75lbs to lose...

Hi all!
I am a 26 year old mother of three. I am married to a great supportive man who serves for the United States Army, I couldn't be prouder of him! I am currently 215 lbs and have not even been close to my goal, 140 lbs since high school. All I want is to be able to have some pride in myself. I am even not following my dreams because of it. It (the weight) is becoming a huge problem in my life and I am at my breaking point. We had to move to a new duty station about 6 months ago and I have not met anyone including my husband's co-workers because I am so ashamed of myself. This is not normal for me at all. The depression is just too much for me and I've HAD it. I need to change and learn to love myself. I hate missing out on life wondering what other people will think about me if I go. I can't keep hurting myself like this. I do want to love myself again and I hope by making some changes in my life that I will finally be able to do that. :) Thank You for listening!
Ms. K


  • jsoaper01
    jsoaper01 Posts: 99 Member
    i would love to be friends. I have 75 to loose also. I work for the military as a contractor. Use the MOS website. They have free diet coachings and its wonderful. I use both.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I am here to tell you it IS possible!!! :)

    Its not always an easy journey, but it is well worth it.. and YOU are worth it.

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for some friends to start your journey with :)
  • blueocean52811
    blueocean52811 Posts: 83 Member
    I so understand what you are feeling, cause I feel the same way too.
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Ditto!!! I am aiming to go from 236 to 150! So that's nearly 90lbs! And it seems daunting. But I have been feeling much like you, just icky about myself. And so here we go! Let's do it!
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I refuse to go to my girlfriends events because I'm always the fattest one there. I've done away with date night with my husband because I can never find anything sexy enough to wear to impress him...he doesnt mind my weight its all me but either way...we can do this! This is your time to break the cycle and break free!:wink:
  • mindy14456
    mindy14456 Posts: 552 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I totally get how you feel, I struggle with those feelings myself. But this site has made the world of difference. Everyone is so hopeful and supportive, and the tools are easy to use. You can do this!! Feel free to add me, and we can support each other on the journey :happy:
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    My husband is retired Army and my son is currently in the Army. I am also working toward a goal weight 140 pounds. I have lost 94 pounds so far. The key is sticking with it. You might see if there is a Curves for Women near you. The cost is reasonable and you would have some other ladies working toward a common goal. I have gone through the emotional things you are going through. Even with the amount of weight I have already lost, I still struggle with it. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT, it is getting better. You will find support, encouragement and accountability here. I would love to join you on your journey.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    I have 45 to go, and I am in the exact same boat....lets do it! What are your plans for losing? Where are you stationed?
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    welcome to MFP.
    I started in April and had 74 pounds to lose. Have lost 18 so far so this is doable! I am sending you a friend request. I know we can do this.
  • skinnymeinaz
    skinnymeinaz Posts: 384 Member
    You can do thi!!!!. Being on here is a great step. I have met many wonderful friends who help, listen, suggest, and keep me motivated. Feel free to add me.
  • Mommyto2B2G
    Thank You all for your responses and encouragement. :) Its nice to hear this is a common feeling because I kind of felt weird about talking about how I've been feeling.
  • beamishcas
    beamishcas Posts: 226 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP. It's a great support system. Feel free to add me.
  • Mommyto2B2G
    My plans for losing are to eat healthy, walk as a family daily when my husband comes home from work and then exercise a little at night when the kids go to bed. I'm going to try to not stress about the weight and just make myself healthy and change how I eat. We are stationed at Fort Sam in TX.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I think we all feel that way sometimes and many are alone without accountability partners, so I think you've joined the right community to get that encouragement you need. Sending you a friend request, we could all use more of them.
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    Fort Sam!!! I'm sorry to hear that, and I've been stationed here at fort bliss! (Tears!) Your plans sounds great! I'm sooo ready to get started, so when do you start, and how often do you want to report?
  • slimothy89
    slimothy89 Posts: 61
    What have you been doing to lose 18 pounds so quickly? Share the secrets!!! LOL.
  • TwinMamma09
    TwinMamma09 Posts: 140
    Welcome to MFP!!! This is a great place and there are so many people here who have been in your shoes or are in your shoes to support you. As a mom, it is hard to stay healthy but you can do it. Sometimes I wonder how I get everything done with the kids running around, but somehow it all comes into place after some hard work. Good luck on your journey!!!
  • smb23112
    smb23112 Posts: 46
    Gd luck to you n you can do it I'm here to do it too..
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Army wife here!!! Been so for 4 years now! We are stationed near Ft Rucker, AL. I stated this journey at 225 pounds 9 weeks ago and am already down to 205.6! Add me if you'd like! Us Army wives need to stick together! ;D