I'm not alone

I'm Jennifer, call me Jen, I'm 26 and I'm about 5'3, and according to the body mass index, I'm about 100 pounds overweight. Well that's just a number, of course I need to work on it, but my goal isn't to accomplish an appropriate number on the scale. My goal is to accomplish happiness, to smile, to breathe, and to live. I've been struggling with confidence and a weight problem since I was about 16 and now that I'm an adult, I've only begun to take it seriously. I thought that 10 years ago, I'd be in a different situation, one for the better not worse. I am married to a man whom I don't deserve, one my heart has been dreaming of, one I can rely on for strength. A large percent of this new goal is for him, he deserves the real woman I am, not this emotional, weak and self conscious mess. I will smile again, I will feel beautiful, I will understand what confidence really means and I will wear it proudly.


  • Glitterbug_87
    Glitterbug_87 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm new here too.

    I'm sure you're an amazing woman and will reach your goals. Keep positive and take one day at a time. Don't be so hard on yourself, you will get there!!! :)
  • PleadingInsanity
    Wow your story is eerily similar to mine. It's nice to feel like other people are struggling with the same problems every day. I always feel like no one knows what it's like to live as me every day. We will conquer this. We have to