Gaining weigh help !!

nouh220200 Posts: 39 Member
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I am staying on a diet of 1600 cal at most and exercise at least 3 times a week , but gaining weigh , what do you guys think ?


  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    You're not eating enough, or enough of the right stuff. Switch to brown rice, eat more of a balanced diet, and eat your calories. You're sending your body into starvation mode. You can do it. Add a protein drink or something.
  • MrsDdears
    MrsDdears Posts: 1
    You could be gaining muscle!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    How long have you been at this? How often do you weigh, and is it always the same time of day and dressed (or undressed) the same? Sometimes when we first start to exercise, we retain a bit more water at first. That makes it look like a gain when there really isn't one. Also, our weight just normally fluctuates throughout the day and at different times of the month - there are a lot of factors.

    My guess is you are not really gaining weight. Try only weighing once a week or less, always at the same time of day and in the same clothing and shoes or totally without clothing and shoes. Minimize the variables.
  • makena78
    makena78 Posts: 162 Member
    I checked out our food diary and you're not eating enough. 1200 calories is where you should be without working out. With fitness you need more calories to give you energy or your body will go into starvation mode and actually hold on to the fat calories. And it's also not just about the calories but the foods that we eat as well. This is all a learning process and it takes time to get the hang of it. But, work on eating more especially if you are working out. Invest in a HRM as well to get the actual calories burned while working out. I was 100-200 calories off before my HRM. that helps in determining the correct amount of calories to consume during the day.
  • CriticalX
    CriticalX Posts: 212 Member
    need more meals though the day. u eating alot at once when u do eat.. and high in fat things
  • you know .. i like your question. because for the LONGEST time i was on 1600 cals a day and not a single lb came off or i gained! i believe some of the others may be right. Our bodies are in starvation mode. we need more. i realise this now with MFP telling me to eat more calories than i have eaten in over a yr. I'm new to MFP ( only my 4th day) so i haven't seen if it works yet or not. but many have told me i need more calories. Lets give it a try shall we :-)
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 708 Member
    I looked further back into your diary, and some days you are eating a LOT of calories, and others hardly any, and I'm seeing a serious lack of vegetables or routine. I recommend you work out more days (at least four days a week), eat a LOT more fresh fruits and vegetables, and try not to dip so low or go so high on the daily intake. When you have only 1,100 calories (or less) in a day, especially a day with intense exercise, your body's going to slow down and try to conserve. When you smack it with 2,200 calories the next day, it's still operating as though food is scarce. As a result, it doesn't burn as much and, instead, looks to sock some of that away for future famine.

    You're doing a great job, you just need to tweak things to keep your body on a more even keel. A more varied diet with fewer processed foods and more greens, whole grains, lean meats, and fruits is my advice. Understand I'm only able to speak from my experience and understanding--others may have other ideas, and their ideas may be just as good as mine.

    Keep at it, and keep posting!

  • phnx72
    phnx72 Posts: 47 Member
    Maybe you're somehow overestimating the calories you have burned? I saw one day where you burned about 1000 and ate them all back, that would be pretty harmful if it was much less than that.
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