Insanity Anyone?!

I'm starting Monday let's have a friendly competition!! Anyone else starting too?


  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Beachbody Challenge?
  • cmc20171
    cmc20171 Posts: 1 Member
    My fiance and I are starting Insanity today as well.
  • joshblom42
    joshblom42 Posts: 11 Member
    Yes beach body challenge with Shawn T and now that's it almost the end of week 2 how are we all feeling?! I am getting my butt kicked but I love it.
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    YES! Totally.
    Wait, thought this was in reference to being mentally unstable....apparently I am in the wrong thread.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Okay, I was curious if this was legit. I was wondering if this was being posted by a true Insanity enthusiast or a Beachbody "Coach".
  • joshblom42
    joshblom42 Posts: 11 Member
    Well I am not a beach body coach nor would I claim to be an insanity enthusiast just a guy trying to get back into race shape for 2016. I did this once before with the meal plan and I saw awesome results so I'm doing it again.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    edited November 2015
    Okay, I was curious if this was legit. I was wondering if this was being posted by a true Insanity enthusiast or a Beachbody "Coach".

    Do you say this about all the other Insanity posters on here? Just curious as to what is different about this Insanity thread VS all the others that are posted here all the time. :/
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    joshblom42 wrote: »
    I'm starting Monday let's have a friendly competition!! Anyone else starting too?

    I'm only doing Insanity 4 days a week as I've already done it 4 times in the past and now I'm mixing it in with my 2 days of heavy weightlifting. Great workout program.
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    Okay, I was curious if this was legit. I was wondering if this was being posted by a true Insanity enthusiast or a Beachbody "Coach".

    Do you say this about all the other Insanity posters on here? Just curious as to what is different about this Insanity thread VS all the others that are posted here all the time. :/

    The posts that I come across that appear more obvious than others.......yes, I tend to call them out. If this was a mistake on my part, then my apologies, and have fun.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Eileen_S wrote: »
    Okay, I was curious if this was legit. I was wondering if this was being posted by a true Insanity enthusiast or a Beachbody "Coach".

    Do you say this about all the other Insanity posters on here? Just curious as to what is different about this Insanity thread VS all the others that are posted here all the time. :/

    The posts that I come across that appear more obvious than others.......yes, I tend to call them out. If this was a mistake on my part, then my apologies, and have fun.

    I wasn't saying you were wrong or anything. I was just wondering what made this thread stand out over the other ones. No worries. :)
  • Twincle1970
    Twincle1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Been on Insanity since 26/10/15 and totally getting beat by SeanT :s but, have stuck with it and only missed 1 workout, ironically it was my 2nd recovery week day yesterday, but back on track today. Dreading next week ..... you already know whats coming for me. Am surprised about the coach thing though, seems almost everyone on beachbody is one
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Twincle45 wrote: »
    Been on Insanity since 26/10/15 and totally getting beat by SeanT :s but, have stuck with it and only missed 1 workout, ironically it was my 2nd recovery week day yesterday, but back on track today. Dreading next week ..... you already know whats coming for me. Am surprised about the coach thing though, seems almost everyone on beachbody is one

    If you completed the first month without a problem, I think you will do just fine with month 2. I still enjoy doing some of those 60 minute workouts.
  • TonnnnUK
    TonnnnUK Posts: 132 Member
    I'm n recovery week and also missed the 2nd day purely due to being busy. Suprised I managed the previous 4 weeks uninterrupted to be honest but I have been loving it.

    Unfortunately I am in the process of moving house and it has been delayed a week longer than I had hoped. This means I am going to have to move into my mums house for a week and I don't think I will be able to do my Insanity workouts there as it just isn't convenient and a lot of jumping around.

    So I might have to do 2 weeks of alternative workouts. Bodyweight, small dumbells and suspension training should be doable. Then crack on with month two when I get in my house :smile:
  • Twincle1970
    Twincle1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks Eileen, hopefully I'll also enjoy them, TonnnnUk don't lose momentum, besides moving house you'll get a good workout :)
  • joshblom42
    joshblom42 Posts: 11 Member

    The posts that I come across that appear more obvious than others.......yes, I tend to call them out. If this was a mistake on my part, then my apologies, and have fun.[/quote]

  • nergizsaeed
    nergizsaeed Posts: 1 Member
    I'm on my second week of hiitmax 30 days challenge. Hard WORKOUTS from 40 to 60 mins
  • Twincle1970
    Twincle1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Well thats recovery week over, had to miss 2 days in the end as I forgot we had a family meal on thursday. No problem I finished up doing friday and saturdays workout. I dont mind missing the 2 really as I did get a bit bored with the 3 days I did (as in repetative). now looking forward to next week and the start of the 'big boy' sessions.
  • joshblom42
    joshblom42 Posts: 11 Member
    Yeah they get pretty repetitive I always use them as a base workout and then do something more exciting in addition. I personally and training for some OCR's this year so I do random stuff. Flip tires, bang sledge hammers, climb ropes, run, carry buckets, etc....
  • Twincle1970
    Twincle1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Day 1 Month 2 done (sort of). Being fairly knackered warmed up from the fit test I could only attempt what I could of the Max Circuit. A bit much so just plugged away at what I could. My approach is the same as my early days of weights e.g. 3 sets of 8kx15, 10kx12 & 12kx10, then when up to strength 10kx15, 12kx12 & 14kx10 and so on. As each insanity set gets harder, do what I can and over time improve my stamina and strength. I definitely felt the extra time and found myself clock watching
  • brittneydani467
    brittneydani467 Posts: 3 Member
    joshblom42 wrote: »
    I'm starting Monday let's have a friendly competition!! Anyone else starting too?

    Starting today!!