I must make.

    Oh, and I'm not really all that embarrassed about it.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Oh God, ok. I have read the Harry Potter books 3 times. I even read Chamber of Secrets in Spanish for fun. Seriously, I could live in those books.

    I have them all....and all of them on DVD... extended versions when available of course! I used to date a guy that made fun of my books, he never had time to sit down and read. I got him the first book on CD for him to listen to at work (drove delivery truck) and got him hooked too!

    My embarrasing thing would be that my second toes are longer than my big toes.
  • TexasNurseMom78
    TexasNurseMom78 Posts: 897 Member
    When I hear songs from a movie, I can recognize them easily and tell you what scence they played in and then I obsess about it till I watch the movie again.
    I too have read all the Herry Potter books, And Twilight series. And True Blood series. I am a serious book nerd!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I love the Weather Channel and could watch it for hours. Yes, I know it is the SAME THINGS over and over, but.. for some reason.. I love to have it on.

    Yeah. I'm a nerd. lol.
  • 2 of my favorite movies are "chick flicks" I loves "Steel magnolias" and "Coal Miner's Daughter". I love them both! LoL
  • sue26
    sue26 Posts: 412
    I dont know who Hanson is:blushing:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    All of my pets (except for the most recent addition) have been named after star wars characters:


    Yoda (my first baby kitten - had ringworm on her face and looked like Yoda)
    Chuy (found at a Chuy's restaurant but named after Chubacka)

    Dogs: Luke & Lea (both lab mixes).
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    1. When I was in my teens, I left my car running, and locked while I went shopping for 3 hours. Came back and I was truly embarrased to get in my car.

    2. Very windy day, a long time ago, when wearing fancy hats was cool. In my high heels and suit, my hat blew off while crossing the street, and I had to chase it down. Down town no less. That was embarrasing!!!!

    Luckily I've learned from my mistakes.... never done anything like either one again!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    All of my pets (except for the most recent addition) have been named after star wars characters:


    Yoda (my first baby kitten - had ringworm on her face and looked like Yoda)
    Chuy (found at a Chuy's restaurant but named after Chubacka)

    Dogs: Luke & Lea (both lab mixes).

    Heh. Four of my 6 animals have NASCAR names....

    Earnhardt, Stewart, Bristol and Phoenix...

    I also have Daisy and Forrest.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    OKay,,,,,,these are too funny!

    Khodges, my daughter drools so bad when she sleeps that she stopped wearing a shirt to sleep in cause they were always soaking wet when she got up.

    Sh3lby, if a person doesn't love late 80's music they should be shot.....YOU GO GIRL

    Heather75, you aren't incapable of unconditional love, it is just a fine art that not many master (myself included most days).


    Rockin, who doesn't love Coal Miner's Daughter!????

    Sue, you aren't missing anything!

    OKAY.....I am afraid of rubber animals....DEATHLY AFRAID.... I can not walk down a toy isle if there are rubber animals in it. I have left stores before because kids were carrying around a rubber snake or whatever and I never knew if they would come near me with them.
    I actually left my daughter, when she was 23 months old, in a store alone because she picked up a rubber fish. My mom was in the next store over and I went and got her and told her to find Brandi and told her why I left her.
    I have been this way ALL MY LIFE, I am 38 years old.

    So ya see Khodges.....go ahead and drool!
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    I recently started watching "Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County" and "The Hills." Seriously. I watch it on Netflix since I never watched it since it was on MTV and it's now cancelled. I watch maybe 3 episodes each day before I go to bed.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    All of my pets (except for the most recent addition) have been named after star wars characters:


    Yoda (my first baby kitten - had ringworm on her face and looked like Yoda)
    Chuy (found at a Chuy's restaurant but named after Chubacka)

    Dogs: Luke & Lea (both lab mixes).

    Heh. Four of my 6 animals have NASCAR names....

    Earnhardt, Stewart, Bristol and Phoenix...

    I also have Daisy and Forrest.

    lol I used to have cats named after characters on Degrassi: The Next Generation. Snake, Spike, Spinner, and Toby.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    i talk to my dogs like they are real people. i even think they're my bff's.

    Me too. But they are the best listeners, and give the greatest advice. They think I'm awesome.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I once had a sexual dream about Matt Lauer from the Today show. :laugh: And, to be honest, I don't even find him particularly attractive, though, I guess it coulda been worse.... :ohwell:
  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    All of my pets (except for the most recent addition) have been named after star wars characters:


    Yoda (my first baby kitten - had ringworm on her face and looked like Yoda)
    Chuy (found at a Chuy's restaurant but named after Chubacka)

    Dogs: Luke & Lea (both lab mixes).

  • oldscratch
    oldscratch Posts: 146
    I WIN.....
    i accidentally lit my boxers on fire on a weekend date to wine country. (first over night date *wink* with this particular girl) never heard from her again ......shocking huh? :)
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    Apples and carrots make me burp...:tongue:
  • Luvlee85
    Luvlee85 Posts: 120 Member
    1. I moan intensely and loudly in my sleep(no I'm not dreaming)

    2. At 25 still afraid of the dark, can't sleep in a dark room.
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