Thanksgiving: The Day After. How Did You Do?



  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I had about 2,200 calories which was about 500 over what I had planned for Thanksgiving. The sodium level was quite a bit higher than I usually have.
    I had pumpkin pie for breakfast today. The remaining leftovers are in the freezer and it is back to eating normally the rest of the day.
    My weigh in day is on Sunday so I'll see if there is a change in my weight then.
  • spat095
    spat095 Posts: 105 Member
    I ran in the morning and ate a little bit less than I maybe wanted to (I did eat two desserts, though, haha) so I was under my calories, but my carbs and sugar were much higher than usual, which is's a holiday!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm up about 3.5 Lbs as expected...glycogen stores are full and I have more inherent waste in my system. I don't log so I have no idea how much I ate, but it was a lot, including plenty of wine and beer. It was awesome...I love holidays.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    Exactly as planned. Single servings, no seconds, skipped the high calorie stuff that I don't love. Had slivers of pie for dessert. Great workout that morning and sweet potato casserole for breakfast this am.

  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm disappointed in my stomach. It can't hold as much food as it used to (and I'm starting to feel physically sick/uncomfortable at much lower quantities of food). I think I ate 100 calories below maintenance.

    I swear the pumpkin bread tasted so much better last year. I had one bite, threw the rest of my slice out, and had a bowl of frozen cherries instead.
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member
    Tblackdogs wrote: »
    I give MFP all the credit for a good day yesterday. I had planned ahead, actually pre-logging both food and exercise. I started the day with a big workout, ate a light brunch and then ate exactly what I wanted at the big meal! I didn't feel deprived at all, felt a little stuffed (which is a good reminder why you shouldn't pig out) and basically stayed within my goal. This season has many challenging days when you're trying to lose weight but having the tools here makes it easy!

    I have to say "ditto" to this.

    The only difference is that I did eat way more carbs than I am used to, was slightly over my goal and actually felt a lot stuffed. It was a good learning experience for the future, though, because now I know that I really can't eat like I used to. I'll make even better choices for myself next time!

    I feel very much in control with the leftovers in my fridge now. I'm back to my regular routine of weighing my food and eating what I like in within my limits.
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    I went over, by a very small amount (less than 100 calories). I do not do the turkey feast - I did feta stuffed salmon, baked potato, spinach salad and a buttermilk roll. Dessert was half a slice of pumpkin pie (no whipped cream, as I forgot to buy some). I also had two glasses of Gonet Champagne.
  • Owlfan88
    Owlfan88 Posts: 187 Member
    I came in at about 300 calories over my goal, which is maintenance now. I thought it would be more, and maybe it was since it was all estimated. But I'm still under my weekly goal, barely. Tomorrow is going to be tough as we're traveling so eating out at least twice and not much activity.
  • rbratt06
    rbratt06 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I didn't bother tracking calories yesterday. I did do 50 minutes of cardio in the morning, had a light breakfast, didn't eat lunch, and then let myself enjoy the dinner. I actually ate less than I usually do on Thanksgiving, which was kind of a nice change. I automatically stop eating now when I don't feel hungry anymore. Weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same. One holiday down, two more to go this year!
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    after logging everything last night and estimating as good as i could, i did not do too bad i think. i did switch to maintenance calories on monday for the rest of the year, so i only went over by 481 calories.. going over was definitely expected but, what was not expected was me not even bothering with the pies, pumpkin cheesecake and eggnog..
  • kvansteen
    kvansteen Posts: 82 Member
    I'm happy with how I did. I only got 1 plate of "food" and then a plate of just salad. I had one small piece of pumpkin pie and 2 beers. I still went over, but I was close to what my "maintenance" calories would be. I did decide that I don't plan on eating turkey again any time soon. I'm a vegetarian and decided to have turkey "just" because it was thanksgiving. I think I had like 1/4 of a cup and my stomach hurt all night long.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    edited November 2015
    Knocked out a quick half-hour workout in the morning, then watched football until dinner time (and afterward). I didn't log, didn't even once think about how many calories were in anything, ate as much of everything as I wanted, and enjoyed every single bite.
  • steuartcj
    steuartcj Posts: 132 Member
    Gained 2lbs. It will come off. Now worried.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I "lost" 5 pounds today, lol.
  • emmaspridham
    emmaspridham Posts: 5 Member
    I was stressed about Thanksgiving because I had three of them to attend (with big meals attached to all). But I weighed in on Friday and was still down FOUR pounds from last Friday. Which is a HUGE loss in a week for me. It felt great to know that my hard work this past week paid off (in the form of staying under my deficit all week up to Thanksgiving, a 5k turkey trot day of, and a killer spin class the morning after). And I still enjoyed lots of stuffing and bread pudding!
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    I did great. I stuck to protein and veggies pretty much and came in below my calories and wasn't left hungry or wanting anything else.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited November 2015
    ki4eld wrote: »
    I'm ok with yesterday. Carbs were a little higher than I'd like, but still within range. I was 42 cals over, but I had a 500cal burn yesterday morning, so I'm ok with my overages.


    Hubby did even better...


    And we both dropped. I lost .25lb and he lost .4lb since yesterday morning. This may be the first Tday that we didn't both gain. Tracking food is so worth it.

    Who eats 1150 calories for Thanksgiving??

    I didn't count and enjoyed every bit, up 3 pounds lost it all today. ;)
  • steuartcj
    steuartcj Posts: 132 Member
    Should have been, NOT worried, not NOW worried.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I did horribly. I ate light that day and spent that day and the day before on my feet cooking like a maniac. Only burned 2306 on Thanksgiving according to my fitbit.

    I put in a 1500 calorie meal but I did snack on some appetizers while I was cooking and I also ate two tiny pieces of pie for dessert. And had 2 glasses of wine.

    I probably ate more than the 1500 but not sure by how much. I may have been 500+ more than maintenance.

    I gained 4lbs the next morning and I still haven't lost all of it. I'm still 2lbs heavier than on the day before Thanksgiving.

    I'm drinking lots of water and trying hard to eat light...but with all the leftovers I'm sure my logging isn't very accurate.

    It's my fault and I take full responsibility. I know of the damage I did probably isn't permanent and most likely water weight from gaining back my glycogen stores.