What was your "rock bottom" moment?



  • Working2BLean
    Working2BLean Posts: 386 Member
    I just decided I was so done with being fat

    So tired of all the bad that goes along with it

    I decided there were things I wanted to do in life.

    It was just time...

  • starwhisperer6
    starwhisperer6 Posts: 402 Member
    it took 8 years for this 20 pounds to sneak on. And one day my stretchy work pants felt pretty freaking tight and I decided that I don't work two jobs to have to buy new pants because I ate too much. Alas I have had to buy new pants for the opposite reason now :)
  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    My rock bottom moment was exactly that, rock bottom, without going into to many details.

    I've been on lots of different types of mediation you can think of, I'm not afraid to admit that. But for those out there caught in that vicious cycle of depression, I can't stress enough how diet, exercise and certain supplements can out perform any medication.

  • robs_ready
    robs_ready Posts: 1,488 Member
    When the stretch marks appear. I'm 18, too young to have stretch marks! I always try to hide behind my height, never really acknowledging my weight. I'm 5'10" for an Asian that's pretty tall, so I always tell myself I'm tall not fat. The stretch marks were really a wake up call for me. Although it's pretty petty compared to the experiences on top but yeah stretch mark did it for me.

    I get you, I know it's weird but you kind a learn to love them in the end. They go silvery and look like scales. They're hardly noticeable in the end.
  • yomy110
    yomy110 Posts: 10 Member
    Today when I realized that my wedding band was too tight! I've only been married 3 years and feel as if I've let myself go.
  • chrysalis2015
    chrysalis2015 Posts: 212 Member
    Today. When I realized after all the work I've put in to lose weight I've actually started gaining it back. I thought I was doing so well. On top of that, saw my husband's GF's new FB pics and she, of course, looks fantastic. I literally feel like I'll never lose this weight no matter what I do, no matter whether I cut calories or add back in...or work out daily or give myself rest periods...None of it seems to make a bit of sense or difference. It just seems to have stopped.

    i'm starting to wonder if I'm just meant to be fat.

    So after much crying today...and I mean a lot...I've come to the conclusion that it can't matter anymore. It's a number. I enjoy lifting. I enjoy dancing. If that means that I stay at a weight so high that I outweigh some cornerbacks in college football, then I guess that's what God intended for me.
  • wdf375
    wdf375 Posts: 25 Member
    I'd gained about 50 pounds after leaving the military. I got early up one morning and checked email. I learned that a friend I served with for many years had been killed. His story was featured by Tom Brokaw on Dateline and a link to the news piece randomly popped up when I closed my email. I wondered what he would think if he could see me that way. I started training, lost the weight, complete a few half Ironman Triathlons and was in great shape. Ultimately after 5 or 6 years life crept back in and I gained about 35 pounds.

    The second time at rock bottom was a few weeks ago at a campout for my son's school. Many of the parents and kids were swimming in a river. My son wanted me to take off my shirt and swim with him. I was too ashamed to take it off. I don't want to be that guy again.
  • b_magill
    b_magill Posts: 72 Member
    My rock bottom moment was last month. I needed to get professional portraits done, and I reached out to a photographer some of my other "crunchy" friends in my field had used (alternative health). He said he couldn't help me because there was no way he could make me "look good enough for a professional shot in [my] field". It broke my heart and I cried for hours.

    I have an autoimmune disease and because of that, it is reeeally hard to lose weight. So, I started. It's really emotionally difficult because I work so hard at the gym every day, and I've only lost 2lbs so far. But I'm gonna do it. For me.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Mine happened naked. I was changing and looked up at my reflection in a full length mirror. I honestly was disgusted and wondered how my husband could possibly still be physically attracted to me. (I know, I know, this is very dramatic of me.) But honestly in that moment I felt like that. I realized my Birthday is right around the corner and just REALLY did not want to start another year hating any part of myself.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    b_magill wrote: »
    My rock bottom moment was last month. I needed to get professional portraits done, and I reached out to a photographer some of my other "crunchy" friends in my field had used (alternative health). He said he couldn't help me because there was no way he could make me "look good enough for a professional shot in [my] field". It broke my heart and I cried for hours.

    I have an autoimmune disease and because of that, it is reeeally hard to lose weight. So, I started. It's really emotionally difficult because I work so hard at the gym every day, and I've only lost 2lbs so far. But I'm gonna do it. For me.

    Hate him! So wrong.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    roblloyd89 wrote: »
    When the stretch marks appear. I'm 18, too young to have stretch marks! I always try to hide behind my height, never really acknowledging my weight. I'm 5'10" for an Asian that's pretty tall, so I always tell myself I'm tall not fat. The stretch marks were really a wake up call for me. Although it's pretty petty compared to the experiences on top but yeah stretch mark did it for me.

    I get you, I know it's weird but you kind a learn to love them in the end. They go silvery and look like scales. They're hardly noticeable in the end.

    Best pep talk ever. Very cool outlook :)
  • 13bbird13
    13bbird13 Posts: 425 Member
    roblloyd89 wrote: »
    But for those out there caught in that vicious cycle of depression, I can't stress enough how diet, exercise and certain supplements can out perform any medication.

    I'm feeling this improvement after only a month of healthier eating habits and regular exercise. I kind of "took 2015 off"... I mean my whole life, not just my weight. My Dad went into a nursing home right before Christmas, all his affairs fell on me to handle (no spouse, no mom, no living siblings), and I did the best I could with his must-do's while letting mine slide, right in the middle of a kitchen renovation and the decline of my 17.5-year-old kitty's health (she died in October). I lost control of everything, totally overwhelmed at the thought of simply opening the mail regularly... didn't know where to start so I never started anywhere. That is SO not me!

    I lived on fast food, with the excuse that I "didn't have time" to cook because I was driving to the nursing home so often, and my kitchen was only half-renovated. I also fell into the habit of a few glasses of wine pretty much every night. Recipe for a very unhappy year and 25 pounds I didn't want.

    Although not diagnosed with depression (since I never got around to seeing a doctor either!) I'm pretty sure that's what the problem was. Since November 1 I've been a lot better and the only things I changed were my eating and exercise habits... I actually want to DO stuff again instead of just sit and stare at the wall. No meds at all, either prescription or OTC, except for a daily multivitamin. Might not work for everyone, but it sure seems to be helping me.
  • jesguinn
    jesguinn Posts: 94 Member
    edited November 2015
    VpinkLotus wrote: »
    Mine happened naked. I was changing and looked up at my reflection in a full length mirror. I honestly was disgusted and wondered how my husband could possibly still be physically attracted to me. (I know, I know, this is very dramatic of me.) But honestly in that moment I felt like that. I realized my Birthday is right around the corner and just REALLY did not want to start another year hating any part of myself.

    Yesssss! This was me exactly! About 6 weeks ago I caught a glimpse of myself walking to the shower and noticed my belly was jiggling. I felt so gross! This has been a hectic year with a move and a new job, but mostly I've just been lazy about exercising and have indulged in too much wine and pizza. Since that day, I've lost 17 lbs and all of my clothes fit again!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    jesguinn wrote: »
    VpinkLotus wrote: »
    Mine happened naked. I was changing and looked up at my reflection in a full length mirror. I honestly was disgusted and wondered how my husband could possibly still be physically attracted to me. (I know, I know, this is very dramatic of me.) But honestly in that moment I felt like that. I realized my Birthday is right around the corner and just REALLY did not want to start another year hating any part of myself.

    Yesssss! This was me exactly! About 6 weeks ago I caught a glimpse of myself walking to the shower and noticed my belly was jiggling. I felt so gross! This has been a hectic year with a move and a new job, but mostly I've just been lazy about exercising and have indulged in too much wine and pizza. Since that day, I've lost 17 lbs and all of my clothes fit again!

    Awesome. Good for you :)
  • jenm9499
    jenm9499 Posts: 5 Member
    My rock bottom was when my husband commented that my chronic back pain that i constantly complained about was from more than just a soft mattress. :) I seriously wanted to punch him in the face, but you know what? He was right! Tough love and 20+ pounds down....back pain has almost disappeared entirely! 20 more lbs to go.
  • StaceyCromack
    StaceyCromack Posts: 2 Member
    edited December 2015
    This picture of me, my 2 sisters and my mam.. Didn't do anything about it at the time but I'll never forget how I feel when I look at this photo. Change is coming people
  • jasamjak67
    jasamjak67 Posts: 1,421 Member
    About 18 months ago when I joined the 300 club (weighed in at 301). I looked in the mirror and said enough was enough. Today, I am at 277 working towards a goal weight of 230. I have a battle to win as I fight hypothyroidism and Psoriatic Arthritis in my ankles. I will prevail - EYE OF THE TIGER!
  • GetMeTo125
    GetMeTo125 Posts: 20 Member
    On the days I have tracked and wrote in my journal I have lost..an equal number of days I did not and I gained. So one month after starting I am at the same number. So sad. I need to not turn to food with my crazy work stress. I feel ten times as bad when I do and I an so embarrassed with how I look. I have to take control of my life once and for all.
  • bobinpeterboro
    bobinpeterboro Posts: 20 Member
    I'd been fooling myself for years that my belly was just a little bit tubby. Then as it got bigger and floppier and more disgusting I used to either avoid seeing it or lie to myself.
    I made loads of decisions to slim down and exercise more. Trouble was that that's all I did, made the decision. I didn't actually do anything.
    I didn't like looking at myself in photos and it started to make me self conscious when I was out with friends.
    Then earlier this year I had a heart attack. Not, luckily, as severe as the other two previous ones in this thread. I just had a little tiny heart attack and it was the best thing that could have happened to me.
    I spent some time in Papworth hospital and had a stent fitted. Afterwards there is a team of cardiac rehabilitation nurses who teach you all about good/bad nutrition and the effects excess fat has on your organs, including the heart.
    For 12 weeks they ran weekly exercise classes and nutrition classes. I learned so much from them and they organised a further 12 weeks free gym membership at my local gym.
    Now I'm exercising for at least an hour a day to improve my cardiac health and thankfully stumbled onto MFP which has helped my weight loss considerably.
    Now, when I sit in a chair my stomach is flat enough for me to see down past it. :-) very important if you're a bloke.
    I am now slimmer and fitter than I've been since I left the RAF 20 years ago.
  • Endless_Journey
    Endless_Journey Posts: 136 Member
    So this Endless Journey started 1,000 days ago. It was a Friday, got home, went upstairs to change, came back down and then something happened. I had to sit down, sweat pouring down me, struggling to breath and had chest pains. my body was telling me that all was not well. The pains got worse so decided to visit my doctor. She sent me to the ER straight away, I was very quickly seen by a Consultant who carried out tests. I did not want to tell my wife as she was at work. The consultant called me in and said very simply, that if I did not change my lifestyle, he gave me five more years. very simply I was killing myself. Going back to my car, I realised now that life is not a rehearsal, I needed to act now. My Journey has now started.
    After tellng my wife, she said that only I could change this and of course she was right. I grabbed the laptop and sat down. So how was I killing myself?, for one week I wrote down how much I was eating and drinking. The results were frightening I was consuming up to 4,000 calories a day, add that to the fact I was not even exercising, nothing more to say. My weight was 276lbs, pulse rate 77. My blood pressure was normal.
    A new diet was planned, out went hamburgers, take aways, junk food. No more drinking alcohol, and eating between meals. The fridge was completely emptied and replaced with fresh fruit, vegetables, salads, chicken, fish. Cans of coke were replaced with bottled water. Extreme you might say but time was not on my side. Eating beteween meals was a problem so each morning I would get a bowl and chop up some melon, apples, raisins, add some celery, nuts and raisins. Now whenever I was hungry instead of having crisps or chocolate I would reach for the bowl. Drinking water before each meal helped to curb my appertite.
    Ok thats the diet sorted but now exercise, being so overweight this was not going to be easy. I just started going out for walks around the block, the first time after twenty minutes I had to stop I was so out of breath. But gradually as each day passed i just incresased it. Weight loss was slow so i checked my diet, reducing my intake to 1200 calories, this suited me but may not suit everybody. My BMI was 49% so the body had enough fat to live off. The next stage of getting fit, I decided to purchase a mountain bike. OMG what a sight seeing me trying to cycle, confidence was low, and made worse by other cyclists making nasty comments, this just made me more determined. I was hooked on cycling and went out every day increasing the time I spent out on the road. The same cyclists passing me by asking if I wanted a push. My time would come.
    My weight was starting to melt away and i started to feel good about myself so the next stage was to invest in a road bike. I did this and started cycling furtther and further. Ok 2014 was not good i got knocked off my bike no less than four times, but was determined to carry on. Easter this year I decided to enter a road race, a 130km race. The weather conditions were the worst I had encountered but was determined to complete the course. Oh so what happened about those cyclists who were so cruel to me I can here you ask? The next time i went out on the road I saw them in front of me approaching a hill. As they started to cycle up it they were all breathless, I pulled along side them and said. would you like a push? I then left them struggling, looking over my shoulder they knew who I was.
    So 110lbs lighter and a healthy pulse rate of 45, BMI now 25.5, everything was going good. Until about 12 weeks ago, after a long cycle I returned home feeling unwell ok I thought it was caused by the long cycle but it was not. After a visit to the doctor and some blood tests, I was sent to ER to see a consultant. Who just by looking at me suggested I may have Kidney Cancer, leaving the room my wife just looked at me with tears in her eyes. Comforting her I said lets see what the scans show. Two days later, after two scans the best results ever, I did not have cancer. There was however a problem with my Kidneys. I have been told that an operation will cure the problem, I am still training only after speaking to the surgeon. I had a 160km cycle planned for November this year but was unable to compete in.
    I have to go for blood tests to make sure everything is still clear. But despite all this I will continue fighting to get my fitness back. I guess what I am saying is that we are only here once, life is not a rehearsal, you just need to treat each day as if it is your first. Just enjoy life.