Independence Day from the Old You

I've heard many times that it takes 21 days to form a new habit. I want to put this to the test. Here's the deal - I'll log on every day with my report of:

1) Exercise
2) Nutrition
3) New Habit completed

I'm sure most people here would like to form a new habit with exercise or nutrition, if it's in that zone, fine, but it has to be specific and something that will make your life better. Something that will positively influence who YOU are. It can be anything that will have a positive effect on you. The only deal is - you have to check in each day and report. Succeed or fail for that day - you have to check in. Easy right?

21 days until July 4th - and Independence Day for you from the old you. Who's coming with me? What are you going to change?


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    OK, mine is pretty simple - I have slowly allowed diet soda to creep back into my life. It's gone starting tomorrow. My exercise routine is on point, I never miss a workout. Nutritionally, I'm good (except for the diet pop) and have a simple goal.

    I will, for the next 21 days, drink 2 litters of water before I drink anything else. From that point on, un-sugared coffee or tea is fine, but no more sugar (real or fake.) The only exception where I'll allow some fake sugar is in supplements, where I have really no control - whey and shakeology.

    Exercise: StrongLifts B
    Nutrition: Great - pretty perfect numbers today over a 5 hour feeding window
    Goal: no artificial sweeteners, no soda
  • CoachMaritova
    CoachMaritova Posts: 409 Member
    Hey!!! Great Idea!!! I'd like to exercise everyday for 21 days!
  • findingfit23
    findingfit23 Posts: 846 Member
    Great idea! Exercise and Nutrition are already a given for me, I was starting this new goal tomorrow anyway:
    I want to spend 15 minutes each day cleaning/keeping up the house. It really shouldn't get out of control like it does. 15 minutes a day should keep it endlessly sparkling, and make me feel the same way!

    Exercise: 30 min walk, 60 min Jazzercise
    Nutrition: Good - Under calories, but over carbs. Weekends are tough! I love the structure of the week.
    Goal: Cleaned for over an hour today, hopefully I wont have to do that anymore!
  • Jackie_Snape80
    I want to give up my purging habits. It's been almost a week since the last time, and I want to keep it that bad as the temptation may be. I know it's a bad habit, and I know it's bad for my health. I don't know how I let it become such a normal part my life, but it has to has to. :S
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    I'm in. My new habit is cooking my food at home. no more fast food. I'm also going to take on the same route as you steve a lil twisted. 64 oz of water before I touch anything else. my problem is teas and juices.

    It's time to start including a healthy living style physically as well as mentally.

    This is gonna seem sad but i'm gonna also hit the gym 3 times a week minimum no matter how lazy I feel.

    It's time to stop screwing around and I need to do this right.

    Thanks for this steve! :D
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Ok Steve you know im in but i have to think on this one for a little while!!! Exercise is good.... have another 16days of Asylum to go.... Eating is pretty good too but im trying to tweak a few things!!!! As far as a new habit i will have to think on that one, but i did just start this week exfoliating my entire body with Dead Sea Salt.... idk if that counts but it has my skin feeling soooo soft and smooth!!! I will be thinking on this one!!!!
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I'm definitely in too but you knew that ;). My goal is a fresh start. Clean diet, no binges, log everything, and work out 18 days. I'm not going to set a weight loss goal, because if I stick to my other goals, that should happen anyway. I am actually a trainer now, so it's definitely not the right time to let myself fall apart! It's day one, and isn't that kind of exciting?

    Gigi- what type of dead sea salt are you using?
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Jess im using Premier Dead Sea Salt!!! Im getting it on Amazon... soooo much cheaper there!!!
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    Ok, I am in! My habit will not be fitness or diet related, as I have put enough pressure on myself about that at the moment. My goal will be to start studying Japanese again, at least 15 minutes per day. I studied for over 10 years, but since moving to Turkey I have been really slack.

    1) Exercise- yup, shoulders and triceps workout, plus 50 minutes of cardio
    2) Nutrition- not too bad, and under calories, but ı need to pay more attention to my macros and not go over
    3) New habit completed... about 30 minutes writing a Japanese letter :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Hello! Found you! There are some great habits here. Ive been eating really clean through this detox. I want to continue with that but keep my fruit to no more than 3 portions. I am insulin resistant and need to keep sugar really low. Will keep exercise up too!
    Thanks all x
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Mine doesn't have anything to do with fitness unless I'm yelling at Shaun T or Tony on the TV. I want to quit swearing. I cuss like a sailor and my kids are getting bigger and although I am fairly good around them I do lose contol on occassion. I would like to drop this habit so I can be a better parent. Not sure if it's what you had in mind but here I am.
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    Exercise: Hittin the Treadmill tonight. going light as i did a massive hike yesterday. :)

    Nutrition: hit the grocery store this morning spent 1.5 hours shopping for all kinds of natural goodies to crock pot. :) I BOUGHT WHOLE CHICKENS!!

    Goal: 64 oz of water prior to dinner so i can have a beer with dinner. :) Got the Brothers Special Variety pack so i'm lookin forward to my Drifter tonight (light hef) :P. don't worry i plan on doin another 32 after dinner beer. :)
  • jaybaileys
    jaybaileys Posts: 317
    Ok did double kettlebells light day. 5 rounds of swings, snatches, and seasaw presses. I felt really good today even though it was one more round than last week and only 90 seconds rest between sets. Next workout is heavy day Friday when I get home from my trip. Did good so far in the potty mouth department also. Although going to work brings out the trucker, sailor in me, lol.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Day 1 was a great day! My protein was a little low, but I've got a couple hundred cals left and can do a Greek yogurt or something. Since I was teaching my first boot camp class tonight, I ran through the routine twice over the course of the day. Those were each 45 minutes, and class tonight was an hour. Oh, and class was fricking AWEEEESOME!!!
  • tn2010
    tn2010 Posts: 228 Member
    I'm in. I need to get back on point with exercise and really think about my nutrition (it's still okay...but I can feel myself slipping).

    Exercise: Took the 100 push-up initial challenge plus 30 min. on the elliptical.
    Nutrition: Did really well if you don't count the chocolate butter cream frosting I sampled while baking a cake with my son.
    Goal: 15+ minutes of exercise EVERY day.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Hey guys - typing from my phone in this crappy hotel in geneva NY, excuse typos or being kind of short, I can't get wifi and the little keys are driving me nuts already.

    I love the goals I read above, mine is on track through one day, although I drank a butt load of black coffee today.

    2 meals today Noon and 6, with a pretty major carb refeed on my second meal, it's been over a week since my last refeed, so I got a couple hundred grams of carbs in today - the rest of the week will be under 30g a day. Tomorrow is going to be some sort of cardio type group workout on tour. Honestly, for me, I would just assume a rest day, since I'm lifting on Wed morning, but I don't want to discourage a couple newbies from exercising with us.

    1) Nutrition: pretty good - numbers about where I wanted them, carb up with no gluten which is nice and pretty hard to do for me. I did have some ice cream for desert, but it went along with my planned carbs.
    2) Workout: planned rest day
    3) Goals: No diet pop and 2 hours of studying (via Paleo Solution podcast while driving)

    lol - ok, edit* The carb up was mostly gluten free - I forgot about the twix. Well... eh.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Day 1 was a rest day for me from Asylum.... instead of Relief i did X Stretch!!! I like Relief ok but get soooooo much more out of X Stretch!!!! Food was pretty good today and i guess my new habit is going to be a daily dead sea salt exfoliate (makes my skin soooo soft)!!! Tomorrow is suppose to be Speed and Agility but im swapping that out and doing Vert Plyo tomorrow instead and doing Speed and Agility at 5:30am Wednesday Morning!!! Im doing this because i have a hard enough time with Vert Plyo after ive been up a few hours and dont see myself getting straight out of bed and jumping into that much craziness.... Speed and Agility will be crazy enoug!!! ;-)
  • KickassYas
    KickassYas Posts: 397 Member
    ended up doin a hell of a burn today hiking by my friend's house in the same hills where they filmed ET! :) sooo tired and did not get enough cals in but i'll be workin on that from now on too. gotta remember to incorporate fat that is needed :)
  • rachmaree
    rachmaree Posts: 782 Member
    There are some great ideas on here for new habits. Hope everyone is on track.

    1) Nutrition- had a great day, finally started paying attention to my macros
    2) Exercise- nope, as today was a scheduled rest day
    3) New habit completed- yes, another 15 minutes of writing in Japanese. Actually, if I am honest, number 1 is my real goal. I will try to keep up both :)
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Wow we're all off to a great start. Day 1 and 2 were v clean. Kept fruit to 3 pieces and no sweet things. Did kettle bells and intervals yesterday and a 10k and some one legged squats, abs work, press ups and pull ups (assisted) today. Rest day tomorrow.

    Im going to bed soon. Enjoy the rest of your day x