Can you trust your appetite and/or hunger/fullness cues?



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited December 2015
    gillexplores, thank you for that explanation! (No, it wasn't too long :D ) I knew most of it already, but the stuff about the brain's priority and the comparison of fat content of chimpanzees' and contemporary foraging societies' diets was new to me.

    Now I can say it's my highly developed brain that is forcing me to overeat, and it also explains why I'm short :p
  • gillexplores
    gillexplores Posts: 151 Member
    gillexplores, thank you for that explanation! (No, it wasn't too long :D ) I knew most of it already, but the stuff about the brain's priority and the comparison of fat content of chimpanzees' and contemporary foraging societies' diets was new to me.

    Now I can say it's my highly developed brain that is forcing me to overeat, and it also explains why I'm short :p

    Exactly! Blame it on evolution, I always say!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    If I am eating well (plenty of vegetables, enough protein (more than 15%), not too many starchy carbs or sugary treats) I can trust my appetite. Otherwise, no.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    between medication and boredom, I can't really trust my body. I try and eat at regular times and increased my fat and protien and fiber intake. i've found that helps a bit but I still find my body sends false signals of hunger
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    yes i can, i've been maintaining for over 2.5 years without logging anything. i eat when i'm hungry...basically three squares per day and a few snacks throughout the day....some days i eat less and some days i eat more, but it all nets out in the end.

    i've never had a problem with underfeeding but feeling full...that's generally a sign that your hormones (namely leptin and ghrelin) are whacked out which is why anorexics can claim to feel full on very few calories...conversely, overweight and obese individuals also often have whacked out hormones but it goes the opposite way...they always feel hungry despite eating all the foodz.
  • rhianna818
    rhianna818 Posts: 85 Member
    After being here for 120 days I am finally learning to listen to my body when it comes to hunger better. Previously I couldn't tell anything except SUPER STUFFED. But it was probably bc I didn't know the difference between hungry and not full. If I was no longer full I would eat. That's how I got to 367lbs.

    Now, I eat on a schedule and track my calories, so I know when I should be hungry. I know I am hungry in the morning a few hours after waking up. A few hours later I am hungry again and have a small snack, etc. Eating until full doesn't happen much any more. I feel satisfied but eating isn't what it used to be.
  • electrickazoo
    electrickazoo Posts: 55 Member
    If I actually listen to if I'm hungry or not (not just eating out of habit, boredom, or for some other reason), then it does work for me. The problem is that I apparently don't really listen.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Nope. I rarely ever feel hungry. So if I waited on that I'd eat to little.
  • fireyes
    fireyes Posts: 31 Member
    I am still working on recognizing the difference between being hungry and being thirsty. Sometimes I think I'm hungry but I'm really just dehydrated. Also, if I eat a lot of sugar I will feel hungry way more often. So yeah, definitely still working in it.